Chapter 32

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Screams echo in my ears as I am back on the Quidditch field. I watch as silvery-white animals erupt from the stands and into the air. As they ascend, someone descends... without their broom. They, thankfully, hit a soft bouncy ground.
"Oh, Harry." Hermione says, running past me. A yellow blur flies by me and Cedric lands in front of me, while looking at Harry.
"Cedric Diggory has caught the snitch! Hufflepuff wins!" Remus comes down from the stands, with me in his arms.
"Professor Lupin!" he shouts, running to him, "is she okay?"
"I'm not sure, Mr. Diggory," Remus replies, giving me to him, "but I have to get Harry. Take her to Madam Pomfrey, quickly." Cedric sprints off with me, and takes spirit me with him. We get to the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey sends Cedric straight into the hall after he puts me down. In his soaking wet and muddy uniform, Cedric paces. Tears smudge his yellow and black face paint as he paces. Remus barges through the entrance with Harry.
"Is she alright?"
"I don't know!" Cedric cries, "I got sent to the hall." Remus runs in with Harry and come back out almost as quickly as Cedric got sent out.
"Is she okay?"
"She going to be okay..." Remus answers him, calmly, "she's tough." He barely finishes that sentence when a scream shakes all of us. Cedric runs at the door, but Remus catches his arm.
"GOLDIE!" Cedric screams, tears still pouring down his face, "please... let me see her!"
"Cedric... Madam Pomfrey is doing all that she can right now."
"What does that mean?" Cedric asks, trying to dampen the tears running down his face.
"She's gonna be okay." Cedric sinks to the floor, smudging the floor and wall with mud.
"But... I told you and Mr. Potter that I would help protect her... and now she's..." He burries his head into his arms.
"This is not your fault," Remus says, "there was nothing anyone could have done." Cedric leans his head, now covered in mud, back to the wall.
"I can't... she can't... she has to be okay." Remus rubs his shoulder, trying to calm the younger man.
"Let me clean you up," he offers, "then I'll go in and see if you can see her." He waves his wand and the mud sets sucked into said wand.
"Thank you, sir."
"If you can go see her... I will excuse you for Defense in the morning so you can sit with her tonight."
"Thank you, sir."

I am back, staring at poor Cedric, who is still very upset.
"He really loves you, Goldie," Mari says, making my head snap to her, "he's a keeper."
"No... he's a seeker, Mari." Mari playfully smacks me and giggles.
"You know what I mean. Actually... Regulus did a very similar thing for me once." I smile at her and she reaches out her hands.
"Let's try this," she says, "Regulus has been teaching me how to do this." I take her hands and we sit down in the middle of the room.

"Has anyone seen Regulus?" Mari asks, walking up to the Slytherin table. This was not a young Mari, but actually a young adult instead.
"Why would a mudblood want to know where Regulus Black is?" one sneers at her.
"Fine... I'll find him myself." She stalks off and finds Snape and two other boys.
"Have you guys seen Regulus?" she asks. Snape sneers and points his wand at her.
"Why are you talking to me?"
"Just because you called Lily a horrible name and now she doesn't want to talk to you doesn't mean that you get to treat me like garbage."
"Take that back," he snarls right back, "keep Lily out of this."
"You've ruined anything you could have had with Lily and now you're trying to get Regulus to do that with me. I'm not stupid, Severus!"
"Sectumsempra." Mari collapses with a ribbon of blood shooting from one of her arms.
"Let's go guys," one of the boys says, "we don't want to be infected with dirty blood." Mari lays there, unconscious.
"Mari?" Regulus asks, running from the castle to her, "Mari, are you alright?" He gets to her and sees all the blood. He picks her up carefully and runs her to the hospital wing.
"Mr. Black?" a young Madam Pomfrey asks, "Miss Evans? What happened?"
"I'm not sure... I just found her outside like this... j-just..." He sets her down and takes his now blood covered robes off. Madam Pomfrey quickly heals the long gash on Mari's arm, which fades from a ruby red to a bright pink instead.
"That should do it," she says, "but I must say... I am not sure why she isn't waking up."
"She's been sick," Regulus tells her, "maybe she's just really exhausted and the pain just made it worse." Madam Pomfrey nods.
"I hope it's that.. she'll be here till she wakes up."
"I'm not leaving her," Regulus says, "she... I can't leave her." He sits himself down besides her and takes her uninjured hand.
"Alright. Tell me when she wakes up."

Mari is back to staring at me.
"I overheard all of this while I was unconscious," she tells me, "when I woke up... he was slumped in his chair fast asleep. I never did tell him what happened. I told him that I didn't remember." I nod.
"Why did Snape do that?"
"Because I was a muggleborn... back in your mum and I's day that kind of thing was a one way ticket to bullying."
"That's horrible."
"Yes... but times have changed, mostly."
"Snape is still a prick." I was shocked with my language, "but I think he's grown a little... he just hates children now."
"Shouldn't be a teacher then... anyways, you should wake up and give that poor boy some peace of mind." I nod and slip right back into my body.

Sadly, I am back to not being able to see at all, but I can feel Cedric's tears on my arm and his hair tickling my hand.

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