Chapter 35

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I am almost completely done with all my make up work from Remus when I hear very angry footsteps trying to come up the girl's steps. I then hear them fall down to the bottom, which makes me laugh.
"I THOUGHT YOU WEREN'T GONNA TALK TO ME!" He screams in anger and I just roll my eyes again, glad that I had won. I finish up my work just as Ara, Ginny, and Heather walk in.
"Hello," I say to them, and all three of them just stare at me.
"I didn't realize that you got out today," Ginny says, "or else we would have invited you." I smile.
"It's alright," I tell them, "I had work to do... and I bothered Harry while you were gone."
"No wonder some of those first years looked so scared when we got in," Ara says, giggling, "what did he do?" I shut my book and move so that I am looking at them.
"He tried to sneak out of the castle to get to Hogsmeade, but I got him in trouble," I tell them, "he's pissed."
"I bet," Ginny says, "I hear him almost everyday complain about he doesn't get to go to Hogsmeade. It's kind of ridiculous." I nod.
"He's gonna have to get over it," I continue, "or else he won't have anyone to help him with homework."
"Won't Hermione help him?"
"Not once she's heard about this," I reply, "she'll be on my side... Ron probably won't be, but he won't be any help." Ginny and Heather laugh.
"Well, it's almost time for dinner," Ara says, "and everyone should be back, so you can catch Hermione before Harry gets to her." I laugh and we go down to the Great Hall.

"Hermoine!" Ginny calls as she walks into views, "come here!" Hermione walks right over to us, with Ron following quickly behind her.
"You'll never guess what Harry did while you were gone," Ara whispers.
"Considering we saw him get caught, I'd say she might," Ron tells us, "did you snitch, Goldie?"
"Obviously," I reply, "it was reckless... and stupid." Ron rolls his eyes, but Hermione smiles.
"I agree," she says, "I wouldn't have had the guts to tell though."
"I'm his sister," I tell her, "it's kind of my job." Hermoine laughs.
"Well, I'll be right back," she says, "I need to take this coat off before dinner. Then I'll come and tell you all about the week." Her and Ron leave. I see Cedric with his friends and I smile.
"So, you do know that your boy sat beside your hospital bed almost the whole time you were in there?" Ara asks, "I had to kick him out a couple times and make him go eat."
"I know," I reply, "thank you... for making him eat."
"Of course. I'd feel bad if something happened to the fella. He's better than I give him credit for." I laugh as said boy starts to walk over us.
"Hey, Goldie!" he says, happily, "officially out for good?"
"I hope so," I answer, "how was Hogsmeade?"
"It was alright," he replies, "I brought you something." He pulls out a couple Sugar Quills and two chocolate bars.
"Thanks, Ced," I tell him, taking them from him and getting up to give him a hug.
"Madam Pomfrey said chocolate fights against the dementor's effects," he whispers to me, "and the sugar quills are just your favorites." I smile, surprised that he knew that. Pure sugar was the way to go.
"You're so sweet," I tell him, "now go hang out with the friend that I hear you were neglecting while I was out." He blushes.
"They didn't mind... and I spent almost all afternoon with them in Hogsmeade."
"Cedric... You can hang with them for a little. I'll see you after dinner?" He nods and hugs me again.
"I've still got a reward to collect for winning," he whispers, making me blush. He waves to the girls before going to his friend.
"Man, he must have said something good, cause you're face looks like a brick." Ara tease, as I sit back down.
"He's such a flirt," I tell her.
"But you love him," Ginny whispers to me.
Yeah... I do.

All of dinner, Harry sends me dirty looks from the other side of the table. I send them right back, as Hermione talks about all the homework I was going to have.
"I already finished the Defense work," I tell her, "and I'm not to concerned for Transfiguration... or Potions."
"Well, considering that you're Snape's favorite, you probably won't have to do it," Heather cuts in. Hermione nods.
"That's not why, but okay."
"Charms wasn't hard either," she continues, "we just worked on 'Lumos Maxima'."
"That won't be hard... I already know that anyways."
"Care of Magical Creatures was just those awful things. Divinations was stupid, per usually. Arithmacy was book work."
"Cool, so I shouldn't have much."
"You could probably knock it all out in one night, as long as no one piles on more."

After dinner I run to find Cedric. He finds me first and swoops me off my feet and runs outside.
"Let me down!" I shout at him, "Ced..." He sets me down in front of the lake and grabs my hand. He kneels down a little and kisses my cheek.
"I saw you sending Harry looks," he says, "what's up?"
"I told Professor Lupin that Harry snuck out to Hogsmeade," I reply, "I-... Harry doesn't realize how dangerous our situation is. I just wanted him to be safe." Cedric nods and squeezes my hand.
"I understand... he's really mad about that?"
"Yeah... he scared all the poor first years when he got back. He screamed from the bottom of the stairs at me." He chuckles.
"I'm so happy you're awake," he says, after a while of quietness, "I... I didn't know if you were even going to wake up."
"But here I am," I tell him, "and I'm not going anywhere." He smiles and hugs me tightly to himself.
"I love you, Goldie," he whispers, "so, so much."
"I love you too, Cedric. You're the best guy and girl could ask for." He chuckles and throws me up so that my legs are around his waist.
"How about that kiss?" I smile and press my lips to his. I move my hands to his hair and run my fingers through it. He bites my bottom lip and I giggle and press my lips to his harder. He breaks the kiss and then bites his lip. I sneak another quick kiss before he sets me down.
"Let's get you back to your common room."

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