Chapter 40

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After a nice calming breakfast, a not so calming morning follows. Dad takes me up to Dumbledore's office where Sirius, Remus, McGonagall, and some other auror are waiting to talk to me.  Dad stands behind me, with his hands on my shoulders.
"Hello, Miss Potter," Dumbledore says, causing everyone else to look up, "James, it's good to see you again."
"You too, Albus. I do wish it was under different circumstances."
"You know these people, don't you Goldie?" I look up at me dad and slowly shake my head.
"That's Kingsley," Dad says, "he works with me and Uncle Sirius at the Ministry."
"Okay... then yes, sir... I know everyone, somewhat."
"We've just got a couple questions, Goldie," Kingsley tells me, his deep voice startling me, "we thought that having me ask them, so your family didn't somehow get connected to this... event." I nod, slowly and Dad squeezes my shoulders.
"What did he do to you?" Everyone stares at me, causing my face to turn red and body shake.
"Please... Goldie, if it's to much to think about, we can do this later," Remus says, getting up from his chair and kneeling in front of me.
"No!" I say, "I... I don't want to think about it after today. This is going to be the end of it. I'll answer your questions, Mr. Kingsley." Kingsley nods, while Remus rubs my shoulders and moves to take his place besides my father.
"You can take breaks if you need." I nod and take a deep breath.
"He... I'm not quite sure what he did. He grabbed me from the corridor and into a passageway. Then he... put a hand over my mouth and pressed his wand to my forehead. Then he talked for a while before mumbling something. Blood dripped from my forehead after that. He also did something to my nose, but it was nonverbal. Umm... he... he threatened to, umm... slit my throat." Dad's hands tighten around my shoulders and Remus grabs my hand.
"What did he say when he first grabbed you?"
"He talked about Harry. He w-watched him in the passageways..." I say, tears coming to my eyes, "Then he told me he was going to kill me. That... squirming wasn't going to help. He had a plan to make it look like an accident, so you wouldn't think it was him. He wanted to send you a message, Dad." Dad tenses behind me.
"Did he do anything after... um, threatening you?"
"He slit my collar bone instead. Then he... pushed me down the stairs. McGonagall found me after that." Everyone nods and Remus rubs my arm.
"Thank you, Marigold," Kingsley says, "Sirius... did you get all that?" I look at Sirius but my eyes find someone behind him.
"I got all of it," Sirius answers, "you alright, Goldie? You look like you've seen a ghost." I shake my head.
"I'm alright... Dad? I think, if I'm done here... I might benefit from a quick nap."
"You're alright, Goldie," McGonagall says, "we might call you again sometime. Remus, would you take her back to the common room."
"Of course," Remus says, trying to pry Dad's fingers from my shoulder, "James, you've gotta stay here and do your job... and let go." He lets go of my shoulders and kisses my cheek.
"I'll see you later... before I leave, probably." I nod and smile at him. Remus takes my hand and I send one more look over to Sirius. Regulus stares back at me before disappearing once again.
"Come on," he says, "they've got a lot of work to do." We get into the hall way before I ask Remus to go to his office first. He agrees and we go to his office. I shut the door softly and turn to face him.
Ask him about what Harry said... No... find Regulus first.
"Sorry, I just wanted to get out of there," I tell him, "I'm guessing that until Pettigrew gets found I'm going to be escorted around the castle like a princess?" Remus frowns.
"You aren't to be left alone," he replies, "all your friends... and your boyfriend know."
"To be fair, I am very rarely alone," I tell him, "but I understand the safety concern."
"Is there anything else? I, sadly, do have to get back and help." I sigh, but nod anyways.
"Alright, I've got homework, so the common room will be fine."

"Regulus!" I shout, as soon as I get into the spirit realm. He is not there, but I was not expecting him to be. I run from the common room and straight to Dumbledore's office.
"Regulus!" I shout, as I climb the stairs, "Regulus!" He pops his head out from the door and startles me.
"I saw you... like not in the spirit realm," I tell him, pulling him all the way out of the office, "I thought that you meant you needed something."
"Sirius is here," he says, "he needs to know the truth." I look at him, sadness lacing his features.
"How are we..."
"You did it with Dumbledore and Mari," he says.
"Only for a second... then I passed out. I don't think you... you could get everything out before I..."
"I have more energy than Mari," Regulus pleads, " And I think I've figured out some idea of what energy might be."
"What is it then, Regulus?"
"Large emotions charge your energy," he says, "or at least, I think. You often have large emotions, so it would make sense that you usually have a lot of energy." I look up at him, trying to stand my ground. Tears pool in his eyes and I cave.
"Alright, I guess I did just have some really emotional hours," I say, "I'll do my best, but I'll have to try to get Sirius alone, right?"
"Yes please," he whines, "Thank you, Golds."
"Yeah, yeah... I'm a sucker for your teary eyes." Regulus smirks and kisses my cheek before hugging me tightly.
"Just follow him around and I'll try my best."

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