Chapter 34

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After a full round of potions and nonstop surveillance, I finally get to leave the hospital wing. Mum and Dad help me up to the common room before they leave. We get to the Fat Lady and Dad hugs me tightly.
"Are you sure you have to leave?" I ask him, quietly, as he tucks some of my hair behind my ear away from my face.
"It'll be okay," he says, "just don't go falling off anymore tall buildings." I shake my head at him and he chuckles at me.
"I won't," I tell him, "as long as you promise to be safe as well."
"I'm always safe." Mum giggles and pries me from Dad's grip.
"It's not a joke, Goldie," she tells me, "and if you need anything just ask Professor McGonagall. She has offered to help you with what ever you need." I nod.
"Thanks for coming," I tell them, "sorry I gave you both a heart attack." They both laugh and give me a group hug.
"It was nice to see you though," Dad says, "Even though you were asleep for most of it." I laugh and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I love you, Dad," I tell him, "Be safe."
"I love you too, Golds," he tells me, "I'll be safe as long as you promise to be safe."
"I promise," I tell him, as he lets me go and Mum hugs me.
"Love you, Golds," she says.
"Love you too, Mum."

I get into the common room, where Harry is waiting for me.
"Where is everybody?" I ask.
"Hogsmeade," Harry grumbles, "Dad was even here and I even asked nicely, but no, it's so dangerous." I roll my eyes and sit down by the fireplace.
"We'll be able to go soon enough," I tell him, "it gives you time to work on homework."
"No," Harry replies, sitting down besides me, "I've got the answer to all of my problems."
"All of them?" I asks, snarkily, earning a swift smack in the leg.
"Shut up and look at this," Harry pulls out a blank piece of parchment and sets it on the table.
"Oh good! You are going to do your homework!" I say, "That would certainly fix a lot of your problems."
"Would you quit it?" he snaps, "You've gotta let me finish! Just... watch. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." With that, ink seeps onto the paper and starts to form words.
Messiers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present the Marauder's Map.
"Holy mother of Merlin!" I curse taking the map from off the table, "Harry! This... this was Dad's! Him, Uncle Sirius, and Uncle Remus made it while they were at Hogwarts! Godric... we've gotta show Uncle Remus!"
"NO!" Harry shouts, taking it back from me, "He'll take it from me! We've gotta use it to get to Hogsmeade!"
"But, Harry! Mum and Dad haven't signed our forms! We can't go to Hogsmeade!"
"That's why I've got the map, stupid! With this and the cloak, we should be able to get there easily... if you want to come?"
"But, Harry! Not only is that against the rules, but it's also super dangerous!" Harry scoffs and gets up.
"Then don't come!" I pop up and follow after him.
"Harry... I'm serious!" He violently swings open the portrait and then slams it in my face. I open it, now just as angry as he was and follow after him.
"If you aren't coming, then leave me alone!"
"Gosh darn it, Harry James! This is not a good idea! Please don't make me..."
"If you rat me out to a teacher, I'm never going to talk to you ever again!"
"Harry, you have to understand how dangerous this is!" Harry spins and points his wand at me.
"I'm going and you can't stop me!"
"Fine! But I did warn you!" With that we go our separate ways, each knowing exactly what the other was doing.

"Hey, Uncle Remus?" I ask, knocking on his office door.
"Come in, Golds," Remus replies, sweetly. I open the door slowly and see him grading.
"You seem busy," I say, starting to second guess my actions.
"I'm never to busy for a student," he answers, "let alone my niece. How are you feeling, I haven't seen you since you first woke up."
"I'm feeling better," I answer, slowly, "more like myself at least. I'm ready to start up on my make up work, but Madam Pomfrey told me to give it a day or two." Remus chuckles.
"She doesn't want you to push yourself to hard," he says, "now what do I actually own the pleasure of seeing you outside of class? I'm guessing it wasn't just to check up."
"Umm... you know that map that Dad and Uncle Sirius like to brag about you guys making during your years at Hogwarts?"
"Yes, the Marauders Map," Remus replies, "our major accomplishment during Hogwarts. Yes, I know what you're talking about."
"If I knew... where it was you would want to see it, right?"
"Yes... it could be highly dangerous if it got into the wrong hands. But you would tell me if you knew where it was wouldn't you."
"Yep! I don't know where it is," I tell him, "I knew where it was... say ten minutes ago, but now I have no idea."
"What does that mean?" he asks, setting his grading aside, "Does someone have the map? Are they using it right now."
"How many secret passages out of the castle are there on the map?"
"Seven... why?"
"Does one of them lead straight to Hogsmeade?"
"One of them goes straight to the cellar of Honeydukes," Remus replies, "WHY?"
"It might be there... or somewhere near by."
"Do I even have to ask who has it?"
"I think you already know..." I smile anxiously and he shakes his head at me.
"You and him are like perfect copies of your parents. James off doing something stupid that might get him killed and Lily going to tell a teacher."
"If there wasn't a mass murderer out on the loose to kill the both of us, I wouldn't have been so quick to tell. But what he is doing is very dangerous." Remus nods.
"I don't disagree. I'll find him, don't worry."
"Thank you, Uncle Remus... you also might have to protect me afterwards. He might kill me."
"Just go rest, Marigold. I'll even send you some make up work, as long as you don't tell Poppy. Now she might kill me if she catches wind of that." He hands me a piece of parchment with all of my missing assignments on it.
"Thank you... I'll sit up in my dorm room, making no noise and pretending I don't exist." Remus chuckles and gets up with me to go find Harry.

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