Chapter 22

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"So what are you two going to do tonight?" Heather asks as I sit down with them.
"We're just gonna have dinner, maybe walk around the lake a little bit," I tell them, "I'm not great with making plans, but I try." The girls all giggle and smile.
"I'm sure that'll be wonderful, Goldie," Ginny says, "you guys are so cute together." I shake my head in discomfort and giggle.
"Minnie's on the way," Ara whispers, making all of us turn and look at our emerald clothed professor. She smiles to us as she hands Harry, Ron, and Hermione their schedule.
"Good morning, girls," McGonagall greets as she strides over to us, "I hope you all had a wonderful summer." We all nod and smile. "And got rid of any and all wish of reckless adventures." Ginny and my face turn red while Ara and Heather laugh.
"Now, Professor... We both know that reckless adventure is a very prominent trait of us Gryffindors," Ara teases, earning a small smirk from the Professor.
"Of course, Miss Malfoy. And I do believe we both know that you spend too much of you summer with James Potter." I cover a giggle with my hand as McGonagall winks at me.
"How was your summer, Professor?" Heather asks, as Ara's hair starts to change black from the roots.
"It was fine, Miss Issac... had a bit more grading than usual, though." I lower my gaze to my hands and Ara laugh.
"Sorry," I mumble, before McGonagall chuckles.
"No need to be sorry, deary!" she says, "What you succeeded was exeptional! And the first person to do it was in my house! Oh, any who... here are all of your schedules. Miss Potter, if you could... I wish to speak with you before class today."
"I've already eaten, so... could we talk now?"
"That would be perfect," she replies, "Bring your stuff. Your first class is with me." I nod and grab my bag and follow after McGonagall.
"Is there something wrong?" I ask her as we start the climb up the Grand Staircase, "is this about what happened on the train?"
"That will be a talking point," she replies, "The Headmaster should pop in while we're talking as well. He's the mastermind of this whole idea." I wring my hands for the rest of the way to her office.
"Take a seat, Miss Potter," McGonagall says, as she takes a seat at her own desk. I set my stuff down on a desk and sit down in a chair in front of her desk.
"As we both know," McGonagall starts, "you skipped a whole year at Hogwarts. This is a major accomplishment as you know. The Headmaster has told me that he thinks that you would excel with some advanced one on one teaching. Professor Dumbledore and I will be your primary teachers for this, but others might fill in once in a while. He also told me about something interesting you can do." I blink a couple times, slowly taking in all the information.
"Okay..." I say, still trying to fully understand the info dump, "So, I'm going to have extra classes?"
"Well... no, but kind of. You will not be graded, but the Headmaster wants to see how far your knowledge can go. Certain lessons are hopefully going to help you with your... power." I inhale sharply.
"He told you about that?" I whisper, biting my lip.
"Kind of. He told me you have a special ability that he wants to help you learn about. That what his lessons will be for. I presume you aren't an animagus then, because then I would be the expert in that." I nod.
"Would it be everyday?"
"No, why don't I write it on your schedule?"

Marigold Potter's Third Year Schedule
Monday: Charms (8:30-9:30) // Arithmancy (10:15-11:15) // Divination (10:15-11:15) //            Transfiguration (13:00-14:00) // Defense Against the Dark Arts (14:45-15:45)

Tuesday: History of Magic (8:30-9:30) // Ancient Runes (10:15-11:15) // Defense Against the Dark Arts (13:00-14:00) // Herbology (14:45-15:45) // Potions (16:30-17:30)

Wednesday: Herbology (8:30-9:30) // Care of Magical Creatures (10:15-11:15) // History of Magic (13:00-14:00) // Astronomy (20:30-21:30) ~every other week~  Weeks when you do not have Astronomy meet with Professor McGonagall at 7:00-8:00

Thursday: Potions (8:30-9:30) // Divination (10:15-11:15) // Arithmancy (10:15-11:15) //  Herbology (13:00-14:00) // Transfiguration (14:45-15:45) // Defense Against the Dark Arts (14:45-15:45)

Friday: Transfiguration (8:30-9:30) // Care of Magical Creatures (10:15-11:15) // Ancient Runes (10:15-11:15) // Charms (13:00-14:00) // Potion (14:45-15:45)

Saturday: Astronomy (12:00-1:00) ~every other week~ // History of Magic (9:30-10:30) // Charms (11:15-12:15) Weeks when you do not have Astronomy meet with Professor Dumbledore at 8:00-9:00

"That will be fine," I say, "is that all?"
"No... as you see on your schedule that you are signed up for four electives." I look through my schedule again and nod.
"Yeah... I didn't sign up for Ancient Runes or Divination," I tell her, "I thought you could only do two." She chuckles.
"Usually you can't, but this is a special case. Professor Dumbledore wants you to take all four of them."
"But... h-how am I going to get to them all?"
"You and Miss Granger are going to have to share a Time Turner," McGonagall answers, "she already has it in her possession. She knows you'll be sharing it with you."
"Can't Time Turners be dangerous?"
"If you don't know what to do with them," she says, "but the rules are simple. Do not be seen with your self and just try to not stand out in the corridors to long."
"Good, good," Dumbledore interrupts me, "thank you, Minerva. Miss Potter, it's good to see you again."
"You too, Professor," I reply, "what is it that you'd like to talk to me about?" A spark lights in Dumbledore's eye and he smiles.
"Well, I am rather interested in the thing that you showed me during your exams. I-..."
"Oh for Merlin sake, Albus!" McGonagall says, getting up from her desk, "If you want me out you just have to say."
"I didn't want to give out information that is not ready to be shared." I swallow and look at McGonagall.
"You can tell her, Professor." Dumbledore smile.
"Sit down, Minerva," he says.

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