Chapter 11

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After Dad and Uncle Sirius left, Mum tried to cheer me up by having me open presents. Remus sits my down on the couch, before leaving to get presents. Everyone comes back with at least one box in their hands. My face turns pink as they set them down in front of me.
"Open mine first!" Evie shouts, "You're really gonna like them!" I smile and pick up the oddly wrapped box. Two leather bond notebooks are set nicely in the middle of Hershey kisses.
"Awww, Evie," I say, "Thanks! These are so cute." She smiles and hugs me.
"Mum and I saw them in Diagon Alley and I had to get them for you." I smile again and Remus hands me another box.
"These will go along nicely with those," he says, setting the heavy box on my lap. I unwrap it and unveil a few muggle pens and some inkwells in multiple colors.
"I've never seen multiple colored inks before," I say, picking them out, "thank you so much, Uncle Remus."
"You're very welcome, Golds!" Harry sheepishly hands me two rectangle objects wrapped in yellow paper. I open the first, which is an Advanced Potions book. I smile and slowly crack open the hardbound cover.
"Golds," Mum says, "Finish first, please. Then we can go looking through that." I nod and look at Harry. He smiles back at me and nods. I open the second one and find a Charms and Transfiguration book.
"Thanks Harry!" I say, "I'll put them to good use at Hogwarts." Harry nods and whispers something to Mum.
"Yes, you may." He gets up and walks briskly up the stairs. Remus looks at Mum, slightly confused.
"Off to owl Ron and Hermione, I'm sure," she answers, "Keep going, Golds. Open Dad and mine next." She hands me multiple soft parcels and pats my leg. I unwrap the first one, a mustard sweater falls into my lap. The second is a black jean skirt that would probably go down to my knees. The third is a t-shirt with GRYFFINDOR embroidered across the chest. The fourth is a pair of long light blue jeans with flower embroidered on the pockets and cuffs.
"These are so cute!" I shout, hovering my fingers over the flowers, "where did you get them?"
"They're from a little shop in Diagon Alley," she answers, "it's called Clothes and Flowers. Dad went in to get my dress altered for work. You know that he has a bit of a spending problem. The fifth thing is from there as well." I unwrap the fifth one, finding a light green dress with flowers laced up the sides.
"He's got good taste," I say, laying it across my lap. I open the gifts from the Weasleys. Fred and George sent me a book on anti prank spell book, that they made themselves. It worried me slightly. Mrs. Weasley sent me a golden yellow blanket. I press it to my face to feel how soft it is. Ara hands me another small box.
"I've already gotten your gifts," I tell her, "You didn't need to get me this much." Ara shakes her head and smiles.
"It's from Cedric," she tells me, "he didn't want to give it to you while he was here, because he was nervous about it." I chuckle and open the small box. A crystal necklace lays on top of tissue paper. The crystal is a swirling purple mixed with silver as I pick it up. The tissue paper flies out and a piece of parchment is at the bottom. I look at the crystal again, and the purple seems lighter.
"Read the note!" Ara exclaims, "it's really adorable." I unfold the parchment and read.

Happy Birthday, love. Sorry that I did not give it to while I was there, but I got to nervous and gave it to Ara to give to you. I'll explain it to you. This crystal on the necklace is magically connected to the one I have. Once you put the necklace around your neck, I will be able to see colors on my crystal. The color of the crystal depends on your mood. At the end of this note, I will write down what they all mean. Most times there will be a swirl of colors.. that just means I am feeling more that one emotion at once. I hope you like it... I will see you at Diagon Alley next week.

I loop the necklace over my aunt's necklace and smile as the necklace has a little bit of yellow swirling in the purple. I look farther down the note and read;

Pink ~ Love/Attraction
Red ~ Anger
Orange ~ Confident
Yellow ~ Happy
Green ~ Jealousy
Teal ~Embarrassment
Blue ~ Sadness
Purple ~ Anxiety/Fear
White ~ Amazement/Excitement
Silver ~ Stressed
Black ~ Hatred
Brown ~ Disguise
Clear ~ Off/no emotion

I watch as the crystal on my necklace turns yellow with swirls of pink and silver.
"I love it," I say, wishing Cedric could hear me, "I have to write a thank you to him!" I get up to rush off, but Remus grabs me around the waist and pulls me into his lap.
"I've got one more thing to tell you," he whispers, "I know who your new Defense teacher is." Ara gasps and I spin in his lap and look at him.
"Who?" she asks, as a large smile on his face quickly appearing.
"Me!" I squeal and hug him tightly.
"That's awesome, Uncle Remus!" I shout, "That's so cool... you'll be at Hogwarts with us all year!" He chuckles and squeezes me back.
"Alright, go write the boy." I squeeze him again before running up to my room. I do not get high enough to not here.
"Just like James was with you," Remus tells Mum, "Whenever you'd talk to him... he got so excited." I hear Mum chuckle as I get up to my room. I pull out a piece of parchment and a quill with some ink. I write;

Dear Cedric,
Thank you so much for the necklace! It is so cool. Did you buy it? If so where? I love it so much! It makes me feel like you're here with me almost.
I do have something serious to talk to you about. If you have not heard, Peter Pettigrew escaped from Azkaban. I do not know how much is put in the Prophet, but I really need to get this off my chest and I think you should know. He's after Harry and I. Like to kill us. My dad and Uncle Sirius have left to go after him. I am actually really scared about it. We have had threats from Death Eaters, but it has been years since we have. I also was not old enough to really understand. It is probably stupid to be so worried about it, since Dad is out finding him, but I cannot help it. I know you cannot do much about it, but I wanted to tell you.
Good news... Uncle Remus is going to be our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am so excited. I would not be surprised if he is coming to teach us because Pettigrew escaped. As some sort of extra watch, since he, Uncle Sirius, Dad and him were friends at Hogwarts.
Thank you so much again for the necklace. I miss you already and cannot wait to see you next week.
Love, Goldie

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