Chapter 12

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I fidget with my new necklace as we eat dinner. The mesmerizing purple and yellow almost distracting me from eating. Small taps on the window cause me to drop my necklace and go to the window. An owl, with three letters is sat at the window sill. I let it in and give it a few pieces of food. It nuzzles me before flying off.
"I think the Hogwarts letters are here!" I shout, flipping over the first one and reading, 'Mr. Harry Potter'. I hand it to Harry and Ara's to her. I sit back down and unseal the letter.

Dear Miss Marigold Potter,
  Please note that the new school year will be begin on September the first. The Hogwarts Express will leave Platform Nine and Three-quarters at eleven o'clock.
  Third years are permitted to visit the village of Hogsmeade at certain weekends. Please give the enclosed permission form to your parent or guardian to sign.
  A list of books for next year is enclosed.
Yours sincerely
  Professor McGonagall

"Hey, Mum," I ask, "When are we going to Diagon Alley?"
"Probably next Tuesday," she answers, "Why?"
"Cause Cedric wanted to see me again before Hogwarts and said he'd see me at Diagon Alley, so I'd like to tell him when we're going." Mum smiles.
"Can you sign my Hogsmeade form?" Harry asks, cutting Mum off.
"Im not sure, Harry," she replies, "I don't think I'd be safe for you to be wandering Hogsmeade. But I promise as soon as Pettigrew is caught, I'll sign it." Harry sighs and leaves the table.
"He's grumpy," Ara teases, as Harry stomps up the stairs.

Next Tuesday could not have come any faster. I could tell when Cedric got my letter, because my necklace turned a fiery orange before fading into a bright yellow. Ara and I hung out around the house, mostly at the pond. Harry sulked about not being able to see his friend and mostly stayed in his room. Evie continued to try to cheer up Harry, but after a while just came and hung out with us.
On Tuesday, Ara and I both are up before anyone else in the house. We go down stairs and started breakfast. I threw some bread into the toaster just as Remus appears in the door way.
"You two are certainly excited," he says, "what are we making?"
"Toast and eggs," Ara answers, "we were gonna cut some fruit too."
"I'll help you," he says, pulling some strawberries and pineapple from the fridge. Once breakfast was all ready, Ara and I go up stairs to walk up the rest of our family.
"Mum?" I ask, "We made breakfast.. it's time to get up!" Mum is actually up when I open the door, brushing out her hair.
"I'll be down in a moment, flower," she tells me, "go wake your siblings." I walk up the stairs and Evie runs down past me.
"HARRY!" Ara shouts, "BREAKFAST IS READY!" I can hear Harry groan from the other end of the hall.
"Alright, alright," Harry shouts back, "I'll be down in a moment." Ara runs to go back down with me. Mum, Remus, and Everlyn are all sitting at the table, with the assortment of toast, fruit, and eggs around the table. Ara and I sit down and start eating. We sit there in silence for a few minutes, before Harry comes and sits with us.
"Harry, love?" Mum asks, obviously trying to be calm, "When was the last time you showered?" Harry shrugs, and grabs a piece of toast.
"Last week, I guess... But I haven't been doing anything, so I don't see why it should matter." Mum sighs.
"We are going out today," she says, "please shower." Harry rolls her eyes and I roll my own at him. After Harry finishes his breakfast and goes back upstairs to shower.
"What up his butt?" Evie asks, putting his plate on top of hers. Mum shoots her a glare.
"He's just upset that his dad is gone," she answers, "it's boy stuff." I look at Ara with a 'Are you kidding me?' look. She snorts and takes her plate to the kitchen.
"Goldie? Please be nice to your brother," Remus whispers, as I get up to do the same. I smile at him, innocently.
"Of course, Uncle Remus." Ara and I go upstairs to our rooms and we get ready.
"He's upset... Merlin beard!" I scoff, as I button up my shirt, "he left on my birthday." Ara nods and pats my shoulder.
"Who knows, Goldie... I guess we should be nice though. But look on the bright side, you're gonna see Cedric." I smile and buckle my sandals. We go back downstairs and sit while everyone else gets ready.

As we walk into the Leaky Cauldron, we see a large redheaded family with one frizzy haired girl in the middle.
"Harry!" Ron shouts, "Oh, shove off, George!" Hermione and he walk over to Harry, making him smile. They hug and Hermione ruffles his hair.
"Hey guys... Are you staying with the Weasleys', Hermione?" Hermione nods and smiles at Ara and I.
"My parents went on a trip to America, but aren't gonna get back until after term starts." Ginny runs over to Ara and I and hugs us both.
"Mum said we have to stay in groups," she tells us, "Heather and Rachel are meeting us at Flourish and Bolts at two. I heard a certain boy is meeting us there too." I nod.
"The poor boy is going to have to spend his afternoon with a group of girl," Mum says, "But, I do agree with Mol-... Mrs. Weasley. You all need to stick together, preferably with an adult." The three of us nod.
"Where should we go first?" Mum asks.
"After Gringotts, we should get quills and parchment..." Ara starts, "then get some extra uniform stuff. Then, Midnight needs more food. Then after that, it should be almost two." We all agree to her plan, the whole group heads to Gringotts.

At exactly two we head to Flourish and Bolts. I force myself to not skip all the way there, instead walking like a normal person with everyone else. We get into the bookstore and immediately see Heather and Rachel. Ginny and Ara run to hug them.
"Hey!" Heather shouts, "oh my gosh... I'm so excited to get back at Hogwarts!"
"Oh, Merlin! Me too!" Ara exclaims, "We've been locked up in the house for the last week and I can't wait to get out more."
"So Goldie... where's your boy?"
"Um... okay. First, he is not my boy," I say, "Second... I don't know, maybe just running late." The girls all giggle and point. I look down at my necklace, pink, yellow, and white swirling in the gem.
"Not 'my boy'," Cedric teases, as he wraps his arms around me, "but you're my girl." He hums 'My Girl' in my ear as my face turns bright red.
"Hi, Cedric," I whisper, as I turn to face him. I notice his necklace, which is a swirling teal and yellow. All the girls continue to giggle. He leans closer to me and whispers,
"I'll be your boy anytime." I bury my tomato red face into his shirt, trying to hide it from everyone else.
"Oh, Cedric! Stop pestering the poor girl," a woman scorns.
"Sorry, Mum." I look up and smile at the woman besides Cedric.
"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Diggory," I say, reaching out my hand to her. She shakes it and turns over her shoulder.
"Amos, love! Come here!" A slightly balding man comes over and rests a hand on her shoulder.
"Yes, dear?"
"This is Goldie," Cedric steps in, smiling at the two adults. Mr. Diggory shakes my hand as well.
"You've got a great guy, my girl."
"Dad.." Bright teal emanats from my necklace, which makes me giggle.
"You're my son, Cedric. I'm allowed to build you up some." Cedric's face turns pink and I giggle.
"Well... we'll leave you two. It was nice to meet you, Miss Potter."
"You as well," I respond, "And, call me Goldie." They walk over and start talking to Mum.
"So, what are we doing today?" Cedric asks, smirking at my still red face.
"Well... um, my mom said we had to stick together as a group. So you'll have to stick with...-"
"US!" Ara and Heather shout." Cedric laughs as the girl crowd around us.
"That's totally fine," he says, putting his arm around my shoulders.
"Well, that's good, cause you're stuck." We walk around the bookstore, as the girls ask Cedric about his summer.

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