Chapter 7

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Cedric's hand stayed firmly intertwined with mine our entire walk. The whole walk, he squeezed my hand and rubs the outside of my hand.
"What extra classes are you taking?"
"Care of Magical Creatures and Arithmancy," I say, "I thought about Divination, but it seems boring."
"That was a good choice.. Divination is not the most fun class." I giggle and we turn the corner into the little town.
"You still haven't told me where we're going!" I whine, as we pass a cafe and a few other buildings.
"We're going to the bookstore, love. I thought we could get a book to read. Together." I smile and pull him into the bookstore.
"Please don't pick out an obnoxiously large book, please," Cedric pleads. I smirk, determined to fine a big book.
"What about this one?" I ask, pulling out The Full Collection of Sherlock Holmes. Cedric looks like he wants to smack either himself or me.
"That's gigantic!" he complains, as I giggle and put it back. My fingers brush across the shelves as I try to find and interesting book. I find The Odyssey and The Iliad and pull it out for Cedric.
"It's technically two books," I tell him, as I read the back, "how about this one?" I hand it to him and he smiles.
"This one looks good!" I laugh and turn the book around so he can read the back.
"You didn't even read the back, Cedric." He smiles.
"Your eyes lit up while you were reading the back. It was adorable... we're getting this one." He grabs another copy and we go to the register.
"Cedric.. you're reading this book too. I want you to enjoy it."
"I'll enjoy it because you enjoy it." I smile and shake my head.
"You're so cheesy." He smiles and scrunches his nose.
"You love it." He pays for both the books and we start back home. I open my book as we walk, which makes Cedric laugh.
"Am I going to have to take that back?" He teases and ruffles my hair. I shake my head and give it back to him.
"What are we going to do now?" Cedric carefully puts my book back in the bag.
"We're going swimming." I smile and take his hand again.
"Let me guess.. my siblings are swimming with us." I joke, which makes his chuckle.
"Yeah." We talk about his summer the rest of the walk home.

"Hey, Cedric! Watch me, watch me!" Evie shouts, running off the barn roof. Cedric laughs as Evie dives into the water.
"That looks fun!" he exclaims, squeezing my hand. His excitement warms my heart.
"Be my guest," I tell him, as Harry jumps right after Evie. Cedric gives me a quick squeeze before climbing out of the pond. I climb onto the dock to watch. Ara comes and sits next to me.
"You havin' a good day?" she asks, as Evie shows Cedric how to get up on the roof.
"Yeah, thanks for planning it."
"Of course," she says, "you needed some fun.. but hopefully not to much fun." She whispers the last part and winks. I shake her head and shove her close to the edge of the dock.
"Goldie! Goldie!" Cedric shouts, standing up on the roof. I smile at him and he jumps off the roof. His splash hits Ara and I, which makes us both laugh.
"How'd I do?" Cedric shouts to Evie.
"Your form was a little off," she replies, "but the splash was good." Cedric and I both laugh, and Cedric swims over to me.
"How do you think I did?" he asks. Ara giggles and gets up.
"I think I could do better." Cedric chuckles and watches as she goes over to the barn. He pokes my knee.
"What about you?"
"I think you looked great," I tell him, as I watch Ara climb up to the roof. He climbs up next to me, dripping water all over the dock and me.
"Goldie!" Ara jumps right as I look and flips into the water. Cedric laughs and kicks water at Ara.
"Dang, I didn't know you'd do that!" Cedric says before turning to me, "Can you do that?" I look at him with the 'are you stupid' face.
"Do you think I can do that?" I ask him. He laughs.
"I don't know. We should jump off together!" He gets up and pulls me up with him.
"Umm, I don't know if that's a good idea, Ced."
"Why?" I look at him and he smiles.
"Scared?" he teases.
I glare and start to pull him over to the barn. He laughs and helps me climb up. I wait on top for him.
"You don't have to do this," Cedric whispers as we near the edge, "I was just teasing, love." I look at him and nod.
"You'll jump with me?" I whisper back, "promise?" He nods and takes my hand.
"One.. two... THREE!" We both fling ourselves off the roof. Cedric squeezes my hand as we hit the water. I feel a hand brush past my mouth as I get pulled to the surface.
"You did it!" Evie shouts, as I take a deep breath. Cedric is smiling at me and is still holding my hand.
"Hey, gang.. dinner's almost ready," Dad says, appearing out of no where, "Why don't you all start towards the house to get changed?" I smile and Cedric and I swim over to the dock. Dad smile at me and pulls me into his side.
"Cedric's changing downstairs," he whispers to me, and it makes me blush.
"Obviously." Cedric climbs onto the dock and nods to my dad.
"How's your day been so far, Cedric?" Dad asks, trying to be nice for me.
"Oh, its been wonderful," Cedric gushes, raking his fingers through his hair, "I've missed Goldie so much, sir, and being able to spend a whole day with her is just amazing."
"She is amazing, isn't she? Did you hear that she skipped a whole year at Hogwarts? Never heard of, my Goldie." Cedric nods and smirks at me.
"Yeah, I am so proud of her. I knew she could do it." Dad squeezes my shoulder and lets me go.
"I've gotta go, your mother is going to be very mad if I don't help her with dinner, especially since I left her with Sirius." I laugh and watch as he runs back to the house.

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