Chapter 28

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I knock softly on McGonagall's office door. 
"Come in!" she calls out. I open the door just enough for me to fit into the room. I smile at her and she smiles back. 
"Hello, Professor," I say, setting my bag down on a desk, "I didn't know what I was supposed to bring, so I brought some parchment and my Transfiguration book. I can always run up to the dorms if I need something else. 
"I actually have the book you need," she says, "It belongs to the Restricted Section, so you'll have to be careful with it. It's on the old side, but it was only thing that remotely talked about your 'spirit walking'." I nod as she takes out a small leather bound book that pages had yellowed over time. I walk over to her desk and she hands it to me. I open it carefully and small loopy handwriting fills up the page. 
"Is this a book, or is it a journal?" 
"It is one of Beaumont Marjoribanks journals," she says, "he was the one that first found Gillyweed. In the journal, it says that he dreamed that a person said that they found a new plant, but it was at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea and that they died when they tried to get some. He says in his dream that he asked the person if he could get him some now that he was dead. Then in the morning when he woke up, there was Gillyweed on his bedside table." 
"That sounds... about right," I say, "Oh, shoot! I totally forgot to ask them if I could say who they are." McGonagall smiles. 
"Do you want to ask them now?" she asks, "I've never see this in action, so I might be able to help more than I can now." I smile and nod. I lay down on the floor and focus on the spirit realm. I slip straight into it and Mari is standing next to McGonagall. 
"You can tell her about me," she says, happily looking over McGonagall's shoulder at the homework she was grading, "Regulus is in the library." I nod and grab a piece of chalk from the board and write; 'I'll be right back'. 
"Merlin!" McGonagall shouts, "alright... I'll be here." 
"Don't be creepy, Mari," I tell her, giving her a quick wink. Mari smiles and nods. I rush off to the library. 
"Regulus!" I shout as I hit the library doors. Regulus waves his hand, not even looking up from the book he's looking at. 
"Can I tell McGonagall about you?" I ask him, "She and Dumbledore are trying to teach me more about this power, but I'm nervous I'm accidently going to say your name." Regulus smiles and nods. 
"As long as they don't tell Sirius," he replies, "I don't want you relationship with your uncle to turn into a messenger from him and his brother." I smile back. 
"Thank you, Reg," I say, "I'll come back and visit after my lesson." He nods and waves me off again. I get back to McGonagall's and Fabian and Gideon are staring at me. 
"What about us?" they ask in unison, "are you going to tell her about us?" I shrug. 
"If you'd like me to," I reply, "I wasn't gonna ask you until I saw you again, but if that's okay..." 
"Of course, it's okay! We want you to be able to unlock the fullness of this power," Fabian replies. 
"Even thought we don't know what that fullness might be." Gideon finishes, "Just don't tell Molly." I nod and get back into my body. I sit up and smile at McGonagall. 
"That was cool," she says, pointing to the board that still had my handwriting on it, "so, what did they say?" 
"The ones that I talk to on a regular basis all said yes, but you can't tell their family," I tell her, "That was their only cavoite." 
"Alright," she says, "I won't... are they people that I kn..knew?" I nod slowly. 
"Um... so when I first learned about this power thing, I met Regulus... Regulus Black. We talk the most. Then he introduced me to Fabian and Gideon Prewett. And over the summer, I met Marigold Evans. My aunt. She's connected to my necklace somehow. The one that says Marigold, not the crystal one. She and I talk a lot too. Those are the main ones that I talk to, but there are others all around the castle." She nods and wipes a tear from her eyes. 
"So Regulus, Fabian, Gideon, and Mari," she repeats to me, "they're all here?" 
"Mari, Fabian, and Gideon were in here when I was there... Regulus is in the library. That's why I wrote on the board." She nods. 
"I'm very proud of all of them," she says, "they were all great students and I wish that I could be teaching their kids." I smile and start to flip through the book she gave me. 
"It's on page 29," McGonagall says, "that's where the first story is at least." 
"There are more?" 
"That's what Al-... Professor Dumbledore said," she replies, "But he said to look through the first one." I nod and turn to page 29. 

Last night I had an odd dream. I have been exploring around the Mediterranean Sea and I had a visitor in my dream. It was a young boy and he told me that he found a new kind of plant at the bottom of the sea. He was very excited to tell someone and told me that he could try to get me some. I, of course, asked how he was going to get to it if it was under water. Then he told me that he was already dead and that he did not need to breath air. That was startling , but I told him if he wanted to get me some that he could. 
When I woke up this morning there was a slimy greyish green plant on my dresser. I am not sure what to think about my little visitor, but I hope that I can see him again, if I am not crazy. I did not think that it was possible to speak to the dead. For now I must put that question on hold to figure out what this plant is and what it does. 

"That's crazy," I say, "I'll have to ask them if they actually don't need to breath air." McGonagall nods.
"Is that similar to how it is for you?" she asks, "is it almost like a dream?" 
"The first one most definitely like a dream," I answer, "but the more that I have gone and talked to them it has been more and more unlike a dream." 
"Okay, that's all I had for you today," she says, "I think the next story is on page 33. You can read the other stuff too, but it's mostly Herbology stuff." I smile and nod. I grab the rest of my stuff and take the book in my hand. 
"Okay, thank you, Professor," I say, "have a good night." 
"Thanks, you too, Miss Potter." 

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