Chapter 31

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I cannot see or feel anything. I can hear everything that's happening, though which is an experience and very overwhelming.
"Marigold Potter! You listen to me right now! This is a horrible joke!" Ara's voice startles me, as it cuts in and out with the noise of the rain and wind.
"Miss Malfoy... Ara!" McGonagall shouts, "You have to give her space. Remus... take Miss Potter to the hospital wing." The overwhelming noise of people hits my ears as people gossip and whisper about me... falling?
"Professor Lupin!" Cedric's voice cuts in, "Is she okay?"
"I'm not sure, Mr. Diggory... We must get her to Madam Pomfrey as quickly as possible. Take her... I've got to get Harry."
"Oh, Goldie," he says, as he runs, based off of the wind noise, "I shouldn't have made that horrible joke... I jinxed you. But you're gonna be okay, love... you have to be okay." I hear doors fly open and footsteps on tile floors.
"Madam Pomfrey!" he shouts, "It's Marigold... she passed out at the quidditch game because of the dementors. Harry's on his way too."
"Oh, Merlin! Bring her here, Mr. Diggory... yeah, right there is fine."
"Is she going to be alright?"
"I'm not sure... I've got to look at her a little closer, please wait out in the hall." I hear more people running in.
"Put him there, Remus... yes, thank you."
"Is there anything I can do?"
"I don't think so... I think we just have to wait for them to wake up. Perhaps go give poor Mr. Diggory some peace."
"Got it... is he going to be able to come in here at some point?"
"Yeah... I just have to change Goldie out of all these layers." I hear the door close and the hospital bed squeak. Quietness leaks into my ears, so I try to press myself into the spirit realm.

Regulus, Mari, Fabian, and Gideon are all standing around my bed as I open my eyes.
"Merlin's beard!" Fabian shouts, "you gave us all a fright!"
"Are you alright?"
"I... I think so," I reply, "my entire body kind of aches and I couldn't see anything before I got here."
"Your boyfriend is having an issue," Regulus tells me, which sends me into action.
"What do you mean by an issue?"
"He thinks you're dying." I try to run out of the hospital wing, like I can do something. Suddenly my chest really hurts.
"Goldie!" Regulus shouts, as I collapse on the ground and lay with my back on the ground. I scream, surprisingly loud and it not only comes from my mouth, but it also comes from my body. I see the door try to open, but whoever tried to open it gets yanked back.
"GOLDIE!" Cedric screams, "please... let me go." I start to shake violently before getting sucked right back to my body.

My eyes shoot open and I stare at Madam Pomfrey.
"Marigold! You're gonna need to stay with me, alright?" Madam Pomfrey tells me, as I try to move my arm. My eyes get really big as I freak out about not being able to move.
"It's okay... can you speak." The look I send her tells her the answer.
"Poppy, please let me see her!" Remus shouts.
"Can you move?" I give her the same terrified look. Remus runs up to where I can see him and Madam Pomfrey sends him a look.
"Remus Lupin! I told you to wait outside with Mr. Diggory!" Remus settle himself besides me and sets his head on my stomach.
"I'm sorry, Poppy, I couldn't wait any longer."
"Marigold," Madam Pomfrey says, as she grabs a vial off a shelf, "you need to drink all of this. It should bring your senses back." She carefully opens my mouth and tips it down my throat. It makes me want to gag, but I cannot seem to do it.
"Remus, since you are here. You get to watch her for a while. I will try to go calm down Mr. Diggory." She leaves and Remus kisses my forehead.
"Hi, Golds... how are you feeling?" My eyes move over to his face, but I cannot answer him in anyway. I close my eyes sleepily, but his voice wakes me back up.
"I'm not sure that's a good idea... why don't you stay awake a little longer?" I shut and open my eyes slowly and try to listen to him talk about the game.
"Dumbledore is furious... I don't think I've ever see the Headmaster so angry..." I close my eyes again, but this time I slip myself into the spirit realm.

No one is there this time to greet me.
"Is she going to be alright, Poppy?" Remus asks, as she checks my pulse again.
"I think so... she just needs to be kept away from those dreadful creatures!" She pulls up my blankets and turns to Remus.
"Now for you, Mr. Lupin... I do believe that you have a very busy night coming up. Perhaps Mr. Diggory could watch her, or Miss Malfoy? Of course, I always could, but I think she would rather have a friend when she wakes up."
"Mr. Diggory will do just fine... I'll send Miss Malfoy to tell the rest of her housemates that the two Potter siblings are going to be just fine."
"Can I go now, Madam Pomfrey?" Harry asks, which startles me.
I guess I didn't realize that he woke up... perhaps I actually slept for a while before I got here.
"If you promise to come down here before breakfast, young man." Harry nods and walks out with Remus. I follow Madam Pomfrey to her office as Cedric runs in.
"Last bed on the right, Mr. Diggory," she says, wiping a tear from her eye. I watch as she slams her wand onto her desk. "Oh... when I get my hands on the Cornelius Fudge! I could just... aah! Those monsters... poor Goldie." I turn from her and go over to my very upset boyfriend. My limp hand is in his and up by his mouth.
"Hey, Goldie..." he whisper, pressing a kiss to my hand, "I... I'm not sure if you can hear me, but if you can't... I'll just repeat it later. You have to be alright, love. I..." He uses one of his hands to wipe the tears that suddenly form in his eyes.
"L-look at that... you're making me cry again. Umm... I can't imagine my life without you, Golds. You are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me. But I know you're gonna be okay, cause you're so strong, love. You're gonna wake up in the morning and tell me it's all okay. I know you are... I love you so much. I can't lose you." He bows his head onto my stomach and I instinctively reach out...

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