Chapter 25

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"Come on, Golds," Ron says, "it's not worth it." I roll my eyes as I pick up my books and walk over to Hermione and Neville.
"Hey, Neville," I say, "you alright?" Neville smiles and pats Trevor.
"Yeah," he says, wearily, "I just wish I was better at potions." I pat his shoulder and smile.
"Have you ever thought about asking for extra help or private lessons of some type?" He sighs and hangs his head.
"I would, but as you saw, Professor Snape doesn't really like me," he answers as we walk out. Hermione looks at me and frowns.
"That's an understatement," she says.
"I could help you, if you'd like," I tell him, "Professor Snape is rather fond of me, for whatever reason. He might let me use the classroom to help you out."
"I think his dislike for me will cancel out any liking he has for you," Neville replies, "besides... I'm hopeless."
"You're not hopeless," Hermione and I say. He blushes.
"Come on, Nevs," I say, "I'll ask him after class sometime and I'll get back to you."
"There's no arguing with you," he chuckles, "if he lets us..." Hermione giggles.
"I've gotta get going," I tell them as they head to the Great Hall, "Got a date." Hermione nods me off as I turn towards the common room.

"Which one should I wear?" I ask, holding up a periwinkle dress and a white dress with flowers on it.
"The white one is too bridal," Ara says, without even looking at the choices, "the blue one make you look tanner." Heather giggles as I put the white dress away.
"I'll wear that one," I reply, "How about shoes?"
"Your sandals," Ara replies, "And once you're dressed get your butt in here." I giggle as I put on my dress. Heather zips me up and I buckle my sandals up. I go into the bathroom with Ara and she quickly brushes my hair. She curls my hair with her wand as I put some mascara on.
"Boing," Heather says, bouncing my hair. Ara swats her hand away and I giggle.
"Thank you, Ara," I say, hugging her, "I don't know what I would do without you." She laughs.
"I don't either," she replies, patting my back, "Have fun." I smile and grab my bag with Cedric's present in it.
"Not to much fun!" Heather shouts as I open the door.
"And you'll tell us everything," Ginny says, as I almost run into, "of course." I laugh and shake my head.
"Of course."

Cedric finds me before I even get to the Great Hall. Actually, he sneaks up of me and takes my bag from me. He grabs me around my waist and spins me around a couple times. Laughter escapes my lips as he sets me down before he takes my bag.
"Cedric," I whine, "Give me my bag..." I stick my lip out as he grabs his present from it.
"Cedric Amos Diggory," I scold, "we're gonna eat first." He pouts at me and gives me my bag back along with the present. I smile at him and grab his hand. We grab some stuff from the Great Hall and take it out to the Black Lake. I spread a blanket and we sit down with our food.
"Can I open my present now?" I sigh and hand him a sandwich.
"Just one of them," I say, making him smile and squirm like a puppy. I pull out the one he had tried taking earlier and give it to him. He opens it carefully and takes out new Quidditch gloves.
"Wow, sweet!" he exclaims, "my other ones were getting a bit beat up."
"My mom put a spell on them, so your hands don't get to cold while you play," I tell him, "the fabric matches the temperature of your hands and keeps you warm." He smiles and sets them down.
"Thank you, love." I smile and he pulls out a bowl of strawberries from the basket.
"How was your first day back?"
"It's was alright," he replies, "I wish it wasn't on my birthday, but I'm happy I get to be around my friends... and you all day." I giggle and press my face into my hands.
"I'm glad your day was good."
"How about yours?"
"Snape gave Neville a horrible time during Potions," I tell him, "but after that, my day was fine."
"Snape likes to give everyone a hard time, especially when they aren't good at Potions." I nod.
"How do you think this school year is gonna be?" I ask, as the stone on my necklace does purple.
"I'm not sure," he replies, quietly, "as a fifth year, I am supposed to be figuring out what I want to be doing past Hogwarts."
"Oh, what... do you know what you'd like to do?" Cedric shrugs and rings out his hands.
"My father wants me to take over his job at the Ministry. My mum wants me to have a simple office job."
"What do you want to do, Ced?"
"I want to be able to provide for my family... I wouldn't mind my father job, I'm just not very good at Care of Magical Creatures." He looks at me, almost guiltily.
"Is there a job that interests you?" I ask, "Ced, you know that I'll support you no matter what." He smile and nods.
"I've thought about being an auror, but I'm not sure."
"You'd be a great auror! They pay well, and you get good vacation days." Cedric smiles.
"But I don't want you being stressed out all the time,' Cedric says, "you matter to me way more than a job." I shake my head.
"No, Cedric. I am not going to be the thing that holds you back from your dream job."
"I'm still not sure, Golds," he continues, "That's not the only set back."
"Just... don't mark it off your list because of me," I tell him, "Okay?" He nods and smiles.
"Have you thought about the futures at all?" he asks, "Obviously, it's okay if you haven't..."
"I haven't really, actually. At least not future jobs," I reply, "All I know is that I really want a family and a library in my house." Cedric chuckles.
"Of course... You'll be a great mother, Goldie. I'm sure our kids will be well read." Butterflies erupt in my stomach.
Our kids...
I smile and he grabs my hand.
"I'd love to stay out here with you forever, but we do have a curfew... and I've got practice early tomorrow." I nod and get up. He grabs the blanket and basket.
"We should drop that off at the kitchens," I tell him, "I know one of the elves down there. He'll take it for us." Cedric nods and grabs my hand.

When we get to the kitchens, the house elf in question runs up to us.
"Miss Potter!" Dobby squeals, "let Dobby take that from your friend!" Cedric smiles as Dobby takes the basket and blanket from him.
"Dobby will get Miss's blanket and basket back to the dorm when they are cleaned! Would Miss Potter or her friend like a snack?"
"I'm alright, Dobby," I reply, "thank you." Dobby nods and turns eagerly to Cedric.
"I'm also alright," he tells him, "thank you, though." Dobby nods.
"Have a good night, Dobby,' I say as Cedric and I leave the kitchens.
"How do you know a house elf?"
"My brother freed him last year. He's kind of obsessed with us now." Cedric laughs as we get to the Hufflepuff dorm door.
"Goodnight, Cedric."
"Oh no you don't!" he teases, picking me up lightly, "I am walking you all the way back to your common room." I giggle as he cuts through a secret passage.
"And I did not forget about my last present." I smile as he sets me down in the deserted passage. I get up on my tip toes and put my arms around his neck.
"Are you sure you don't want to save it for another day?" He chuckles.
"I'm sure." I bite my lip before pressing his lips to mine. My body immediately melts into his body. I feel him smiling against my lips. I pull away and his smile only gets wider.
"I'm gonna need one of those everyday," he says, "maybe even two." I giggle and peck him once before letting him go completely.
"Come on, you've got Quidditch in the morning."

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