Chapter 17

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"I'm going to find Cedric," I tell Ara, after we get out luggage loaded, "if you wanna come." Ara smiles and we start through the hallway, looking through the compartment to find Cedric. We see two gingers in on compartment and as we walk by, they turn and open the door.
"Ara! Just the girl we wanted to see!" Fred shouts.
"Sorry, Goldie," George continues after his brother, "but we got some pranking business to attend to!" They grab Ara, but Ara grabs the doorway.
"I'll find you when we're done," she says, "I think Cedric is a few doors down... I see him pacing." The doors shut and I giggle. I continue my walk, and see the pacing silhouette of my boyfriend. I knock before opening the door, noticing the immediate change in my stone from a yellow and silver swirl to a silver and pink swirl.
"Hello," he says, smiling and sliding himself into the seat, "Where'd you drop Ara off?" I laugh and slide myself in next to him.
"With Fred and George," I tell him, "well, actually they kinda stole her from me. We were coming to find you."
"Oh dear," he responds, "Ara with Fred and George Weasley. Sounds like a nightmare honestly." I giggle.
"Yeah, they got her some pranking stuff for her birthday. I'm surprised that I slept at all the last couple day." Cedric chuckles and puts his arm around me.
"I really have missed you," he whispers, "I can't believe that I kissed you for the first time when I wasn't going to be able to see you for a while." I laugh and pat his knee.
"Am I making you nervous?"
"No... why?" I ask, as he runs his hand up and down my back. He fishes his necklace out from under his jumper and shows the light purple swirling in yellow and pink. I giggle nervously and shake my head.
"That thing is going to give me away a lot," I mumble. Cedric chuckles and squeezes me to him.
"It's kind of adorable that you still get nervous around me," he teases, "and don't worry. That is going to give me away just a much." He lifts the stone off my neck gently before dropping it back down on my chest.
"So what are we going to do tomorrow?" I ask him, cuddling myself closer to him. He chuckles.
"What ever you'd like," he answers. I shake my head.
"No," I sigh, "it's your day, you choose." He smiles and squeezes my hand.
"Well," he starts, "first... I'll see you at breakfast and eat with you. Then I'll go to class, maybe interrupt one of yours just to keep it interesting. Then after dinner, you and I can go for a walk by the Lake. Maybe I could get a kiss?" I laugh and turn to face him.
"Okay... I liked the sound of most of that, besides the interrupting my class one." Cedric chuckles and pushes me softly away from him.
"Alright, I won't do that one," he says, "you know... maybe we could skip the last class of the day so we can see each other." I shake my head.
"No... I won't skip class."
"Kidding kidding." We both laugh and he pulls me right back to him.
"So how was your last two weeks of freedom?"
"Not so free," I answer, "Ara and I hung out together a lot, which was great. We and Evie went swimming a lot. Ara's birthday was on the 29th, so we had a party. Cedric... I don't think she's ever had a party. She literally cried when we told her that we were having a party for her. But I think she had a lot of fun. Then her and I had a movie marathon after." Cedric smiles.
"That sounds like a lot of fun," he tells me, "I'll have to tell her happy belated birthday when she comes to pick you up."
"She'll like that," I reply, "do your friends now where you are?" He chuckles.
"I told them that I was going talk with my girlfriend and I'd come find them when I was done." I giggle and he takes my hand. He stares at me, making my cheeks turn red.
"What?" I mumble, as Cedric smirks at me.
"Just thinking... well, you're just a lot prettier than I remember," he flirts, making me smile and cover my face.
"You're such a flirt," I complain, as he wraps his arms around me.
"You love it," he whispers to me, as the compartment door opens.
"Gosh," Ara shouts, making us jump apart, "Thank Merlin for Fred and George." Cedric smiles at her.
"Happy belated birthday, Ara," he says, pleasantly.
"Thanks, Cedric," she responds, happily, "I was kinda surprise you didn't get an invite... since Goldie planned it." My face turns even more red and I sends a glare at Ara.
"I didn't think you'd want him there," I reply, "sorry, Ced."
"Nah, it's alright." Ara laughs.
"You ready?" Cedric stands and hugs me again.
"I'll see you at the feast." He leaves and Ara smiles at me.
"I don't know what you're talking about... Cedric and I are tight," she teases, "Come on, let's go. The girls are a few compartments back. The trolley is coming by soon." I smile and we walk to them. We knock into Harry.
"Hey, Golds. Can we talk?" I nod, and Ara goes into the compartment with the girls.
"You know how Uncle Remus' furry little problem was last night?" I nod, concern leaking into my features.
"Yeah... is he alright? I can go get some chocolate from the trolley if he'd like."
"No, he's just tired and was wondering if we could sit in the compartment with him so he can sleep without having other kids come in with him." I nod.
"I'm gonna tell Ara where I'm going," I tell him as I open the compartment door just enough to stick my head in.
"Hey, I'm going to go sit with Uncle Remus," I tell her, "Hello, all. I'll see you guys at the feast?"
"Of course," Ginny says. I shut the door and follow Harry.

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