Chapter 6

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I squeeze Heather tightly as Dad gets her bag out of the car. Ara joins our hug and we rock a little. 
"We'll have to meet you at Diagon Alley," I say, "you and the others.." Heather smiles. 
"Of course.. and Ara, don't forget to write me about how everything  goes tomorrow." Ara nods and they both giggle. We let go of each other and I look at the both of them. 
"What did you two scheme while I was sleeping?" They giggle again. 
"We were not the only two by any means," Heather exclaims, "It's another birthday surprise, just a day early." 
"Oh no.. well, bye Heather." She waves and does inside the house. I turn to Ara and we get into the car. 
"Okay, you are going to fill me in right now, Ara.. Especially if it has anything to do with a certain Hufflepuff.. are you metaling?" Ara laughs and Dad gasps. 
"Ooh.. busted!" 
"Does he know too?" Ara nods, inching as far from me as she could. 
"Oh, Merlin.. spit it out then!" I shout. Dad is bouncing while driving as we wait for Ara to tell me. 
"You've gotta tell her.. Or I might pass out from anticipation." Ara laughs even harder. 
"I have so much power!
 "Ara!" Dad and I both shout. She giggles. 
"Okay," she says, "We planned you a day with Cedric. I can't tell you what you're doing, but I've already got you an outfit. And your parents helped some too, that's why your Dad knows." My face burns, but I am smiling. 
"Really?.. Oh, thank you guys!" I hug Ara. She chuckles. 
"We will be supervising," Dad cuts in. 
"That's fine! I really miss him. And I didn't tell him that I passed my second year exams, because I wanted to tell him in person, so this is perfect!" Ara laughs. 
"He must be on edge for that news." I nod. When we get home, I force Ara to show me my outfit and give me an idea of what we're doing. 

In the morning, Ara bursts into my room. She has my light yellow dress in her arms. I smile as Ara opens the curtains and finds my white sandals. 
"When is he getting here?" I ask, throwing my blankets off myself. Ara chuckles and smirks at me. 
"It seems like someone is really excited." I giggle and take the dress from her. I go to the bathroom and change. I brush my hair a couple times before going back to my room. 
"I knew you'd look amazing in that," Ara hypes, "Now, sit down. I'll do your make up and your hair." I sigh and sit down. 
"Nothing heavy, Ara." She smiles and pulls out the curling iron and her makeup supplies. 
"I know, Golds.. just some mascara?" I smile. 
"Yeah, that's good." She carefully curls my hair as I fiddle with my skirt. 
"Are you nervous?" she asks. 
"No, I'm just really excited, that's all." I hear the doorbell ring and I move to leave. Ara stops me from leaving. I hear my Dad and both of my uncles greeting Cedric. 
"I'm not done!" I frown. 
"They're gonna eat them alive, Ara." She laughs. 
"Nope, they promise to behave.. They're just laying down the ground rules," She tells me. I buckle up my sandals as Ara finishes my hair up. 
"Can I go?" I ask, bouncing on my toes. She nods and we go downstairs. Poor Cedric is squished between my two uncles with my dad across from him.
"So no funny business," Sirius says, "even if you cannot see us.. we will be watching." Cedric nods. Mum intercepts me before I could save Cedric. She literally spins me into the kitchen. 
"You look adorable, Goldie," she says. I smile, my face turning a light pink. 
"Thank you, Mum." She hands me a picnic basket and blanket. 
"Your breakfast is in there.. now, go save the poor boy."  I nod and go back to the living room. 
"Good morning, dad, Uncle Remus, Uncle Sirius. Cedric?" Cedric turns to face me and smiles as I reach my hand out to him. He check with the three men, who all nod enthusiastically, before getting up and hurrying to my side. 
"Happy early Birthday," he says, grabbing onto my hand, "Can I carry that basket for you?" I smile and hand it to him. 
"Remember Cedric.. we're always watching.." Dad calls as we start to walk to the pond. With each step we take, my heart feels more like it's gonna explode. 
"Hi..." I say, jitterily, squeezing his hand. He chuckles. 
"Hi.." he realizes something, "You didn't know I was coming, did you?" I smile and shake my head slowly. 
"Ara told me yesterday." He squeezes my hand and laughs. We get to the pond and start to unroll the blanket.
"You.. you look wonderful," Cedric says, as I sit down on the blanket, "If I had known, I would have dressed up more." He sits down besides me and I grab a corner of his flannel. 
"I think you look very cute," I tell him. He smiles and opens the basket. 
"Oh, I love your mother!" he says, pulling out pancakes and syrups. I giggle as he pulls out fruit too. We eat quietly, mostly just enjoying each others company. Once we finish, I start to put the plates back. 
"Hey Golds.. I didn't wanna bring this up, but I can't control my curiosity. How did your exams go?" 
Merlin, Marigold.. I completely forgot that I didn't tell him.
"Oh, I wanted to tell you in person.. I passed!" Cedric smiles and pills me straight to his chest. 
"That's amazing, Goldie!" he exclaims, practically pulling me onto his lap to hug me tighter. I press my face into the crook of his neck. 
"Thanks.. Ced." He fidgets with my hair as we continue to hug. He grip suddenly tightens around me. 
"I missed you so much," he whispers, "I wanted to see you more, but I understood that you needed to study." I smile and I feel him chuckle. 
"I missed you too.. and thanks for understanding." He rubs my back, which makes me smile wider. He starts laughing. 
"Your smile feels weird against my shoulder." I giggle and inhale before lifting my head to look at him. We both smile. A black dog appears out of no where and growls at us. Cedric hops up, with me still in his arms, and points his wand at the dog. 
"It's okay, Ced.. that's my uncle, he's an animagus. He saying that we're doing something he doesn't like." Cedric chuckles and puts his want away. 
"It's probably this," he says, motioning to me clinging onto him. I giggle and unwrap my legs from his torso. Padfoot snorts in approval. I roll my eyes at him as he leaves. 
"Alright! Do you know what we're doing next?" Cedric pulls out a list. 
"Wow, you got a list!" I tease, "I was just told to follow along." Cedric smirks and winks at me. 
"I did help write the list." 
"How long were you guys planning this?" Cedric's cheek turns a light red. 
"Uhh.. all summer?" I stare at him, my entire body heating in embarrassment. 
"Well.. I guess since June. I wanted to be able to destress you.. so I owled Ara and your mom." 
"Not my dad?" I ask, giggling. 
"He got roped in after a while.. that's also why, slash, how I came a couple days before your exams." I smile again. 
"You're super sweet," I say, really wanting to hug him again, "I might not have looked it, but I was very excited to see you." Cedric smiles and reaches his hand out to me. 
"I'm glad I came too.. I also had to make you eat." He leads me back to the house and leaves the basket by to the door. 
"You never told me what we're doing.." 
"You'll see, love." 

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