Chapter 9

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My mind still feels in shock, as I move around my room and gather overnight stuff. 
Peter Pettigrew... he tried to kill my parents. He's the one who I heard HIM talking to. He betrayed my parents.. and now he's after me.. Is it because he knows I heard him? What if he get Ara instead of me by accident what if he talks with Malfoy first and he gets sent after Ara too. Bloody hell.. what if? 
"Goldie!" Ara shouts, as her hand connecting with my shoulder shakes me into reality, "what's up? I called you like five times from my room? Are you alright?" I nod, trying to slow my beating heart as I shove a pair of soft shorts into my duffle. 
"Yeah.. it's just, no one has ever.. escaped from Azkaban. And the first person to every to it.. is coming after my brother and I." Ara nods and sets her duffle down. 
"Why don't I help you?" she asks, "we've gotta go.. your mum is getting anxious." I nod and she starts raiding the bathroom for my toiletries. I grab a t-shirt and a blanket and shove them into my duffle. 
"Goldie! Love.. hurry up!" Mum shouts from downstairs. I grab my book from Cedric and my pillow before running into the hallway. Ara throws me my toiletries back and I stuff it into my bag. I zip it up as we run down the stairs. Harry and Evie are both hugging Mum, and the fire is already green. 
"Be safe," Mum tells them, as Harry and Evie get into the fire together. They disappear to the Burrow, leaving just Ara, Mum, and I. 
"Oh, Goldie.." she whispers, opening her arms to me, "it's going to be alright. Your father is not going to come home until it is safe for you." I nod and rush into her arms. 
"Mrs. Potter," Ara says, "..why are you all getting called into the Ministry? I thought only Mr. Potter and Sirius were aurors." 
"I used to be... and Remus and I both knew Peter.. we're probably just going there to figure out where he's hiding." Ara and I nod. We all hug and Mum presses a kiss to both of our foreheads. 
"Be safe, the both of you," she whispers, "And keep the other two out of trouble." Ara laughs, nervously. Ara lets go and gets into the fire, but I keep hugging Mum. 
"Be safe, Mum," I say, "send me updates.. or at least as much as you can." Mum smiles and kisses my forehead again. 
"Try not to stress to much, flower," she answers, "I love you." 
"Love you too." I step into the green fire and watch as my Mum disappears. I roll onto the kitchen floor of the Burrow. I roll myself over onto my hands and knees, and look around. Ara is in the arms of Mrs. Weasley and Harry and Ron are already talking a mile a minute together. 
"Hey, Goldie," George says, as I stand up with my duffle. 
"Come on.. let us show you to your room." Fred continues. Ginny appears behind them and keeps them from moving. 
"I don't think so," she says, "she's my friend and you two aren't going to screw with her tonight." Fred and George pout, but surprisingly, listen to Ginny. Soon, Mrs. Weasley has her arms around me. 
"It's so nice to see you again, Goldie," she says, "I do wish it was under different circumstances." I smile and nod. 
"It's nice to see you too, Mrs. Weasley," I say, "I'm sorry for invading your house." She laughs and squeezes me a little tighter.  
"Oh no.. I love having all you guys over!" She lets go of me and Ara smiles at me. 
"You three are going to be sharing a room with Ginny," Mrs. Weasley says, "You'll have to share a bed.." We nod and follow Ginny upstairs. 
"I'll share a bed with Evie," I tell Ara, "do you guys know where she's gotten off to?" 
"She's already up with Hermione," Ginny tells me, "we've got three mattress up there.. so it's a little cramped." We nod and Ginny carefully opens the door to her room. Hermione is sitting on an air mattress with Evie. 
"Hello, Goldie, Ara," she says, happily. I smile in greeting and sit down the the empty air mattress. 
"Are you feeling alright?" Ginny asks, as I lay down. 
"I'm really tired," I reply, "I know it's not supper late, but I might try to knock out." They all nod. 
"She had a long day with Cedric," Evie teases. 
"Eves," I whisper, as I lazily unzip my bag and pull out my blanket. 
"You can tell us about it tomorrow," Hermione offers, "We'll go downstairs so we don't disturb you." I nod and listen as the door shuts. Tears slip from my eyes as I listen to feet patter down the stairs. I slip into sleep, forcing myself to not go into the spirit realm, scared for what might be waiting for me there. 

Goldie... Goldie.. Goldie!
The voice makes me shoot up from my lying position. Evie is snuggling into my arm, still asleep, even with my sudden movement. Ara and Ginny are back to back in Ginny's twin size bed and Hermione is slumped over with her book in her lap. I smile and carefully take the book and bookmark it before setting it on the floor besides her. Then I take a quilt and set it over Hermione. She melts into and I walk over to the door. 
Where are you going?.. You don't even know what time it is. I open the door slowly and see a faint light at the bottom on the stairs. I close the door and start to walk down the stairs. I hear some noises in the kitchen, which makes me walk a little slower. 
"You're up early," Mrs. Weasley says, as I reach the bottom of the stairs. I smile, shyly and sink into a chair at the counter. 
"Sorry," I whisper, "I went to bed early.. I could go back upstairs if you'd like." 
"Oh, no, no. That's not what I meant. I just have never had a teen wake up so early. Do you want to do something." 
"Do you need help with anything?" I ask, sheepishly, "I just need something to take my mind off.. stuff." Mrs. Weasley smiles and nods. 
"We could make breakfast, if you'd like. I did hear something from Ara last night, about today." I smile and look down at my hands. 
"It's not a big deal."
"Nonsense.. what should we have for breakfast?" I shrug. 
"I don't know.. what do you have?"  
"Pretty much everything... and we can get it if we don't." She opens the pantry and I follow after her to look. 
"What about French toast?" I ask, "And some fruit? I can cut fruit. Maybe some bacon too?" She smiles and gets some bread out. 
"Okay, berries and stuff is in the refrigerator." 

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