Chapter 16

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Ara and I agree not to talk about it. For the next couple days, Ara sleeps in my room. After telling me all of that, she started having dreams about it. They were upsetting, so she just slept with me. I have so many questions but she was obviously not ready to answer any of them. I just let her cry into my shoulder when she woke up and talked to her until she fell asleep.
"Ara! Goldie!" Mum shouts on the first of September, "Time to get up! We're leaving in an hour for Kings Cross." We get up and go our separate ways. We get dressed and pack the last few things.
"Midnight!" I shout, trying to get my cat to come out, "I know you like it here, but we're going to Hogwarts!" Nothing...
"She's probably outside, Golds," Ara tells me. I drag my trunk down the stairs and go outside.
"Midnight!" My black cat comes sprinting inside, meowing at me.
"Don't worry," I tell her, picking her up, "you'll get to continue your adventures at Hogwarts." She paws my face as I try to put her in her crate.
"You're fine."  After a fast breakfast we pile into the car.
"Are you all excited?" Mum asks, as we pull onto the rode. We all nod.
"Goldie's just excited to see Cedric," Ara whispers to me. I elbow her and we both giggle. We pull up to King's Cross Station and start to un pile ourselves. Harry grabs his trunk and tries to walk off without us, but Remus grabs his collar.
"I might be tired, but I'm not blind." Harry waits for us, and we get our trunks out. Midnight meows as I put her on top of my trunk. Mum pets her through the holes in the crate, causing Midnight to quiet down. We get into the station, and quickly make our way to platforms nine and ten.
"Alright," Mum says, putting a hand on Ara's trolley, "Evie, darling... you're gonna go through with Goldie. Harry and Remus will go first, then Goldie and Evie, and then you and I, Ara." Everyone nods and Harry and Remus run through together. Evie and I wait for a few seconds before following after them. The comforting sight of the crimson train floods my senses and I quickly usher Evie away from the column.
"Hey, Goldie!" Rachel shouts, "Evie." Evie tries to run to her, but I grab the back of her collar. She stomps her foot at me, but I just roll my eyes back at her as Rachel makes her way over to us.
"Are you ready to be back?" she asks, "I've been waiting all summer!" I giggle as Mum and Ara make their way over to us.
"Hello, Rachel," Mum says, pleasantly, "Have you all seen Harry? I told him and Remus not to wander before I said goodbye."
"They saw the Weasleys!" Rachel tells her, "they're over by the train."
"Alright, I'll come back for you two. Evie, stick with your sisters." Ara looks at me, with a wide grin as Mum walks off.
"Do you two have to leave?" Evie whines, as she digs her fingers into my side, "it's gonna be so boring!" She squeezes me really tightly and Ara chuckles.
"I'm sure you'll find something to do," she tells Evie, as I pry Evie's finger out from my sides, "You'll have to write to us about all the adventures you get up to." Evie nods and then attaches herself to Ara. Ara just strokes her hair and smiles. Rachel hurries off to find Heather and Luna. Footsteps from behind me, makes me spin around to face them. Cedric looks at me, like he's just been caught in the act. My necklace has some pink added to the solid yellow. He smiles and continues in his swift movement of bending down and picking me up.
"Put me down," I laugh, "Cedric!" Evie giggles as Cedric just spins me around. He finally sets me down and just pulls me into a tight hug.
"Oh, Goldie... I've missed you so much!" he says, pressing his chin into the top of my head. Ara laughs.
"You saw her like two weeks ago!" she teases.
"Those two weeks were painstakingly Goldie less," he whines, "but it's okay now, because the next nine months are going to be Goldie full." I shake my head at his antics, but Evie and Ara laugh.
"Let's go find a compartment," he says, pulling at my hand, "I wanna hear about your last two weeks of summer."
"I've gotta wait for my mum first," I tell him, "she left to go find Harry and my uncle." Cedric squeezes my hand.
"I'll go find an empty compartment," he responds, "come find me after you're done." I smile and nod. He leaves and I lean to Ara.
"His birthday is tomorrow," I tell her, as I make eye contact with Mum.
"You mean that he has to go back to school for his birthday?" Ara asks, as Mum walks over to us, "that sucks."
"You two'll be good, right?" she asks, "I've already told Harry off about behaving." Ara and I nod and Midnight meows at her.
"Yes, that includes you, Midnight," she teases, "anyways... please look out for your brother. You know how he has the whole 'I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble finds me' idea." I giggle and nod.
"Of course, Mrs. Potter," Ara says, "and we'll behave."
"Just try to stick together... no wandering by yourselves, unless with a teacher. I trust you two. Hogwarts is a save place, but... let's just not have a repeat of last year. Right, Goldie?"
"You think I would want a repeat?" I ask. Mum hugs Ara and glares at me.
"Be safe, darling," Mum says to Ara, "I'll see you at Christmas, right?"
"Of course, Mrs. Potter," Ara replies. Mum moves to me and hugs me tightly.
"Be safe, Golds," she whispers to me, "keep a real close eye on Harry. He worries me."
"Of course, Mum," I respond, "I'll tell you if anything happens." She nods and kisses my forehead.
"I love you both," she says, patting both of our shoulders, "be good." Ara's hair turns bright red and Mum gives her one last hug.
"Bye, Evie," I say as Mum and Ara hug, "I'll write to you." Evie nods and hugs me.
"Don't forget again," she whispers, "I love you, Goldie." Ara hugs Evie quickly and we turn and walk to the train.

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