Chapter 5

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I shiver as we get back to the house. The wonderful smell of bread and pasta hits my nose. Mrs. Weasley pokes her head out of the kitchen, with a huge smile on her face.
"Hurry up and get changed! Dinner's almost ready!" I lead Hermione to my room.
"I didn't think you would want to change with the boys," I tease. We both laugh and she smiles.
"Yeah, I love Ron and Harry, but changing is a little awkward." I laugh harder and show her the bathroom. I get into my room, where Ginny is getting her clothes.
"Um.." I say, "Just face the wall." Ginny nods and we change really quickly. I brush out my hair a couple times before I braid it. Hermione knocks on the door.
"Come in!"
"Could I use a brush?" I throw mine to her and she brushes through her hair roughly. We walk down all together. The boys are already at the table, ready to eat.
"Finally!" Fred exclaims, "you guys took forever!" All the boys nod.
"We only took five minutes!" Ara complains.
"Yeah, five minutes to long!" George replies. Ara sits besides him and whacks him with her napkin. I sit besides her and we start eating. Mrs. Weasley decides to strike up a conversation with me.
"Congratulations, Goldie. I heard that you moved up to third year. That's amazing!" I smile.
"Thanks, I'm really excited to start school again. I really love school." Fred and George laugh.
"That's wonderful, Goldie. Ignore them." I laugh.
"Is anyone else excited for school to start?" Mum asks. Everyone looks around the table, and my face starts to burn.
"I kind of am," Rachel says, "I also like learning, but being in Slytherin makes it kind of hard to enjoy Hogwarts."
"We can fix that!" Fred and George say in unison.
"Already have it handled," Ara tells them.
"I'm ready for school to start," Hermione offers, "I like being around magic and learning.. I have a very busy schedule this year though." I nod.
"I don't mind school," Fred says, "I miss my friends."
"I like school, except for Professor Grump." Dad, who was mid drink, almost chokes on his water.
"George!" Mrs. Weasley scolds, "I don't care if you don't like him, you still need to respect him!" The twins roll their eyes.
"I agree," Ara responds, "especially since I was in class with his favorite."
"I am not his favorite!"
"Yes you are," Rachel cuts in, "he is constantly complimenting your potion and he's never mean to you."
"That's just because I make the potions, correctly!" Ara and Rachel laugh. Dad mumbles something, which Mum did not like. She turns red and elbows him harshly. I give my dad a side eye and he melts in his seat.
"Do you guys like any of the teachers?" Mr. Weasley asks, chuckling softly.
"McGonagall, of course!" Ara exclaims, and Heather and Ginny nod.
"She the best of them," Fred confesses, "But she gets us in trouble all the time!"
"Maybe if you would behave, she wouldn't get you in trouble," Hermione teases. George sticks his tongue out.
"Well, I like Professor Sprout," Rachel says, "but that's because I enjoy Herbology." Everyone nods.
"Minnie was my favorite while I was at school," Dad says, "we were her favorite students!" I laugh and shake my head.
"There is no way that is true," I tell him, making Mum laugh.
"Oh yes it is! She loves Sirius and I! Remus is okay too." The Weasleys all chuckle.
"Dinner was lovely, Mrs. Potter, Mrs. Weasley," Heather says, as we start to put the plates back in the kitchen. I see Mum pull Dad outside, and she looks very upset. My curiosity peaks so I listen by the door.
"That's not okay to joke about, James."
"I'm sorry, Lils."
"I mean, think about it. What if that was true, wouldn't that upset you?"
"Of course.. I mean it upset me when he felt that way towards you.. and you weren't even my girlfriend yet."
"Exactly.. let's just not talk about it." I move away, trying to look busy when they walk back in.
"You all should get to bed," Mum says, "it's late and we're leaving early in the morning." I nod and we say good bye to the Weasley boys, Hermione, and Harry. I go up and start getting ready for bed. After I'm ready, I go to my parents' room. Mum is sitting in the bed.
"Hey, Mum?" I say,
"Yeah, Goldie?" she answers, patting the spot besides her on the bed. I sit down next to her.
"You remember when we went to Hogwarts for my exams? And you were arguing about Professor Snape? What was that about?" Mum sighs.
"You don't need to worry about it, flower." I sigh and brush my hair out of my face.
"It's just.. you seemed really upset about it."
"Why didn't you ask me when it happened?"
"Because you seemed upset."
"Don't worry about it, Goldie. It's adult stuff." I frown.
"Alright... good night, Mum." I walk back up to my room and say goodnight to my friends, determined to figure out what Snape and Mum were arguing about.

Mari shakes her head as we go down to my parents bedroom.
"Goldie.. this is a bad idea."
"I'm sorry, my curiosity is getting the best of me. I don't even know if I'll see the right thing." Mari sighs.
"Exactly! This is very intrusive! You know you can do it, but that just makes it worse!" I sigh.
"I know! I'm sorry.. I need to know!" I stand over my sleeping mom.
"This looks extremely creepy." I shush her and touch her arm. My knees buckle and I fall down besides my mom.

"Lily!" Snape shouts, "I'm so happy I caught you!" Mum turns and frowns at him.
"Hello, Severus," she replies. His smile creeps me out a little.
"How have you been? I was wondering if-.."
"Severus, I am going to be completely honest with you.. I've heard from Harry that you have been treating him horribly." Severus sighs.
"Umm, I guess I haven't been treating him the best." Mum glares.
"That's an understatement."
"Alright, I'm sorry! He just reminds me of your husband and I.."
"That excuse is not good enough! Just because James treated you that way does not mean you can treat our son the same! I am not condoning anything James did, but he has changed! Maybe if the both of you could see through your school years, you could be friends."
"Lily, I'm sorry! I promise I.. I'll stop! I promise you!" He is pleading with her.
"I have to see it to believe it, Severus. Then maybe we can see-.."
I am back in the house, with Mari shaking her head at me.
"Oh stop it.. I already feel guilty!"

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