Chapter 26

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"How did it go?" Heather asks, as I get into the dorm. I smile and sigh as I lay down on my bed. 
"It was great... I already miss him," I pout. Ara runs at me and jumps on top of my bed. 
"Did you guys..." she whispers in my ear. I nod, blush creeping up my cheeks. She screams, making my curl up in laughter. 
"How many?" 
"Just two, Ara." She screams again and jumps up and down. 
"What?" Heather shouts, "What are you two talking about?" Ginny runs in the room and gives us all looks. 
"What are you all shouting about?" 
"Cedric and Goldie were kissing!" Ara shouts, making me smack her softly. 
"Not so loud!" I shout at her. Heather and Ginny squeal and jump up and down towards me. 
"Details!" Heather squeals. 
"Absolutely not!" I yell, "you don't need to know all those details!" 
"But you promised!" Ara whines, "All the details!" I shake my head and she crosses her arms. 
"I'll tell you about the other stuff, how about that?" I offer, as Ara flops onto her bed. 
"Fine," she says, sitting up on her bed. Ginny and Heather sit on their bed and they all stare at me. 
"Okay, so we had a picnic," I tell them, "and we talked..." Heather nods and makes a 'go on' movement with her hands. 
"Umm... we talked about the future," I continue, my shoulders shrugging some from embarrassment, "he is thinking about being an auror and wanted to make sure that I was okay with it." 
"That's sweet," Ginny says, "he'd be a good auror." I nod. 
"Then he asked me about what I want in the future," I tell them, a smile breaking on my face, "I told him that I want a family... and a library in my house." Ara laughs and throws a pillow at me. 
"That's cheesy," she squeals, "...but what did he say?" I smile and my face is pink. 
"He laughed about the library and then said that... our kids are going to be well read." The girls all squeal. 
"That's so cute!" Heather says, "you guys are literally so cute!" I shake my head and giggle. 
"My heart practically exploded when he said it," I tell them, "I'm sure my face turned pink of some sort of shade." Ginny giggles. 
"Oh! Imagine having a boyfriend," Heather sighs. I smile. 
"Find a boy... friend first," I tell her and she smiles. 
"Not like you were friends with Cedric for very long," Ara snarks, giggling, "but I guess you're right." I lay down on my bed and smile. 
"Thinking about that kiss?" Ginny teases. 
"Oh, shut up!" 

Before I finally get to bed I pull out my quill and parchment. First I write to Dad. It is not a very long letter, because I am not sure that it will actually get to him. It just says that I got to Hogwarts and that I miss him. Next I write to Evie. 
Dear Evie,
I miss you so much already, sis. I'm so excited for you to come to Hogwarts! You will absolutely love it here. Since we have gotten here, Harry has gotten whatever stick that was shoved up his butt out. I hope you are still able to find things to do while we are gone. If you ever need any reading recommendations, do not be afraid to ask. I miss you so so much. 

I seal up the letter and set it with dad's. Next I write one for mum. 
Dear Mum, 
This year has already been so chaotic. Incase you have not already heard about what happened on the train, Harry and I both passed out after being attacked by a dementor. We are both fine, but I thought I should say something. Today was Cedric's birthday, which was fun. We ate breakfast together before McGonagall took me aside to talk about some extra things her and Dumbledore want me to do. I was so excited for Potions, but Draco and Snape totally ruined it. In Care of Magical Creatures, Draco piss off the Hippogriff that we were learning about and got attacked. Hagrid tried to warn him, but he would not listen. Then during Potions, he was was trying to get a rise out of Harry and Ron, which is not hard to do as you know. I had to cut all of his ingredients for him, which was not to bad, but the way he was talking to Hagrid was just horrible. It was like Hagrid was not even a living being, let alone a human being! Ugh, it was horrible and I had to keep the two boys in check. Him and Mr. Malfoy are trying to get Hagrid fired for the incident, which was Draco's bloody fault. And Snape was just piling on! He was giving poor Neville a hard time about his potion. Neville is not very good and Potions and his potion was the complete opposite color of what it was supposed to be. Hermione and I knew what needed to be done to fix it, but Snape would not let us help and said he was going to feed it to Neville's pet toad. Well, let's just say that while Hermione helped him, I went up to him and asked why I could not help. He said that maybe I should tutor him, so I might be doing that. I want to, poor Neville was as pale as snow when Snape fed the potion (that Hermione helped him fix thankfully) to his poor toad. I mean, why would anyone do that? Sorry for the rant, but it was just so irritating. 
Cedric and I also had dinner together which was nice. He said thanks you for the quidditch gloves. He is very excited to use them tomorrow for practice. I miss you, Mum, and hope that you are still able to keep Evie entertained. 

I seal this one as well and pick up the stack and walk over to Harry's dorm. I knock on the door. 
"Hey, Harry! Have you sent your letters yet?" Harry opens the door a little and shakes his head. 
"I was waiting for you," he says offering his hand for the letter, "I'll send them with Hedwig right now." I smile and hand them to him. 
"Thank you, Harry," I say, "Good night, Harry. Love you." 
"Love you too, Goldie. Good night." 

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