Chapter 15

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After a full day of fun, we say goodbye to everybody. No one was to sad about it, since we were going to see each other in two days. Ara asks me if we could have a sleep over in her room tonight, and I obviously agreed. Mum helps us figure out the CD player. Ara puts in her Queen CD and we let the CD play as we pack our trunks for Hogwarts.
"Hey, Goldie, CATCH!" Ara shouts, throwing me one of her Lip Smackers.
"Ara, this was part of your birthday present," I say, tossing it back, "keep it." Ara giggles, almost like she thought of an idea.
"I've got like twenty now," she says, "you can have one... besides, you wouldn't want your lips to be crusty the next time you kiss Cedric." She throws it at me, hitting the back of my legs. I throw a pair of wadded up socks at her in return.
"Ara!" I shout, giggling, "We don't need to shout about it!" She laughs and throws the socks back at me.
"Than keep the Lip Smacker!" We both laugh and continue on pack our trunks. When I am almost done with packing mine, Ara comes in with a couple of her dresses.
"Okay, I need help," she says, "only one of these will fit in my trunk. Which one should I take?" She holds up her dark purple dress, with purple tinted mesh on the shoulders and sleeves. Then the short plaid pink dress, that she always wore with a white t-shirt. Then a flowy black one that goes to her knees.
"Ummm... the purple one is to formal, in my opinion," I answer, "and you can bring the other two. Toss me the black one, it'll fit in my trunk." Ara tosses it to me and laughs.
"Don't worry," she says, "you can still wear my dresses for dates." I chuckle and fold the dress.
"I've got my own now," I say, tucking her in with mine, "but the same goes for you... you can wear mine too." Ara smiles and goes back to finish packing.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Mum asks, "I can bring up the projector and you can watch a movie on the blank wall." Ara nods, bouncing in excitement.
"Figure out what you wanna watch." I run downstairs after her and pull out the container of 'Must Watch with Children' VHSs. I take it back up to Ara's room and we start pulling out movies.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Top Gun, Beetlejuice, The Karate Kid, Dead Poets Society, Dirty Dancing, Footloose, Grease, Monty Python, Murder on the Orient Express, Star Wars... the list goes on and on.
"Which one do you wanna watch?" Ara asks, "I haven't seen any of them, so you can choose." I shrug and shift through the container.
"I've seen all of these," I answer, "just choose the one or ones you think sound interesting." Ara picks up a few and hands them to me as Mum gets up with the projector. 
"Oh, good choices," Mum says, as she set up the projector, "Remus is making you both popcorn by the way... which one are you going to watch? Top Gun is one of my favorites. Sirius loves Roger Rabbit for some reason... Your dad, Goldie, likes Star Wars." Remus walks in and points to Murder on the Orient Express.
"Good book." That is all he says as he sets the popcorn bowl between Ara and I before leaving. We giggle and Ara pulls the three movies out of the bunch.
"We can watch all of them!" Mum smiles at me and pats my shoulder.
"You should start with Top Gun." We do and snuggle up on her bed with the popcorn bowl squished between us.

I wake up in the morning, with Ara laying across me. I decide not to move very much, and just shift a little so that I am laying down. Ara rolls over and wraps her arms around me.
"Morning," I whisper, as Ara giggles.
"Morning," she replies, "thank you for the best day every yesterday." I smile and comb my fingers through her hair.
"Are you sure it was the best? You certainly cried a lot." She sits up and smacks me. "Sorry..."
"I didn't realize that you all cared... um, you can't tell anyone else this, okay?" She shifts uncomfortably and pulls her knees to her chest.
"Okay... um, Ara, you don't have to tell me anything if you aren't r-..."
"I need to tell you..." I nod and give her some space. She takes a few breaths and starts in.
"When I was really little... my parents always talked about getting rid of me. I don't think that they realized that I could hear them, but I could. Dad used to always blame Mom... he always used to say that... he couldn't even try to pretend that I was his. But... Mom always got upset whenever he brought up throwing me out. Something about protecting the 'Black Family Line'. I've been try to figure it out, I know Mom is a Black, but she's technically a Malfoy now. And she has sisters. But anyways. Dad always told me that I was the worst thing that ever happened to him and my mom. And I have this." She lifts up the back of her shirt and right under her bra line, there is a small scar written on her skin.
"I don't know what it says," Ara whispers, "whenever I would ask, he would just carve it again... Goldie? Anyways, that's why I had that reaction... because if my real father couldn't even pretend to love me... how could your family?" She breaks into tears and I pull her into me. I rub her back and let her soak my shirt.
"I'm never letting them anywhere near you," I tell her, "you're never going back there. Ever. We are your family now, Ara. Not them." Ara nods and smiles.
"W-what does it say?" I wipe a few tears from her face and shake my head.
"Oh, Ara..."

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