Chapter 33

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The constant outside noise does not stop. Cedric, Ara, and Remus' voices were the most frequent visitors, with Harry and Hermione occasionally popping in to talk about class or Ginny to tell me about the gossip. 
A week after the incident, from what I could tell, Harry comes in by himself. 
"Hey, Goldie," he says, "I have no idea if you can hear me, but I wanted to come talk to you alone. Mom and Dad are going to be here tonight to check on you. There is... is a chance, if you don't get better by Monday, you might get taken to St. Mungo's. I don't think your boyfriend would survive that. He's always in here with you. He only leaves for classes, from what I can tell.  You've gotta wake up, Goldie." I feel him brush a strand of hair away from my eyes. 
"You beat Tom Riddle last year... don't let a dementor take you out." With that he rushes off and leaves me alone again. I try to move, and thankfully, my toes and fingers do. 

I hear the door fly open and cool air hits my face. 
"Goldie," Dad's voice rings, "hey, baby... I'm right here, flower." His hands grabs one of mine. They are ice cold and shaking. 
"Oh, Jamie," Mum whispers, "my poor baby." My other hand is covered by her warm ones. 
"Lils, you're gonna worry her." 
"She can't hear us, James." 
"You don't know that, love. Golds... you're gonna be alright. You have to be. I'm not going back on mission until you are." Mum chuckles. 
"If you have to go, I'll stay with her, of course." Dad presses his head to my hand. 
"I love you, Goldie," Mum says, "if you can show us you're conscious... of if you can hear us like Dad says." 
This is my chance... I attempt to squeeze their hands and wait for a response. 
"Oh, Golds..." Tears hit my wrist as I hear both of my parents start crying.
"I'm gonna get Poppy." 
"Can you do it again, Golds?" Mum asks, softly. I do, but this time, I can tell I did because her hand tightens around mine. 
"Thank Merlin," she whispers, happiness leaking from her voice, "oh, thank Godric!" I can feel her happiness radiating from her, but all I can do is squeeze her hand again. 
"Come on, Poppy!" Dad's voice echoes, "She squeezes our hands! Swear it!" 
"I believe you, James," Madam Pomfrey answers, "but I'm not sure what I will be able to do." And older touch grabs my hand and strokes the back of it. 
"Can you show Madam Pomfrey?" I give her hand a soft squeeze.
"It's good to know you're responsive," she says, "hopefully you'll be waking soon then." I squeeze her hand again in agreement. She chuckles. 
"Mr. Diggory will be very excited to hear about this development. I'll tell him when I see him again." 
"This is a good sign, right?" Dad asks. 
"Usually this would mean that they are waking up." Happiness swells in my chest.
"Thank Merlin," Mum says, "I was so worried." 
"Any guess on when she might wake up?" Dad asks. 
"Within the next couple days," Madam Pomfrey replies, "It might be a slow process where she only gains sense back one at a time, but it should be soon." 

My ability of movement starts to come back throughout the next couple of hours. I hear Cedric comes in and I can move my arm towards him as he rushes to me. 
"Golds!" he exclaims, "oh, Merlin! When Madam Pomfrey said you were starting to wake up, I almost didn't believe her!" His hand squeeze mine and I squeeze back. 
"It might still be a while, Cedric," Mum says, "hopefully it'll be tonight." Silence follows and I squeeze Cedric's hand again. 
"Hi, love," he says, softly, "I'm so excited for you to wake up. Ara's driving me insane." Mum chuckles. 
"I'll leave you two alone," she says, "I've got to find my other two kids." After the door shuts, silence follows. I squeeze Cedric's hand, hoping to prompt him into speaking. 
"Have you been able to hear us for a while?" I squeeze his hand, hoping he understands. 
"That a yes?" I squeeze again.
"Let's try again... a squeeze means yes." I squeeze him. 
"Have you been able to hear us the whole time?" I squeeze his hand tightly. 
" you... you were able to... you heard me?" I squeeze his hand again. 
"Merlin... that's so cool." Silence follows and I feel him kiss my forehead. 
"I meant it too," he says, "you're amazing, flower. I really do love you." I squeeze his hand. 
"I miss you. Please wake up soon." He goes silent, instead putting his head on my stomach. I stroke his hair as he falls asleep on me. 

My eyes snap open as someone lays a blanket on Cedric.
"Goldie!" Madam Pomfrey exclaims, "good, good! Mr. Diggory, please wake up." Cedric's head pops up and he looks at me, 
"Golds," he says, a smiling creeping onto bother of our faces, "you're awake!" I nod, slowly because my muscles hurt. 
"I have to do a quick check on her, Mr. Diggory. Could you please go find Mr. and Mrs. Potter." 
"Got it,"  he says, "I'll be right back." He rushes off and Madam Pomfrey grabs my hand. 
"How are you feeling?" 
Sore... I can't talk!  My mouth opens and nothing comes out. 
"Goldie?" I make a writing motion with my hand and she gets me a quill and parchment. 
I can't speak... I'm trying.
"Okay, how are you feeling?"
Sore and stiff
"Is everything else okay?" I nod. 
What happened?
"Dementor attack, you fell out of the stands." Mum and Dad both burst through the doors. 
"Goldie!" Mum shouts, running and smothering me with a hug. 
"Oh, flower! Thank Merlin you're okay." Dad rubs my hair. 
"She seems mostly awake, but she can't talk quite yet." 
I'm okay though!
"Oh, thank Merlin," Mum says, kissing my forehead, "I was nervous we were gonna loose you." 
Nope! I'm here to stay. Could I get up?
"Just do it slowly," Madam Pomfrey chides, "don't push yourself to much, alright?" I nod and slowly spin myself to get up. 
"Here, take my hand, flower." I grab Dad's hands for stability and I slowly put weight on my legs. I buckle a little, but Dad keeps me from falling. 
"Steady, Golds." I grimace and push myself up. I take a few steps and my legs slowly adjust to my weight. 
"Take it slow," Mum repeats, as Cedric rushed back into the room.
"Wow! Look at you already being up and about." I start to move towards him. Dad lets my hands go, but keeps his hands by him hips incase I fall. I barely have to move, as Cedric gets to me and hugs me. 
"Let's leave them be, James," Mum says, "we'll be right back, Golds. We have to finish our meeting with the Headmaster and Professor McGonagall." I nod and smiles as they leave. Cedric keeps me close and we just stand there. My legs start to feel shaky and I start to crumple. 
"Woah, there. Hold on." Cedric picks me up gentle and he sits down with me in his lap. He rocks me a couple times, making me giggle. 
"Well, for being asleep for a week, you certainly are quiet." I point to my parchment and quill. He hands it to me. 
Haven't been able to to talk yet. 
"Oh, that's okay. It'll come back, love." I nod sadly and he kisses my cheek. 
"I tried to find Ara, but I think she's in the common room." 
That's okay. Mum will probably get her. He nods and I nuzzle my head into his shoulder. 
"I thought I was gonna loose you," he whimpers, as his finger dig into my shirt softly, "I... I'm sorry. I didn't catch you." I shake my head.
"George caught you, but..." I wipe a tear from his cheek and kiss where the tear was. 
"You're so sweet... I don't deserve you." I hug him and shake my head. 
"I-I l-love you," I whisper out, my throat aching as I do. 
"I love you too," he says as a sob catches in my throat, "so, so, so, so much, Marigold. I have for a while, but I didn't think that I needed to say it out loud until... you almost died." He wipes a couple tears from my eyes. 
"Oh, Cedric..." 

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