Chapter 19

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As soon as the train stops in Hogsmeade, Remus and Harry are outside the compartment.
"Come on," Remus says, taking my hand, "I've already owled Minni-... McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey. They'll be expecting us."
"I'll see you at the feast," I tell the girls, "save me a seat!" Harry pulls me down the corridor and out the train doors before anyone else gets out of their compartments. We get into a carriage and Remus whisks us up to the castle. McGonagall is waiting for us.
"I'll take them to Poppy, Mr. L-... Remus," she says, putting her hand on my shoulder, "why don't you get all settled at the teacher's table." Remus nods and pats Harry's shoulder. We follow McGonagall to the hospital wing.
"Already back, Potters?" Madam Pomfrey asks, as McGonagall opens the door, "seems like I see you two more than any student." Harry chuckles and sits down on one of the beds.
"This won't take long, will it?" Harry asks, as Madam Pomfrey waves her wand over.
"Nope," she replies, "you're all done. Run along now." He pops up from the bed and I sit down in his place. He runs off to the Great Hall.
"Professor Lupin said you seemed like you were in pain," she says to me, as she waves her wand, "Are you still in pain?" I tilt my head a little, thinking about the slight aching in my shins.
"Only a little," I replies, "My shins hurt a little, but it's not as bad." She nods.
"Wanna talk about it?" I look up at her. My shoulders shrug before I even really think about it.
"Did it have anything to do with the Chamber?" she prods a little more, "Dementors tend to make people relive their worst memories."
"It... yeah, it was probably from the Chamber," I answer her, "I didn't see anything though... just cramped pain." She nods. 
"Well, come see me after the feast," she tells me, "we'll try to get to the bottom of it." I nod and get up and walk to the Great Hall. I crack the doors open just enough to squeeze in. The sorting is already over and the food is plated down the table. I get to Ara, and slid down next to her.
"Are you alright?" she asks, piling food onto my plate, "Neville told us what happened." I smile and take a bite of chicken.
"Yes," I reply, "I've gotta go back and see Madam Pomfrey after the feast, but I feel all good." Ara nods and eats so more.
"So, Goldie," Heather says, "your uncle is Professor Lupin, right?" I nod, looking over to the teacher table. Remus is there, talking with Hagrid about who knows what.
"Do you think he'll be any good?" Ginny asks, "I mean... if one of my family members taught here, they'd be mighty boring." I laugh.
"I think he'll be good," I reply, "he knows a lot about counter charms and evil creatures."
"I hope his lessons are a little hands on," Ara says, "Lockhart just had us read his stupid books and they didn't make any sense. Especially if we have History or Astrology before it." I laugh and pat her shoulder. 
"I wouldn't be surprised if they are," I reply, "I know he had friends that learned very differently, so he will probably try to do a bit of both." Ara nods. I continue eating, listening to Heather and Ginny tell us about their summer. Ginny and her family went to Egypt for a while to visit her brother Bill.
"Fred and George went into the pyramids with Bill," she says, "I wasn't allowed to cause I'm 'to young'. Ron didn't cause he's a scaredy cat."
"Am not!" Ron shouts from the other side of Harry, "I just don't trust Fred and George." Ara and I giggle.
"We wouldn't do anything to Little Ronnie," Fred teases, elbowing his twin.
"Yeah... we wove you to much!" George chimes in.
"Oh, shove off." We continue to eat, with each person chiming in with their summer adventures. The feast ends and Dumbledore dismisses us.
"First Years!" Percy shouts, rushing to the front of the Gryffindor line, "First years, up here with me, please!" Kids push and squirm to the front.
"I've gotta go back to the hospital wing," I whisper to Ara, "can you get the password and wait to let me in?" She nods.
"Be quick." I nod and rush off to the hospital wing.
"Welcome back, Miss Potter," Madam Pomfrey says, as I open the door slowly, "I've got something for you." She hands me a vial of some blue liquid.
"What is it?"
"A Calming Draught," she replies, "I want you to take it tonight. I'm not sure how close those fowl creatures will be to the castle, and I don't want you having that reaction every time you walk near one. I'll have you take one every night for a month or two, just to see." I nod.
"Will it have any other side affects? Ones that I should look out for?"
"I do not believe so," she answers me, "besides maybe being a little more relaxed... or maybe reckless? But I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll inform all of your Professors that you're talking this and to watch for uncharacteristic actions."
"Okay, thank you."
"Are you gonna be able to get into the common room?"
"Ara's waiting for me," I reply, "I'll be back tomorrow night?"
"Yes, sleep well." I nod and start to walk to my dorm. I make it almost all the way to the common room before seeing anyone.
"Getting into mischief a little early this year, Miss Potter?" Snape asks, surprisingly pleasantly. I turn on my heels to face him.
"N-no, sir," I stutter out, "I had... a little difficulty with the dementors on the train. Madam Pomfrey gave me a potion to try to help it." Snape smiles.
"I know, Marigold," he says, "May I escort you the rest of the way to your dorm?" I nod.
"How was your summer, Professor?" I ask him, trying to make small talk.
"It was fine," he replies, "I'm sure yours had a lot of school in it." I nod again.
"Yeah... I'm really excited for Potions this year," I tell him, "My mum gave me her old Potions book this year and it has notes from when you guys were at Hogwarts."
"Really?" he asks, his smile fading a little, "well... perhaps I'll have to take a stroll down memory lane." We get to the Fat Lady, where Ara is waiting.
"Hello, Miss Malfoy."
"Hello, Professor."
"I will see you both tomorrow." Ara and I nod. The portrait hole closes and Ara elbows me.
"What was sour grapes Snape walking with you for?" she asks, her tone hushed.  My eyes narrow as I recognize the nickname my father had given the Professor, but shrug.
"He found me while I was walking back and asked to escort me to the common room," I reply, "and don't call him that... he's our Professor." Ara smirks at me, but says nothing more about it.

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