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I feel as if my life is complete now.

I feel happy

I feel complete.

I just found out the best news of my life which is growing inside me right now.

It's unbelievable.

I'll tell Matt as soon as he returns from his deployment.

I can't wait to tell him.

But he is ready to leave for his deployment now. As always my heart is heavy and there is a choking sensation in my throat as I see him bent down, wearing his shoes. He doesn't look at me though. Maybe he is just as emotional as me.

I am standing in front of him with unshed tears just waiting to get out. But I control myself, not wanting to bid him a temporary farewell crying. Still there is a voice in the back of my head mocking me that something was to happen. Something that would destroy us. I ignored it. I cannot bear thinking anything like that when my husband was leaving. I just wanted him to come back safely.

Finally he looks up, but his eyes are different. Hard, red and angry. I have seen his anger but never directed at me.

'Stop it'. He says.

'Stop what?'

'Standing there, pretending as if you care for me. I never knew you would do this. That you could ever do something like this. What else did you wanted that I couldn't give you and you had to go to others? My love was never enough for you and neither was I.'

'What are you talking about? Has something happened?' I asked, the dread inside me growing as every second passes.

He laughed but that laugh was mocking as if what I just asked amused him. 'Stop looking so innocent Mara, I never ever even in my dreams thought that behind that sweet and shy façade of yours there would be such a convincing bitch who betrayed me and my family. YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON ME WITH HIM? SERIOUSLY HIM? WHY MARA? AND DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT AS IF I KICKED YOUR PUPPY.


REMEMBER THAT I HATE YOU'. He shouted grabbing his bag and kicking the door and going out.

Going out of my life.

As I stand there numb, shattered and broken holding my stomach that had a life growing inside. Made from our love.

Love that no longer existed from his side.

I broke.



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- PS

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