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Last night was the best night of my life. Never ever before have I felt so happy and complete. I was dreading the whole night about how this 'date' will go but it was like a dream. A beautiful one. 

As soon as I entered the restaurant, I was in complete awe. It was so damn beautiful. It was a rooftop beach facing place with low seating chairs and low lighting that provided a cozy yet elegant view. It was definitely expensive but had a comfy vibe.

And there he was sitting in a private area, his back facing her

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And there he was sitting in a private area, his back facing her. Even from a distance she can see the way he held himself, with confidence and authority. His broad shoulders and muscled back were not hidden by the fabric of his grey shirt. He looked hot.

Hot?  You can't say something like that to a man you don't even know Mara. 

'Don't know him..... yet.' An evil voice said in the back of her mind.

Shaking off her unholy thoughts and mustering up all the courage she can, she went towards him.

If she had thought that he looked hot from behind, he was just devastatingly handsome from front. When she realized that she was gawking at him feeling shy and awkward, she just stood there. Never before in her life has she made a conversation with a living and such big male. And now she was supposed to be on a date with him? Bad idea.

All these ill thoughts left her mind as soon as he looked up and connected those deep blue orbs with her. Yup the date starts I think.

As the time passes, never once did I feel uncomfortable or awkward in his presence. The conversations were smooth and interesting and never ending. I got to know so many things about him. His parents live in Boston where he was born and brought up, while his younger brother was in college preparing to follow the footsteps of his elder brother and join SEAL. He himself joined it soon after passing out from his college and has been a part of it for 7 years and a team leader for about 4 years. Not a doubt about it since this man literally oozes authority and power.

As the night came to an end, she felt sad. That's a first. 

She didn't  want this night to be over just to realize it wasn't true and a fantasy she created in her lonely mind. Yeah she was being silly and insecure but this is what happens with her everytime she starts liking something or someone.

And she realized she liked him. A lot.



She is perfect. 

I thought that one date with her will probably remove any thoughts that I have in my mind about her. But no. I am obsessed with her. 

As soon as I saw her my jaw dropped. She looked gorgeous. When I saw her in the hospital wearing scrubs having messy hair and tired face, I thought she was cute and beautiful. But the girl standing in front of me wearing a black dress that reached just below her knees with a small slit that gave a small glimpse of the smooth milky skin of her knee was vixen. Though judging the nervous and shy stance of her, an innocent yet sexy vixen.

 Though judging the nervous and shy stance of her, an innocent yet sexy vixen

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(*Her dress )

Watching her stand in front of him nervous, shifting her weight from one leg to other along with a blush that was rising up her neck and face, he decided to calm her down or she was going to have an attack just by staring at him. 

As the time flied, he felt content and at peace. Something he never did before with a girl. Despite her initial hesitance, she was a great and enjoyable company. 

After their dinner, he paid the check and dropped her off at her house. He didn't go inside since that would be uncomfortable for her. He waited in his car till she went inside and locked her door. 

Then he drove away, thinking about the girl who captured his mind and heart just in 2 meetings.

He was fucked.


Another chapter up!!

Hope you like it !!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, Question of the day :-

What do you prefer in the morning ? Tea or Coffee ?

I am a coffee person.

Like tea sometimes though. (only with Parle-G)

Keep Reading !!!!


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