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She went to the bed late last night since Ava wanted to give her bachelor's. Yes she was getting married!! TOMORROW! And she had trouble sleeping. She was hell tired with all the preparations and celebrations but anxiety, nervousness and excitement was a tough combination that didn't allow her to sleep.

It's 2:45 AM and she still hasn't slept even though she needs to wake early in morning. But how could she sleep? Hell she was getting married. That thought alone creates havoc and butterflies in her stomach. Her life would change complete 360 degree from tomorrow. She was finally getting what she craved for her entire life - A family of her own. Her wish would come true. From Mara no surname she would turn into Mara Dawson tomorrow. She would finally get a surname and family that would belong to her. The thought made her feel giddy.

But ugly insecurities like always found a way to her. Would she be able to handle such a big relationship and its responsibilities? The only family she has ever known was of Matt's and now they would be her family as well - officially. What if something goes wrong? What if their relation would have problems few years later? What if Matt falls out of love with her? Will their marriage survive?
These questions roamed around in her mind causing her sleep to vanish and her shifting from one position to another in bed trying to get comfy.

A low creaking sound made her sit up in bed in haste. She felt as if someone was there with her in the room. With heart in her throat, she quietly slipped from the bed and made way towards the door. The sensation increased as hair on her neck rose. As soon as she placed her hand on the door knob, a big manly, veiny hand held it and she gasped as she felt him nuzzling his head in her neck.

'MATT!! YOU SCARED THE CAT OUT OF ME', she said almost screaming, her pulse still increased.

She could feel his smirk as he shifted her hair to other side and started placing wet kisses on her bare neck making her bite her lips to stop the moan.

'Matt you can't be here. We are not supposed to see each other till the wedding. Mom will kill both of us if she gets to know about this', she tried to reasonable but couldn't really concentrate on anything because of his kisses.

'I can't sleep without you Mara. I can't sleep without holding you'

'Even I can't sleep but what if someone finds us?', she asked him sighing, even she couldn't sleep without holding him

'They won't, trust me. I'll go out early in the morning before anyone even wakes up', he said softly trying to convince her as he took her to bed without looking at her.

'But we aren't supposed to look at each other's face', she asked so cutely that he spooned himself behind her, his front pressed to her back and one of his hand was used by her as a pillow while the other was inside her tshirt, softly stroking her smooth bare stomach.

'Now we won't'

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'Now we won't'

He smiled when he felt her smiling and getting more comfortable in his arms. She pressed her face deeply in his biceps as he tenderly kissed her head and said, 'Sleep Mara. Get complete rest today because tomorrow I am keeping you awake all night. I won't let you sleep'.

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