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Hello guys!! Long time no see. So the prologue is finally here and I really request you guys to shower it with your love and emotions.
Inline comments are really really needed in large amounts as they make me so happy and motivate me.
Happy reading!!

Pain, hurt and betrayal was all that he felt. His insides were twisting painfully while all he felt was numbness. 

He just waited for it to be over, for someone to pinch him out of the nightmare he was living. To tell that whatever happened in the past hour didn't destroy him and his life.
He closed his eyes in anguish but saw the same scene replaying all over in his mind. 


His Mara

His Wife

With other guy. That fucking boss of hers. The same guy he has warned her about thousands of time but she always laughed it out. Now he knew the reason of her laugh. She was laughing on him. Laughing on how oblivious he was to all the things. 

Just an hour ago everything was perfect. He got out of work early so that he could spend some much needed time with Mara. Both their schedules have been too hectic for past some weeks, leaving them with almost no time for each other. When one is home, other is in office. Other than the late night cuddling where they were exhausted enough to not even talk, they didn't even meet as well. 
He was planning to change that and for that exact reason he took leave and left for her hospital carrying her favorite chocolates and flowers that would help him persuade her to join him as well. 

Feeling content to finally spend some time with her, he went in her cabin and saw that asshole boss Dan Daniel whatever standing close, too close to his wife. His back was facing him and Mara's body was hidden from his eyes. Narrowing his eyes, just as he took a step forward, he saw Danny bending down to her height and his body turned into ice as he saw him kissing Mara. 

His body turned cold, his hands clammy as he fisted them till it turned white. Anger coursed through his body as he waited for Mara to push him away or slap him but nothing like that happened. She stood there, her hand on Dan's bicep. 

Betrayal, anger all but bled out of him.  He waited for her to do something but she didn't and that was what hurted him more. His wife. His Mara, his sunshine, his life.

As soon as he saw Dan lowering his head to her neck and kissing her there, he turned around storming out of that room feeling sick as if he left his heart and soul there.

Throwing away the chocolates and flowers he brought for her, he got into his car and just got out of there, wondering where his love got wrong and life brought them here. 


Exhausted mentally and physically, Mara stood up from the spot where she has been curled up for past an hour and immediately swayed on her feet as her legs turned numb. Her whole body felt numb. 

The best day of her life turned into a nightmare quickly. No, she would not ruin it. Wiping off tears from her face she took a deep breath. In out in out, she can't panic as it won't be good for the baby. She would forget whatever happened in the past few hours and would focus on her future. It would take Matt only one look at her face to know something's wrong and she can't let him know this. 

She tried to divert her focus by thinking about how she would disclose the news to Matt and it worked. That thought brought a real smile on her face. Preparing herself, she took a deep breath and took step forward to go back home, accidentally stumbling by a nearby dustbin. Her eyes went to the chocolates and flowers that crushed and thrown on the top. Both were her favourite. Did Matt come here..? No, not possible. Just a mere coincidence. She shook her head and went towards her car.

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