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As soon as she heard a knock on her door she woke up in haste. It's so late, who would be there? Maybe Matt? He has come late nights before. All her tiredness and sleep vanished away as she literally ran towards the door filled with excitement. God please let it be him. 

Just as she opened the door, a hand came down on her head, fisting her hair softly and pulling it back as lips came down crashing on her own, kissing her hard making her moan into his mouth. She could recognize those soft, firm lips even in her dreams. She fisted his hair in her hand, feeling its soft texture as he pulled her close to him by her waist, closed the door and lifted her up such that her legs coiled themselves on his hips. 

This is what she was waiting for. This moment of closeness and completeness that she felt with him. She held his shirt tightly as he lowered her down on the couch careful not to break the kiss. For several moments they were like this, enjoying the feel of each other after a week. Then he broke the kiss as he saw her panting, fully out of breath.

'Hi there', he said with a smirk

'Hi', she said putting her head on his chest, blushing. He kissed her forehead softly in response.

'I am sorry I woke you up from sleep again', he said looking guilty

'Don't be. I really missed you'

'Really?', to which she just nodded with a small smile and pink tint on her face. Unable to bare her cuteness he kissed her again. 

She half raised herself on the couch in order to get near to him. Her hand that was stroking his neck came down to his biceps feeling the hard muscles there. As she moved an inch lower she felt something sticky and wet on his shirt.

Trying to see what it was she broke the kiss while he immediately moved to attacking her neck on the other side with his kisses and bites. Since the room was dark the liquid appeared blackish but as she rubbed it between her fingers, her eyes widened as she realized what it was. She quickly pushed him away, ran to switch on the light while Matt sat on the couch confused about what scared her.

'OMG Matt you're bleeding!!!', she cried grabbing his arm that had his shirt stuck to it because of blood. And it wasn't a small amount.

Fuck. He was a complete dumb idiot. He should have known that the small bandage would not hold the injury for long. But in his defence he just wanted to come to her as soon as possible. Even a second without her feels like agonizing torture. The first aid he used must have misplaced during their kiss, reopening the wound. 
Moreover to his bad luck it happened right in front of her. He could see the panic in her eyes as she asked him a series a questions.

'Matt say something! How did this happen?', her voice breaking

He softly stroked her face as he replied, 'Mara don't worry babe. It was just a small accident. A cat came out of nowhere and in process of saving it, I swerved my car into a tree. Luckily there wasn't much damage'

'No damage? Your arm is bleeding, You are hurt and you're saying no damage?', she said angrily. He saw her anger for the first time but there was more care behind it and he loved it. The pain didn't even existed in front of her.

'And stop smiling for heaven's sake. You are ..... are so careless about yourself', she stomped angrily before going to her room and came back running, carrying a first aid box

'Remove your shirt'

She saw his evil smirk as she said this. He opened his mouth, probably to say some suggestive joke about this but surrendered seeing her angry glare. Smart choice.

He striped off his bloody shirt and as she tried to take a seat near him, he pulled her directly on his lap. She scowled at him but directed her attention to his injury first. 

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