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Pain was all that she felt. It hurts. Everything everywhere hurts. Everything around her was dark and quiet. Too quiet. Everything except her mind which was forcing itself to work. 

It was too much. 

Every inch of her body ached, her mind was blank and her eyes closed. She tried to open them but she couldn't. She was too tired to do so. Too tired to do anything. All she wanted to do was to keep her eyes closed and fall into a deep, permanent sleep. 

But something was wrong. She could feel it. She knew something was very very wrong. She blinked her eyes open and felt the pain come back in full force. Her head hurt too bad making her feel nauseous, her mind felt black. Everything looked hazy and blurred when her surroundings finally came in view. 

Before she could gain complete consciousness, she knew something bad has happened. Her mind hurt as she tried to remember anything. Anything. But she couldn't. It was blank. All she could feel was the pain. 

Her baby. The thought removed any pain from her body as she forced herself to move. The pain was so thoroughly spread in her body that she she couldn't feel it in a single place. She didn't know the central point of it. 

As she saw her surroundings, everything seemed normal. Nothing looked out of place but she still couldn't remember how or what happened. She shifted a little and from the corner of her eye, she could see something below her. Something red. 

Her arm hurt as she tried to touch the substance. It was sticky and wet. She rubbed it between her fingers and her eyes widened with realization. 


It was blood

No no no no. It couldn't be what she thought. No please god don't let it be.

Her baby

Mustering all her leftover strength she pushed herself, biting her lips to avoid letting out the scream she felt because of the blast of the pain. Like someone was prickling pins every inch of her body. A deep ache filled her bones as if someone was drowning her in ice cold water and then putting it back in smoking hot one. 

She dragged herself forward since her legs stopped supporting her. Her eyes went to the place from where she originally dragged herself from and nerves twisted her stomach as she saw the amount of blood present there. Dread filled her body so bad that it took away her breath, stopping her heartbeat for a second. 
She forced herself to look away from the scene and not think about it otherwise she would lose whatever strength she was left with. 
Tears continuously ran from her eyes from pain and anguish as she kept dragging herself. 

It felt like hours when she found herself in the corridor. She was ultimately tired now. Her body didn't even have the strength to breath now. All she wanted to do was to lie down and wait for sleep to overcome her. But she can't. She has to save her baby. Her Liam.


Just thinking about him causes a pain in her heart. Amidst the empty corridor, she waited for someone to find her. Surely someone would come this way. This was the only exit. She could feel her pulse slowing down and her gaze become blurry. She saw the shadow of someone in front of her running towards her.

She and her baby would be saved now

Thank god

Deep ocean blue eyes were the last thing she thought of before she lost consciousness and everything became dark.



That was what she felt as she opened her eyes, her head hurting from the sunlight coming inside the room. She felt like she was on a bed, she looked around her and found herself in the hospital bed. 

She tried to remember anything. Literally anything about last night but she couldn't. It felt as if her mind has blocked itself for that particular time. 
Her body felt numb and there was no pain now, just a dull ache. She knew it must be the affect of the long tube that was attached to her hand. 

She jerked hard as she remembered how she came her. Her dragging herself, a girl running to save her and blood on the floor.


The blood

Her baby

She sat on the bed ignoring the way her body protested against it. 

'MARA!!', she heard a familiar voice and saw Naria running towards her. She felt her eyes fill with warm tears as she found herself in a tight hug. Its been so long since she has been embraced with a familiar warmth of a person. But she didn't feel it for long. There was only one thought in her mind right now. She just needed reassurance. 

'Naria', she tried to speak but her dry throat hurt so bad as if she has been screaming for hours.

'Where the hell where you Mara all this time? Do you know your in-laws and friends are looking for you all around like mad? No phone, empty house, no info ... do you know how worried we were and that idiot won't tell us anything about you or what happened between you two. You should have left that asshole but not us babe', she said crying

'Naria plz tell me what happened. I don't remember anything that happened last night. But there was blood. Please tell me that my baby is fine, that he's healthy please', she begged crying  barely saying those words from her dry throat. Dread all but consumed her.

The look of hesitance on Naria's face devastated her, robbing her of breath as bad thoughts started invading her mind. 

'Mara actu...actually... listen to me ok?... calm down plz and listen.... pl...please', she said in a soft, hesitant voice as if talking to a baby. 
Something was wrong or she wouldn't have been talking like that. Not wanting to listen, she started shaking her head vehemently as she could feel herself shivering. Somewhere deep down she knew what Naria was going to say but she wanted to avoid the truth as long as possible because she knew she couldn't handle it. She could already feel tears running down her face, drowning her in misery and pain.

'Listen to me Mara', Naria said suddenly in a strong voice holding her shoulders to make her stop shivering. 'Be calm ok? I know this is very tough for you but you need to be strong ok? You are strong. I know you are', she started shaking her head in negative but Naria stopped her and continued saying, 'Mara.... When I found you... It.. it was horrible. You were covered in blood and there were bruises on your body and and....', she stopped, her eyes were filled with despair and tears but she was just confused.
'We brought you here as soon as possible but.... But I am sorry baby we were too late.....', Naria continued but she couldn't hear it.

There was a buzzing sensation in her ears that blocked any kind of voice coming her way. Her body turned numb as she could feel every organ shutting down one by one.

We were too late.

Too late.


Her baby boy

The only reason she was still alive was gone
She couldn't even hold him. There was no relation in her life that she could ever hold on too.

She felt the world collapsing around her and the last thing she saw in front of her was him. His eyes were the last thing that came into her mind before everything went black and she could hear Naria shouting her name.

She fainted only hoping to not wake up ever again, just to face the reality.


Hey guys!! Thank you for being so much eager for this new chapter!! Hope you enjoyed it.

I know this took a dark turn that none of you guys expected. I know you wanted to see the baby and see Matt grovel for it. But trust me he will and very badly.
As for the baby, I really really cried writing this chapter as I knew how much this baby meant for Mara, however it was never supposed to survive, from the beginning.
I thought about changing the storyline when I saw how much you guys are excited about the baby but then I thought to continue with the original storyline.

Please be tuned and see the new turns this story takes!! Part 2 begins soon!!

Please let me know if you liked this chapter. Kindly vote and comment for sure.

- PS

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