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As soon as the car stopped, her heart stopped as well. In middle of a huge lush, green lawn that was full was varieties of flowers and flora, there was a huge house covered with beautiful lights that gave an antique yet modern vibe. The driveway was really big and was covered with big trees that formed a shed above. It looked like a well off ancestral home that gave homey and comfy vibes.

 It looked like a well off ancestral home that gave homey and comfy vibes

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She was still anxious as Matt opened the door and pulled her outside. She met his eyes as he leaned towards her, caging her between both his hands such that she was stuck between him and the car. Her heart beat increased, breath hitched and she could feel herself blush at their close proximity, momentarily forgetting about anything else. She could feel the heat of his body and wanted to move away but his eyes were daring her to do so. It was the first time that any man was so close to her, it made her nervous but not a bad kind, rather she felt safe and had a butterfly kind feeling in her stomach right now. 

This butterfly thing was never taught in medical school. What to do about it?

'One more important thing sweetheart, if I ever in future heard you talking about yourself like that, it won't take me a moment to bend you on my knees', he said in a serious voice that caused her eyes to widen but he wasn't finished because he continued, 'You are everything I need, ok? Make yourself understand that. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You're sweet, gentle, caring and smart. I don't need anything else and neither do my parents. Trust me when I say that one look at you and they'll love you like their own. So theirs's no reason to be nervous ok?', he said in a soft voice that she has never heard from him before. 

The butterflies in her stomach were now on full-on war mode as she heard what he said. This was what he thought about her? How in the world did she get so lucky to have him? Realizing that she was still looking at him like a fool while he was expecting an answer, she just nodded her head causing him to smirk at her state.

Slowly he brought his face down, making her hands curl in the car as she thought he was going to kiss her. He was so close that they were breathing the same air, one tilt of head and they her lips would touch his. Her stomach was literally doing somersaults as his lips touched her cheek, so close to the corner of her lips. She felt hot, really hot. She knew her face was completely red by the time he moved a little away.

This woman was something else. Just one kiss has made him feeling hot and bothered and it wasn't even a real kiss. He just wanted to remove her insecurities but didn't want to make her uncomfortable, so he kissed her cheek. But seeing its effect, he really wished to give her a real kiss. Her face and neck were completely red, her hands were curled holding the car trunk tightly and she wasn't even meeting his eyes, clearly feeling shy. He liked seeing his effect on her.

Deciding not to make her run away, he said, 'Let's go inside now', to which she nodded, deciding to tease her a little more he continued, 'unless you want another kiss?'. He laughed as she ran away at maximum speed.

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