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Weeks have passed since our first date and things have been going great. They went for a movie date few days later and a beach date as well. 

For Mara it was like a deep hidden fantasy that was buried inside her, come true. She couldn't believe how lucky she got, finding a man like him who was intelligent, hardworking, understanding, caring and not to mention devilishly handsome. 

Matt on the other hand, felt things within himself that he couldn't describe. It was like she was a cure for him. Whenever she was near, he felt complete and relaxed, as if all the anger and burden he carries along with himself just vanish away. In such a short period of time she has become an important part of his life, a part that he can never lose.

When he asked her about her Christmas plans that was just around the corner, he could see the pain and loneliness in her beautiful eyes when she said she planned to go shopping and stay at home. He knew it was a lie and that she was going to be alone on festival. So he made a plan, only hoping that it would not hurt her.

In order to fulfill the plan, he called the exact person he required.

'Well, well it seems like my dearest son still hasn't forgotten me'. His mom's voice came from other side making him smile immediately.

'Ma it's not possible to forget the most beautiful woman of this planet ok? And I am glad to hear that you tend to call your elder son dearest even though you don't exactly behave when your younger one is present'

'Hush!! You're don't think those charms would save you all the time and a mother never distinguishes between her children. Now tell me what's the real reason you called me for coz it ain't you missing me.'

Laughing lightly on her correct assumption he said, 'Well just to inform that I won't be coming alone in Christmas at home'.

'Yeah I know that since I was the one who warned Ronan to come here or he will face my wrath' 

After the death of his parents, he became another son of our family so he spends every occasion with us, so it was no surprise that he was going to be there.

'He told me that already but mom I wasn't talking about him' he said slowly, already knowing the reaction that was going to bombard any second.

'Matt James Dawson are you telling me that you finally have a girl in your life who isn't a dumb bimbo like those you have for fun and you haven't told your mother about that yet?' His assumption came true as his mother shouted on him and heat crawled up his neck hearing his mother talk about his sex life.

Clearing his throat he tried to explain her, 'Mom! It's just few weeks and moreover I was going to tell you on Christmas but thought it was better to actually bring her.'

'Well since that is the only sensible thing you did in this whole situation, I am letting you go. And bring her with you, even I want to meet the sweet girl who finally fixed my idiotic son. Now tell me more about her, everything about how you met and how she is, don't leave anything'

Chuckling at her childish nature he told her everything about Mara. 

'I can't even express how excited I am to meet my future daughter in law. But won't her family feel bad that she would spend festival with us?'

'Ma plz don't call her something like that in front of her. It's still too early for that and about her family, she's alone. She doesn't have parents or any other family', he told his mom in a grave voice. He knew how much it affected Mara. She doesn't likes to about it but he was an expert in face reading, he knew she felt that she was alone and lonely, but he also knew that he was there for her. He would never make her feel alone. He would make her realize that soon.

'Oh my!! That poor child!, his mom gasped from other side, 'No one should ever be alone in their life and now even she isn't. Bring her here Matt and tell me about all those foods and everything that she likes. This time everything will be according to her preference. I want her to know that now she does have a family. I haven't met her yet but I know that she is special. Listening to how you feel for her I know she is something else and mark my words, that she is the one for you.'

'Thanks Mom, See you later'

He hanged up the phone and laid back on bed thinking about what his mother said. 

Brown eyes came in front of his eyes and he fell into a deep slumber, waiting for the next day so he can see those eyes physically again.

He truly was obsessed. 


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So another question, 

Which kind of person are you? Early bird or Night owl?

I am a Night owl.

Keep reading!!!!

- PS


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