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Matt went out of his parent's house, his fists clenching and unclenching trying to get his anger in control because he knew it would overpower everything. Mom's words roamed in his head reminding him of her. Every fucking beautiful moment with her. 
He closed his eyes and saw her little, shy smiling face with blush adorning her chubby cheeks. He opened his eyes within a second and punched the hard tree trying to feel something other than pain but no avail. He saw the blood oozing out but it still didn't feel anything.

'You shouldn't have run out like that', Ronan said coming after him, eyeing the wound in his hand. He tried taking his hand but Matt jerked it out.

'I didn't run. I just did not want to be a part of some discussion that is going to bring nothing but headache' 

'Mom wasn't wrong though, you know? If you could only get your head out of your ass, you can change everything. Deep down even you know that Mara would have never cheated on you but you are just too much of a coward to accept it', Ronan said to Matt angrily who glared at him and before he could say anything, his phone rang.

'Yes', he said picking up, still glaring at Ronan

'Sir, sorry to disturb you so late but there's an emergency. Alex got hit by a bullet and we're bringing him back from an air ambulance. The mission was completed and everything was destroyed'

They had many government contracts and this mission was one of them. He has many teams that consist only the best of best. Every member was an ex military who were in the top positions before retiring or taking forced leave. This was one such mission where he had sent 2 of his teams for the job. He and Ronan also went with them sometimes, but only when it was too important or dangerous.

'Bring Alex to the hospital, we're coming there as well. Good job', he said and cut the call. Looking at Ronan he said, 'We need to go. Alex's hurt'

Nodding, both of them went towards the car and went off to the hospital, not knowing that history was going to repeat itself.


Mara hurriedly changed into scrubs and went to the OT. She saw a big man, military type looking laying on the bed, covered in mud with a bullet in his chest. As she went near him, a strange feeling arose in her heart, something unexplainable, kind of deja vu but she didn't know why. Her heart was telling her that something big was going to happen and her gut feelings were always right. 

Shaking her head to get rid of these thoughts, she cleared her head and went near the patient, Alex preparing for surgery. 

Two hours later, she took a deep breath, relieved that the operation was successful and the big man was safe now. They shifted him to a private ward as ordered by the man's boss. This was unusual. She has never seen any other boss take care of his employees so much. He must be a caring man. Like he was. Like how he always took care of his team and made them his priority. He never let anyone hurt.

Shaking her head out of his thoughts, she was checking Alex when Naria entered the cabin, 'Mara! Dr. Brian is calling you'

'I'll be right there', she finished her task hurriedly and went to see her senior doctor.


Matt entered the private cabin he had ordered for Alex and the second he entered, a sweet strawberry like scent entered his senses. Nostalgia and memories hit him so hard that it almost knocked him down his ass. It was the exact same scent as hers. The same scent that still haunts his dreams and makes him crave for something he shouldn't. 
For a while he felt as if he could sense her presence here. He could feel her here. 

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