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I reached the emergency ward running at the maximum speed my body was capable of. As soon as I reached there, I saw that the corridor was empty, meaning everyone was already inside. DAMN. Panting, I wore my scrubs and equipped myself for going inside.

There I saw a really big man resting on the hospital bed whose shoulder was covered with bandages and there was an other man who looked similar to him build wise sitting in a chair near to the bed. His friend or colleague maybe.

Doctor Mathur and Doctor Robby, a self absorbed, egoistic and privileged man under whom I was interning were checking on the big sized patient while talking to a man whose back was in front of me. If I thought that the other two men were huge, this guy was a tanker himself. 6'4 with a strong built. Even from behind one can see his lean muscled physique with big, strong shoulder. Realizing that I was gawking at his back, I was brought out of my trance when someone called out my name.

'Well look whose here. Dr Mara we sincerely appreciate you to bestow upon us with your gracious presence finally, since we were waiting for about 30 minutes so that a life can be saved. But it seems there was an other important task that you were so clearly engrossed in that made you forget your duty. In my 10 years of career not once has been any complaint filed against me and here while being in your internship you're committing mistakes. Tsk tsk' . 

Dr Robby said with a condescending smile, causing me to look down with shame and guilt. I could feel a burning gaze at me when Dr Mathur said in his usual stern voice that no one messes with,

'Well it is said that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, something you're incapable of Dr Robby, Also there hasn't been any complaint filed against you because of the politics you and your director in laws play. Dr Mara has always been the competent one whose work speaks with organization and perfection. Its the first time she has ever been late and I know there must be a reason behind it. Right Mara?'

I gave him a small nod, still looking down feeling nervous and scared.

Well if you can't see Dr Mathur and Robby hate each other.

'Very well now Dr Robby if you can excuse us, we have some real work to do unlike you. So, let's take the patient to the surgery room and start the operation. Mr Dawson we'll start the procedure now.'

'Yeah, Ronan and I will be there in the waiting room', said a deep, husky voice that sent shivers down her spine. Feeling that burning gaze again, she finally looked up connecting with those deep blue orbs that stunned her in a place. He was looking at her as if he could see inside of her, her soul. And damn if he wasn't handsome. Now she knew why Naria was having a orgasm down there. He must be the hulk of dangerous boss man she was talking about.

Deep blue captivating eyes, dark blonde hair that were messed just enough to increase his hotness, chiseled and sharp jawline, a 5'o clock stubble and muscles that were visible even through the layers of his clothes. He really was the most good looking guy she has ever seen. But those deep eyes of his screamed danger, not the kind that makes us feel uncomfortable but the one telling us to run in opposite direction as fast as possible.

Feeling self conscious and awkward because of his intense gaze, she finally broke their eye contact and said to Dr Mathur, 'I'll make all the arrangements'.

Then she ran from there.

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