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It's been two weeks since she was back home from the Christmas at Matt's house and two weeks since she has seen him. Yes, TWO WEEKS!! 

As soon as he dropped her home after leaving his parents house, he received a call. She couldn't understand their cryptic language but knew from his body language that it was serious and he needed to leave soon. As the call ended, he told her that he would be leaving tomorrow early morning and would be back in a few days.

Those few days have however turned into two weeks. The only time she heard from him was on New year when he messaged her wishing it, though he didn't tell clearly about when he was returning. She missed him and was worried about him as well. She knew his job was neither easy nor safe, so not talking to him increased her concern.
She didn't even realized when he became such an important part of her life. Before him, she never felt panicked or anxious over someone's absence or even missed them, but staying away from him was a total torture. She has even lost her precious sleep over him.

Whenever she went to bed her thoughts were filled with him. His touch, his kisses, his smile, his concern for her and even his teases. 

Ava and even his mother contacted her in these weeks, in fact she was meeting Ava tomorrow. But the one she desperately wanted to meet wasn't picking up her calls. 
Why was she behaving as a lonely woman when her entire life she has been like that?
Why was she so desperate so see his deep blue eyes again?

Because you're in love with him, Her inner evil voice said.

Love? She didn't even knew what love was or how it felt. She has never experienced it before. In her entire 23 years she has kissed only one guy. In her medical school, she was partnered in an assignment with a popular guy. He was tall, good looking and funny. One day while they were completing it, he told her that he liked her. Even she was surprised that the guy behind whom every girl of college was running, was asking her out. Naïve but excited about this new thing, she accepted it. Soon she found out that he was an arrogant creep who was too proud of flaunting his father's money. One day he kissed her, it was sloppy and wet and disgusting. He did it so suddenly that she didn't have the chance to stop him. She pushed him though and tried to go away from him. Feeling rejected, he called her an orphan, frigid prude in front of the entire college, making everyone laugh.
After that she became more drawn into herself, alone and always trying not to bring any kind of attention towards her. Since no one knew of her existence, she never had friends.

But Matt wasn't like him at all. He was a caring and thoughtful, a perfect gentleman. From the stories his mother told her she knew that he was a protector by nature having experiencing it herself many times. He did come from a wealthy background but he paved his own path by hard work to reach where he was today.

So what she felt for him was out of her known feeling list.

If caring for someone was love, then she loved him.

If losing yourself in eyes of someone so deep that you forget about your own existence was love, then she loved him.

If feeling your heart skip everytime you think about someone is love, then she loved him.

If fear of losing someone is so great that your heart clenches everytime you think of them in danger is love, then she loved him.

 If imagining to spend the entire life with someone was love, then she loved him. 

She knew it's been roughly two months since they even met each other but also knew that no one has been so close to her heart in 23 years. 

But does he feels the same about her? Does he love her?
If he doesn't it would break her heart. 
But what about those things he told her? Not to mention he brought her to meet his parents. That wasn't just a fling thing to do. Was it? She doesn't even know how those flings work.

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