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'You have turned really naughty you know? Jumping around the hall and flirting with the nurses!? Impressive I must say', Mara said biting her lips trying to hide the laughter that was begging to come out as she gave medicine to her cute, little patient Jeremy.
As a doctor she wasn't supposed to have favorites but this small guy was definitely hers. 

'I know, beautiful! It's not my fault that I am so handsome that those nurses and doctors can't keep their hands off me. Including you sweetheart', he said in his sweet voice while giving her the best wink a 8-year old kid can. 

'Sure kiddo', she said ruffing his hair while laughing. 

'I am not a kid, I am big!', he said angrily, his cute little face turning red with anger. She bit her lips to avoid smiling and mocked surrender by raising both her hands, 'I know I am so sorry big boy'. Jeremy nodded looking satisfied and then started laughing as Mara tickled his stomach.

They were both laughing as the door opened and Jeremy's mother Sana and Naria entered and a big smile appeared on their face looking at the duo laughing.

Seeing them, Mara carefully disentangled Jeremy from her and made him lie on the hospital bed, covering him with bedsheet. She nodded Sana to join her in her cabin and asked Naria to take care of Jeremy.

'Even though he's surrounded with pain and agony, he's still so full of life and happiness. It's all because of you. I can't thank you enough for it. Sometimes when I see him like this, I feel as if it will all get better. That he will get better and that everything will be fine after that', Sana said, her voice breaking at the end as tears filled her eyes. 

Her throat felt clogged as she saw Jeremy from her cabin's door laughing with Naria. At such a young age, he got diagnosed with ischemia which is a serious and life threatening heart disease especially for someone so young like him. He has been under her care for about 8 months now and his condition has been stable for a long time now but he was still very weak and prone to more seriousness.

'Don't thank me please, it's my job. But I want to tell you something, his condition hasn't improved since our last meeting but the good news is that it hasn't even deteriorated, so we will take that as a good sign. Try to bring him more frequently and increase his diet', Mara advised her and put her hand on Sana's trying to console the crying mother. 
She could feel her pain, having experienced something similar not a long time ago. It has been long now but she still feels as if it happened yesterday. She knew the pain of losing baby and that's why she promised herself that she won't let any other mother lose theirs's.  

Sana nodded, wiping the tears off her face and left her cabin after thanking her. Naria entered as soon as she left, inspecting her face with deep scrutiny and understanding.
She always did that. Mara didn't know what she would have done without her. She stood beside her from the beginning without asking or expecting anything in return. She saved her from herself. 
Naria was the one who found her laying in a pool of her own blood after she sliced her wrists. She immediately took her to the hospital and saved her. She was so angry at her that time, angry that she got saved, that she was alive. It took her a lot of time, efforts and pain to come out of that phase. She started taking anxiety and anti-depressant pills, it calmed her to a lot extent. Still sometimes she gets panic attacks and nightmares that chill her to core. 

'You laugh like that only with Jeremy and not me. I am hurt', she said in a mock hurt voice, rubbing her chest as if it was paining. 

'That is not true'

'Then show me some love, come on', she said opening her arms waiting for a hug. Smiling lightly, she stood and hugged her. She has never seen a person like Naria in her life ever before. The second she saw Mara's condition, she left her old job and started living with her, taking her care when she was at her lowest. She cheered her up, motivated her and in short saved her. If she hadn't found her that night on time, she certainly would have died. Sometimes she still wishes for it.

It was an extremely dark and difficult phase of her life with absolutely no hope, no faith, no family, no motivation and no purpose. It was still the same but she was better than before, atleast from outside. She still has anxiety and sleeping problems but she has controlled herself. She has started learning to live without him again.

It doesn't mean that she still doesn't crave him or has moved on. She knew that she could never move on from him. It just wasn't possible. Every night she still sleeps wearing his shirt that has long lost his scent but still somehow feels like him, she still dreams of him, longs for him to hold her, comfort her and just be with her the way he used to. It feels like a physical pain to even think about him. Every breath feels like fire and the heaviness in her chest just never goes away.

But as soon as she starts remembering him, the first flash that comes in front of her eyes is of the night he left.
His words, his anger, his hatred, his insults and the thing she dreads the most- his cold, loveless eyes. The eyes that she used to love, she used to find her home, solace and comfort in, turned into her nightmare.

She can't hate him. No matter how hard she tries but she just couldn't. And she really did try her best to do that.

'Back to present babygirl', Naria snapped her fingers in front of her eyes bringing her out of her thoughts.

'I am here'

'Yeah right that's why I took your name four times before. So I was asking what are you doing tonight!?'

'I will probably be late tonight. I have some pending files and also since Dr. Carson is on leave, I have to take his emergency shift'

'Are you sure you will be fine alone?', Naria asked with concern in her eyes.  She knew that being alone especially in hospital reminded her of that night. The night she lost everything and still doesn't remember anything about.
No matter how hard she tries to reminisce anything, it just turns to be blank. As if that night is blocked from her memories.

'Yeah I will be ok. I need to learn how to be ok. It's been too long now. Also, I won't be alone, there will be other people as well, so don't worry. Sleep tight!', she said trying to sound confident. She wanted to believe her own words but it was difficult.

'Yeah ok then bye!! Take care and call me if you need anything', she hugged her and left.


Few hours later as it turned completely dark outside, she started packing up her stuff to leave for the day since her hectic and bone tiring shift was finally over.

All she needed was a hot shower, comfy clothes and her bed.

As soon as she hanged her bag on her shoulder, the door to her cabin burst open and one of the nurses came inside panting, 'Dr. Dawson there's an emergency. A knife wound too close to heart. Patient has lost a lot of blood but he's still awake. Also his boss is a well known personality here'

'Let's talk about this important boss later Kelly. He's not that important when there's a bleeding man waiting for us. Let's go'

She didn't know what was waiting for her there and had no idea that her life was going to change once again.

Hey guys!! Comparatively a faster update, looks like I am improving😂 Kidding!! I will definitely try to.

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We'll be finally meeting Matt in next chapter after so so long. It will be in his POV.

Stay tuned

- PS

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