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Looking at her face that was flustered and unfocused because of him, made him feel satisfied from inside. Never before has he asked a girl whom he barely knows to have dinner with him. He never did dinners or dates. Women were just a medium for him to relieve his pent up stress or frustration in form of a one night stand. No feelings, no obligations.

But she was different. She wasn't like those other women who flocked around him because he had a big bank balance or they liked the adrenaline rush they felt with him. She was shy and innocent and beautiful. So, the words were out of his mouth before he even processed them. He didn't regret it though. 

He was very much interested in knowing her. 

'Close your mouth you're drooling bro', asshole aka Ronan said not even bothering to hide his laugh.

I glared at him when he burst out laughing, 'Wish you could see your face now. That glare doesn't work on me but it could on a certain pretty, young lady you have been ogling as she looks like a little kitten.' he said, amusement clear in his voice.

'I wasn't ogling her, I am not a creep and for the record that little kitten is going on a dinner with me tomorrow.', I said ignoring his stunned look. Yup he was surprised I am taking a living women to a dinner who isn't my mother or Ava, Ronan's girlfriend.

'And don't call her pretty again or your face won't be pretty tomorrow'. I warned him and went towards my car.


I can't sleep. It's 2:17 AM, completely dark outside my small but cozy 1 room apartment but sleep is far away even though it's been almost 48 hours since I have slept properly.

But I can't be blamed right? Not when the next night I have a date with the hottest man I have ever seen. The same questions are hovering in my mind since I left the hospital hours ago. Why would he agree to go on a date with a girl like me even though he could have any other who matched him and his status? I was a simple doctor with absolutely no social skills. All my life I have been alone, no one to talk to, share my feelings with or to love. Now all of a sudden this guy who doesn't know me nor I do him properly is already sweeping me off my feet. 

He messaged me before I went to bed reminding me about our date and asked me to relax. How does he know I am so close to a panic attack just thinking about tomorrow? Also how he has my number, no idea. 

When I told Naria about all this fiasco, she looked as if she had attained nirvana. While I was there babbling in front of her, happiness was literally dripping of her face. She immediately took me for shopping saying that she didn't trust my clothing choice for a date night. Well she wasn't wrong though. 

After hours of her stopping at every shop and me rejecting everything she chose (You should have seen their sizes and lengths!!!!), she finally stopped at a counter and picked a dress. It was beautiful. I decided to buy it for tomorrow night.

I was nervous and scared but also happy and excited. 

I just hope he wasn't there to break my heart.


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