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As soon as she closed her door after seeing him off she ran to her own room, closed the door and squealed loudly jumping all around the room with glee. She seriously couldn't believe matt kissed her and it was out-of-the-world extraordinarily amazing. She felt elevated, exhilarated, ecstatic and all other synonym words all at once.

She jumped on her bed and hugged her soft pillow tightly hiding her face in it. She couldn't stop the reddening of her cheeks even if she wanted to. She could see that kiss playing in her mind on repeat as if it was a recorded continuous tape.

She laid in that position thinking about everything that happened in the past hour and slept with a small smile on her face

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She laid in that position thinking about everything that happened in the past hour and slept with a small smile on her face.


She entered a cozy but beautiful café where she was meeting Ava. The weather was pleasantly warm today so she opted for short, sleeveless floral yellow dress with white sneakers.

 The weather was pleasantly warm today so she opted for short, sleeveless floral yellow dress with white sneakers

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The cafe wasn't full but it wasn't empty either. There was only an elder couple and a group of boys present since it was off time so it wasn't hard to find Ava. As soon as she saw her, Mara was engulfed in a big hug. Without wasting any time, she hugged her back tightly.

Right away as they took their seats, Ava pointed a finger at her and with curiosity and mischief in her eyes said, 'You're smiling a lot today and something tells me that blush on your face is not because of me'

She was right. Since morning, actually no since last night she has been smiling like a lunatic and the blush was not going anywhere as well. Though hearing Ava catching her red handed made the heat on her face and neck increase ten times fold causing her to hide her face in her hands.

'OH MY GOD! OMG! Did you two finally do it? Gosh you have to tell me everything. LIKE EVERY SINGLE DETAIL. When did it happen? How it did? Where was it? Was it in a heat of a moment or long, slow building passion? Fuck both are hot. I think I need Ronan now'

She said everything so fast that she had to take a deep breath and then stare at Mara who has now hidden her face so deep in her hands with detective-like eyes.

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