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I woke up when I heard the shrill sound of my phone ringing. Sunshine was coming in maximum amount inside my room which means it was already late in morning. 

Still not ready to come out of my coma sleep, I picked up the call without seeing the number and brought the phone near my ear.

'Hello?', I said in my on-the-way-to-die-if-I-don't-sleep voice.

'I didn't know that you were a sleepyhead, sorry for disturbing your precious sleep', an amused, deep voice came from other side of phone that evaporated all her sleep and made her sit straight on the bed as if someone caught her red handed. Looking at hands of her wall clock pointing 11:05 am, she guessed why he he was so amused.

Feeling embarrassed she said in a low voice, 'Umm.. no it's ok... I was just waking up', Lie Lie Lie the evil voice in her mind spoke making her more nervous and blurting out, 'Good morning!'

She immediately face palmed herself as she heard his chuckle on the other side. Who says good morning at 11 in the morning? Aware of the heat crawling up her neck, she cleared her throat trying to get rid of the mortification she felt because of opening her big mouth.

'Good morning to you too sleepyhead', he said coughing, clearly trying to hide his laugh. 'Well if you're awake, I was about to tell you that I am picking you up at 4 in evening, ok?'

'Ok!! But where are we going?' 

'That you'll find out when we reach there.'

'Fine but what am I supposed to wear?' Her one of the biggest phobia was to go somewhere completely overdressed or underdressed as it made her more uneasy, so its important to ask him that.

'Casuals. Anything comfortable. Now go back to your beauty sleep' , he said clearly making fun of her.

'Shut up! I won't sleep now', she said trying to sound angry but couldn't stop the smile stretching on her face when she heard him laughing.



Mara was just wearing her shoes when she heard her phone ping with Matt's message saying he was downstairs waiting for her. Dressed in a casual cream color sweater and jeans along with a jacket since it was Christmas time, so really cold outside, she took her bag, locked the door and went downstairs. 

(*Her outfit*)

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(*Her outfit*)

She found him leaning on his car door while typing something on his phone. Naria would have had a fit if she saw him right now. He was wearing a casual light blue shirt and jeans even though it was chilling cold outside. His sleeves were folded which made his bulging veiny muscles visible even from a distance. I still can't believe why such a fine species of man would have any interest in me.

As if sensing her presence he looked up, connecting those deep orbs with her he smirked and her heart literally skipped a beat. If she thought he was handsome without a smile, along with a smile he can have anyone at his feet.

'Hi', she said with a big smile happy to see him even though it's only been 3 days since they last met.

'You look stunning', and he wasn't lying at all. Even though she was wearing casuals that covered all her skin, they can't hide the generous and beautiful curves they have hidden inside. Not to mention that jeans she was wearing that hugged her ass beautifully. Fuck he was getting jealous of her clothes. Before she think of him as a creep, he opened her side of door, waited for her to sit and then went to his side.

The car ride was silent, not awkward or uncomfortable but peaceful, something they always found with each other.

'Will you now tell me where we are going?' She asked him not able to control herself anymore as she saw their car passing the modern and upper suburb area.

'My parent's house for celebrating Christmas', he said in a casual voice as if he had not just given her a shock big enough to jump straight out of the car.

'WHATT? Why did you not tell me that before? I need atleast a month to prepare for meeting them. Oh god what will they about me. Please Matt I can't go there like this. They'll hate me, they won't like me. I am awkward and I won't be able to hold even a simple conversation with them. They'll think that I am a gold digger and that I am not worthy enough for you which I know is true. But then maybe they'll get angry with you as well for choosing someone like me. I don't want that to happen. Please just stop the car and drop me here, I'll go back to home alone you don't have to worry and you can celebrate with them. Please please please.' She finally completed her rant, totally out of breath and saw him still driving looking forward but one of his hand had water bottle for her. Mortified but still tensed about her rant she quietly took the bottle from his hand and took a sip, feeling a bit calm.

'Done with your speech?', to which she just nodded.

'I don't think I have ever heard you say so many things to me in one line. Now I know it's possible. And yes, I am not going alone there and will definitely not drop you here in the middle of a road. I didn't tell you about where we were going because I knew you would take unnecessary stress about it, and I was right isn't it? 

Listen to me Mara, my parents haven't met you yet but they're already in love with you ok? They are really excited about meeting you and sure as hell don't think of you as a gold digger or any of that shit. Clear?' he said.

Seeing that he was waiting for her reply she only said, 'Yeah ok', then looked outside the window thinking about all this.

Will his parents really like her as he is saying? She knew from all their talks that he was very close to his family and loved them all. So it was very important for them to accept her as well. They were wealthy, smart and accomplished people, will they like a simple, orphan, plain and shy girl like her? She was no comparison to Matt as well. He needed someone like him - bold, confident and smart. Clearly his parents would realize that in their first meet.

Looking at him from the corner of her eyes she realized that she was not ready to leave him.

For the first time ever, she has feelings for someone and she could only hope that they would survive everything.


Another chapter is up!!

So, did you guys liked it?

Please do not forget to vote and comment if you do.

Question of the day =>

What do you prefer more- Beach or mountain ?

I love the beautiful sceneries of mountains though I seriously hate the roads.

- PS


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