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Check out the end of the chapter for these beautiful aesthetics.


'I love you Matt. I really love you'

She whispered laying vulnerable beneath him completely naked except a pair of white, cotton underclothing.  
For a moment, words were lost to him. Emotions pummeled him, so intense they tied his tongue and stole his voice. This beautiful, sweet, innocent, caring girl loved him. He was the complete opposite of her- rough, blunt, ruthless and blood loving, still she loved him? He must have done some good deeds in his life to find someone like her. He knew what he felt for her was exceptional and it was something he hasn't experienced before. But when uncertainty tinged her expression, he forced the words out of his mouth, needing her to hear his truth.

'I love you too Mara, so much that you have no idea.'

Her eyes misted, then shuttered closed.  He caught a tear with his lips as he kissed her cheekbone. 'Hearing those words's everything.'

'You're everything, sweetheart.'

Their lips fused together again, and he felt and absorbed the electricity that buzzed between them. Lowering his head, he trailed kisses down to her chest, taking one hard nipple between his lips. Back arched, she pushed herself farther into his mouth. He licked and sucked her sensitive peak, loving the soft whimpers and cries she didn't quieten or soften. Lowering a hand, he stroked her core. Her entire body trembled beneath his touch. When he glanced up, his breath came out in a hiss at the sight of her. Her head was back, eyes closed and hair was spread all over his pillow. She looked angelic. His angel, he thought. The fire of need and lust and trust, all fused together. 

She was in heaven. These things he was making her feel were out-of-the-world-amazing. She opened her eyes as he slid down the last piece of cloth from her body and pressed a finger inside her. A carnal moan tore from her lips. His thumb remained on her clit, his finger continuing to thrust as he moved up her body, his eyes never leaving hers. It felt too much yet too good. She began to writhe beneath him. Rocking uncontrollably, trying to get closer or away she didn't even know. He inserted a second finger, crooking it, pushing farther inside her, stretching her. Her entire body jolted, her breath catching in her throat. She broke the eye contact, closing her eyes feeling too shy and vulnerable in this position. She never had a man so intimately close to her before, so all the sensations and butterflies inside here were a new experience. Something she wanted to cherish forever.

'Do you want me to stop Mara? Just say the word and I will, no questions asked', he asked her in a soft voice that she knew he used only with her.

She just shook her head momentarily losing her ability to form or speak words.

'Words, love. I need to hear it'

She cupped his cheek softly rubbing her thumb on it, loving the tickling feel of his stubble and looked directly in his eyes said, 'I don't want you to stop'

He brushed his lips softly against hers and then he straightened getting rid of his remaining clothes. She averted her eyes feeling embarrassed to look at his naked state. 

'Still shy sweetheart?', he said in a teasing tone, winking at her causing her to playfully hit his arm

'Shut up I am not', she said in a hushed, meek voice

'Yeah? Look down then', he continued teasing her, enjoying the blush that was now covering her entire body. He was sure if she blushed anymore, her face was gonna burst.

Her eyes widened to the size of saucers as she vehemently shook her head saying no. He buried his face in her neck and she could feel his shoulders shaking with mirth.

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