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Mara woke up feeling sunlight falling on her face, she scrunched her eyes close trying to get back to sleep but her eyes went to the hard chest beneath her.

Just like most of the nights she was sprawled above him- her head on his chest right above his heart, both her hands hugging him tight while their legs were tangled with each other. He was hugging her close even in sleep. She raised herself on his body by putting both her hands on her chin and just stared at him sleeping. She never had the chance of seeing him sleep before, mainly because he was an early riser. He wakes up fresh when she is still on her third dream of the night. Now for the first time she has woken before, so she was going to take advantage of that.

He looked so peaceful and calm like this. The dangerous and commanding aura that he generally keeps with him was now missing. She lowered herself to the bed careful not to wake him up, wincing as she felt the pain between her legs. Propping herself on her side, she raised her hand to his cheek enjoying the rough feel of his small stubble there. It gave him a rugged, manly, handsome look. Not to mention she could still feel the bristles on her entire body. Each and every inch of hers was sore and hurting- all thanks to this man, even though from inside she was sated and happy. She had lost the count of how many times he got her off last night. 

Her hand went lower tracing the smooth yet hard skin of his chest. His body was a kind of an interesting mystery to her. The skin was smooth but the muscles inside were hard and tough. He was a contrast all over. Watching him caused butterflies all over her insides as she thought about how much she loved him. The day he entered her life made her the luckiest and happiest girl in the world. He filled her lonely, dark world with brightness. He showed how it feels to have a family where she was loved and respected.

Though the best part was him. She got him as her husband for the entire lifetime and there was nothing else she wished for. 
Getting more comfortable she started tracing him bit lower, her hands touching his chest and then the hard ridges of his abs. All the while she was feeling tingles and butterflies inside her.

Matt woke up feeling tingles caused by hair on his face. He woke up and saw Mara lying above him like she always does. He loved the feel of her lying sprawled across him like a baby. She was no less than a baby though, he thought amused. He tightened his hold on her, careful not to wake her up since she needed to rest. Yesterday was completely hectic with the wedding and reception and on the top of that he didn't let her sleep the entire night, just as he promised. Smiling he softly kissed her head and closed his eyes.

He was still awake when he felt her hands tracing his face and hair. So he laid there like that, wanting to see what she does. Poor girl thinks she has woken up before him for once, little does she knows the truth.

He had to bite the insides of his cheeks when he felt her peppering soft, light kisses all over his face- his forehead, nose, cheeks and then finally she pecked his lips, so light that he almost didn't feel it. He had to close his hands in a fist in order to not lose his restrain and kiss her senseless.

 She kissed him again, soft yet longer than the last time. Breaking it, her hands again went exploring his body. Why doesn't she do that when he's awake? 
'Gosh you're so hot and handsome', she whispered with awe in her voice. He bit his cheeks to not let the smile out.

When he didn't feel any other movement from her for a while, he slowly gazed from one of his eye. She was on her back now, still close to him though. The blanket was covering her beautiful naked body from his hot gaze. But what made him smile was that she was lying there with her right hand above and was gazing lovingly on her ring finger that was beautifully cladded with both his rings- their wedding rings. Rings that declared her as his. That told everyone she belonged to him and he belonged to her. Forever. 

'You know I really want to kiss you', she whispered in his ear before kissing his cheek. Not able to control himself anymore, he hovered himself on his side and whispered in the same low voice in her ear, 'Then do it wifey. Who's there to stop you?'

Shocked by his sudden voice and seeing that he was wide awake, she shrieked loudly and jumped causing her to fall from the bed and land directly on her ass. Luckily she had brought the covers down with her so she was still covered. Her hand went back rubbing the area that was hurting a bit.

He buried his face in the pillow and started laughing so hard that their were literal tears coming to his eyes.

She pouted still sitting down as he lowered one of his hand to help her get up. Still embarrassed about her act, she took his hand without even looking at him and got up again.
How was that her fault? She thought he was deep asleep and for once she woke up before him. She wanted to get some benefit out of leaving her precious sleep for once. He could have been an actor if he wasn't in military, she thought pouting.

He saw her pouting and his laugh increased even more. Sitting up and levelling with her, he kissed her soft lips and whispered against it, 'You are so goddam adorable that I don't know what to do with you sometimes'. Hearing this her blush increased even more and she hid her face in the crook of his neck. 

'You're my wife babe, you can do anything to me anytime. Trust me I'll be waiting for it', he told her showering her head with his kisses.

'You need to stop being so shameless', she exclaimed shaking her head, still holding the blanket to her chest

'That's not what you said when you were screaming my name last night', he said in a low voice in her ear before biting down on it causing her to push him lightly. 'Matt!', she scolded.

'What that's a fact', he said chuckling. One of these days he was going to kill her with these teases.

For sometime they stayed cuddled like this, enjoying the peace and connection between them before Mara placed her finger on his face and kissed his eye.
'You know I really love your eyes. I wish I could have them', she said huffing

'Well you can't have them but maybe our kids will', he said with amusement making her blush as she thought about this topic

'Do you want that?', she asked in a low voice.

'Maybe. I don't know. But I am sure that I don't want it now. Maybe for some years. Your career has just started Mara, these things can wait but your future can't'

Hearing this was all she wanted. She must have done some really good deeds that she got a thoughtful husband like him. Raising herself on his chest she kissed him tightly trying to convey all the love she feels for him.

I know this filler chapter was a late update and I am really sorry for that.
Actually I am going to start my college soon and have to move out for it. So the updates this month would be slow since I'll be busy. I am really sorry for that.
But I promise I will try to update it as soon as I am free.

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Kuddos till next time

Keep reading

- PS

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