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5 years ago


Adrenaline was flowing throughout our bodies fast as we made our move towards the bunker hidden deep inside the African jungle that was the main base for illegal shipment of drug cartels. Our mission was to destroy it completely and capture the head AL-Kaia for interrogation. 

That was my job. Being the team leader, I was the one who kept calm at all situations but in situations like this, no one was more ruthless or blood hungry then me.

We made our way towards the target. From the corner of my eyes I can see my best friend and second in command, Ronan take his place and shoot. The bullet goes straight to the head of one of the guards parading outside the bunker. He really is the best sniper. As soon as the body falls to the ground, I point off my team and the firing starts. 

Within an hour, the place was completely destroyed and burnt. AL-Kaia was trying hard to escape from the clutches of Nathan, our bomb expert. It was funny seeing a 5'7 man with bloated stomach and large mustache who was otherwise known as one of the most brutal drug cartel leader fighting off the 6'2 big brute of a man. It looked like a fight between mammoth and teddy bear with plenty of body hair.

As soon as we were on the camouflaged airplane, I checked in with all my members to see if they were alright. Apart from normal scratches and few wounds everyone was fine except Killian who had a bullet lodged in his shoulder. Mike, our medic was treating him but the wound was quite deep and needed to be treated in hospital.

As soon as we landed we took him to the City hospital in the New York City. 

I had no idea my life was going to change in the most beautiful way there.


As soon as I turned 18, I left the my foster house and shifted in a hostel near my medical college. It wasn't as if my foster parents were abusive but they were just absent. They took me in only for the money Red Cross provided them for me. I was ignored as if I didn't even existed. However that wasn't anything new. I have been ignored all my life. It has become kind of a part of me now. Sad IK :(

The only thing that gives me genuine happiness is my medical studies. Even as a child I knew that I wanted to become a doctor. 

Now, I am 23 and interning in one of the best hospitals of NY, City Hospital.

 And dude let me tell you. I FREAKING LOVEEE ITTTT. 

The hospital building, my seniors, other interns, nurses and patients are all amazing. Dr Karam Mathur, Head Cardiologist is my mentor here and I really look up to him. He is strict, stern yet a humble hearted person. He teaches me and guides me all through the day.

Today is just a normal day but I am not. I had a 16 hour shift yesterday and then at night an emergency came up. So yes I haven't had even a blink of sleep, LOOK 4 hours sleep doesn't count anything since I am a heavy heavy sleeper. Trust me I can sleep even through a tsunami.

I wash my face in one of the staff bathroom and looking up in the mirror, cringe at myself. Damn I look like a murderer who ran away from the crime scene at the speed of 100 m/s. Taking pity at my patients who would surely get scared looking at me, I tried to make myself presentable. After a light makeup session, I came out and saw Naria, the head nurse and also the sweetest yet completely bold person here. I don't have any real friends because of my  introverted and shy nature, but she is someone I can consider as my friend.

"Damn girl you look like you just had a bird war going on your head. So who won, pigeon or crow? Or or or was there a quick session of quickie going on inside the washroom." She said winking.

I rolled my eyes at her. Yeah she has no filter in her mouth.

"Quickie and me? Sure you are delusional". I said.

"You are no fun. And before I forget the reason why I came here let me tell you about it. THERE IS A FUCKING GROUP OF THE MOST FUCKING HOTTEST, HANDSOMEST AND FREAKINGLY GORGEOUS MEN IN THE EMERGENCY SECTION" She said suddenly jumping up and down and shouting out loud causing the people sitting there looking at us like we were freaks.

"Naria!!! Lower your voice and please stop jumping for heaven's sake. They are in emergency section, we have to go there right now. It might be serious". I said as tried to calm her down from her fangirling mode. "Also handsomest isn't really a word you know" I said laughing.

"Gurlllll that word will be in your dictionary once you saw those men. And there is one man, maybe he's the boss or something, but let me tell you he is damn lickable. Tall, dark, handsome with a dangerous aura. He is a freaking walking wet dream with those muscles literally coming out of his shirt. Trust me if he even glances at me, I'll take him to the nearest closet and have my way with him."

 She said looking really close to have an orgasm just by thinking about him. Then as if she remembered something, she looked at me and said "Oh btw Dr Karam called you in the emergency ward like 20 minutes ago. He said that you'll assist him in the surgery. I forgot to tell you after seeing those hulks"

"And you are telling me about it now? Damn it". I said and took off running as if I was caught in fire while Naria was still standing there thinking about the lickable boss probably. 

Don't make me loose my job please dear god.



This was the first chapter. Please read my story.

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