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Fuck she was beautiful. Really beautiful. Big brown doe eyes that screamed innocence, cute small nose and her full, luscious pink lips that were begging to be kissed. Her long, shiny brown hair was wrapped up in a messy pony that suggested she had been working for a long time and is probably tired.

She was petite, like really small in front of his 6'4 but felt like the missing jigsaw puzzle piece that would fit completely in his arms. Though it appeared as if she was avoiding looking at him. For some reason he wanted her to look at him.

Dr Robby was a complete asshole. Even looking at him one could say he was a fake doctor who was here only because of politics and family connections. When he shouted at Dr Mara, seeing her standing there looking down with tears in her eyes made him furious. He wanted to rip that jerk's tongue.

But why would I want to do that? I am jet lagged probably.

Finally her eyes connected with his and even from here he can see her breath hitched and bright blush forming on her chubby cheeks. Damn she was a cute, shy kitten. He felt almost disappointed when she broke the eye contact and ran away from him.

Disappointed, really Matt? His inner voice mocked him

He could see Ronan from the corner of his eyes smirking at him. Ignoring his smirk he walked outside to the waiting room, wondering if he would meet her again.


The operation was successful. Throughout the operation her cheeks had a pink tint to them as her thoughts were somehow occupied by Mr Dawson. Shaking her head as if trying to remove the ridiculous crush she has developed in mere minutes of meeting him, she walked out of OT and saw the reason of her blush standing right there.

'God just how tall is he', she said in her mind but apparently not silently enough because she saw his small chuckle as he replied, '6'4. And well just how short are you?'

She could literally feel her face going up in flames due to embarrassment and said in a small voice, '5'3', then hurriedly changing the topic to save herself she said, 'Surgery was a success, you can meet him soon.'

'Yeah, Mr Mathur told me. Thanks for it.', he said in his deep, husky voice.

She just nodded and made a move to go from there when she heard him saying, 'Have a dinner with me Mara'.

She stopped in her tracks, her heart beating really fast. Was he really asking her that?

'WHAT?' She managed to make some voice

'Tomorrow, 8 pm have a dinner with me'

'But you don't even know me' she said exasperated, did he hit his head somewhere?

'Isn't that the purpose of a date? To know more about each other. I like you and want to spend some time with you. So, I'll meet you tomorrow in Opaque'

She was still standing there like a dumb, tongue tied. She didn't know what to say and just nodded her head.

He smirked looking at her and then went out but not before saying, 'It's a date, see you'.

She stood there wondering if that was a beautiful dream.


Hey!! Another chapter is up!!

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