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She was exhausted. Both mentally and physically. 
Last few days have been so hectic with her waking up at 4 in the morning and coming to work by 6 and reaching back home late in the night. Ever since Dan became her senior, she has been constantly overloaded with work. He came here months after her but got promoted before she even started properly. It hurt to be honest that she wasn't given the chance while someone else was enjoying it just because his family was the management. 

That was the reason she has started avoiding him as well. He often tries to initiate a conversation with her but she mostly keeps away from him. It wasn't that she wasn't happy for him, she was. He was her friend but she would have been happier if it was fair.
But at the end she forgave him when he talked to her about it. About how he never wanted to be a star kid but was forced to be in order to keep the head of his family high. He told her that he accepted this position so that he could have the power of stopping his uncle and others from misusing their position and power. 

She believed him but for some reason Matt didn't. He thinks that this is all an imaginary plot that Dan made so that everyone gives him a white flag of being innocent and heroic so that he can continue his goal of impressing her.
She rolled her eyes fondly as she remembered his jealous expressions whenever this topic comes up. She loved this protective, possessive side of him when it comes to her. 

She shook her head at her clumsiness as she dropped the file. Coming out of her thoughts, she dropped down to pick it up but a sudden drowsiness hit her causing her to loose balance and hold her desk tightly. It was all black for a while in front of her as she tried to stand still. Lowering herself slowly on the chair, she drank a glass of cool water and laid her head back. Overwork, lack of sleep and exhaustion was probably catching up on her. 

She took her phone to ask Matt to pick her up since it was not a good idea to go alone in this condition but cursed softly as she realized that it was off since the battery was drained. Looking up at her watch she cursed again as she saw that it was bit after midnight. 

Matt wouldn't be angry, he would be pissed at her. Panicking she packed all her files and hurried out of her office, looking for a phone help. She saw that the light of Dan's office was still on, without thinking she went inside his cabin and saw him hurriedly closing the files as soon as he saw her.

'Mara! What are you still doing here? It's past midnight'

'I know, I was so lost in work that I lost the track of time and my phone is also out of battery. It's so late, can you please lend me your phone for a while? I need to call my husband, he must be really panicked', she rambled hastily. 

Panicked and pissed, deadly combination. Save yourself girl.

His gaze lingered a bit long at her before he came towards her and placed his hand on her forearm, forwarding his phone towards her.
'No problem, take it'

She called Matt and he picked up at once. Gosh he was just sitting on his phone, another sign.

'Hello?', she said in a low, timid voice

'Behind you', he said in a controlled, rough voice

She turned and sure enough he was standing there, eyes narrowed at her forearm that Dan was still holding. Breaking out his hold, she went near Matt who just held her hand and took her with him where his car was parked.


He wasn't angry. No. He was F.U.R.I.O.U.S.

As soon as he came back from work, he saw lock on the front door indicating that Mara wasn't home yet. He wasn't concerned as this was quite common these days. She was working hard and he supported and respected that. But he was concerned about her health though. That idiotic asshole new boss of hers kept on increasing her workload just because he didn't want to overload himself but his sweet, little wife has a habit of never saying no to anyone.

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