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AI generated such beautiful pictures of Matt and Mara, exactly how I assumed them to be.

AI generated such beautiful pictures of Matt and Mara, exactly how I assumed them to be

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'Kiss me Matt'

OMG!! From where on the earth did I get the courage to say this? But looking at his eyes now becoming almost black with desire she knew she wanted it. The air between them was sizzling with attraction and the temperature seemed to go up by 10 degrees.

He brought his hand to her cheek and caressed it softly gazing at her. Stepping inside he kicked the door close and trapped her between his body and the door with his other hand going above her head to the door frame. He lowered his face such that his lips were hovering above hers and there was only a layer of air between them.

Her heart was beating so fast as if it was in a marathon. Aware of his close proximity heat climbed up her face and involuntarily she licked her lips wetting them. Then without any warning his lips were on hers.

Her mind literally stopped working, she wasn't aware of anything else other than the fact that he was kissing her. MATT WAS KISSING HER.
And it felt so good, so damn good. His lips were soft and warm just as she had imagined. Her eyes were wide with shock as he kissed her softly and gently as if she was fragile. She was still standing frozen not knowing what to do. Her head was all fuzzy and butterflies were having a war in her stomach. He started pulling and sucking them like a pro. Coming out of her trance, she closed her eyes and tried to follow his lead. She kissed him back and damn it felt out of the world. Different yet so good. She tried to catch up to him but was too slow. His teeth bite her lower lips making her whimper but he soothed the pain with his tongue.

After few seconds of kissing like this he brought his tongue out and traced her lips with it. She didn't know what to do with it. It was making her feel hot and something was happening down there. His hand moved from the doorframe and pinched her waist making her gasp with surprise and pain. He took advantage of it and pushed his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss. It felt amazing. He tasted each and every inch of her mouth. His tongue was warm as it tangled with her. 

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