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Her life was perfect. Absolutely perfect and she couldn't be more happy about it. She has never in her life felt so happy, complete and just perfect. Again that word! But that was it. The only way she could describe it.
It feels as if she somehow got stuck into her childhood fantasy dream that had a handsome, ideal prince charming, a fun loving family and just everything she ever dreamed about.

Everyday she fell more in love with him and his family. Mom and dad have basically adopted her and treat her just like their own daughter. Ronan protects and counsels her like a big bro while Ava is always there to add some fun in their dynamic. She is literally the biggest energy bomb whose presence never fails to make anyone laugh. 

And then there was Matt, the reason of her sole existence and happiness. The reason of all her smiles and peace. Over these years, they have come much more closer to each other. Eye contact was all they needed to look into each other's soul. It wasn't only sunshine, there were rocks in between like small fights, separation because of his work etc. but they always overcame all. He could never stay angry at her for a long time and she loved that fact.

Soon after their marriage Matt got promoted. He got raised to be the team leader of Special Forces. She knew how important and big achievement this was for him. He worked off hard day and night and this was a really big step towards it.

But with this new position also came tons of new responsibilities and work load on him. She has witnessed what toll it takes on him. Sometimes he is gone for long period of times- days, weeks and occasionally months. But what made her more concerned was that there was almost no method to contact him during that time. 

Same was the case this time. He has been gone for about a month now and there's been no information about when he's returning. So she was there in their home waiting for him to return. Waiting eagerly for his kisses, teases, love, care, pampering and most importantly his smile that he gives so freely in her presence.

Hearing the door bell ring, she ran towards it but disappointment settled in her heart as she saw it was the postman. Taking the letter, she walked back feeling dejected. A part of her had hoped it was Matt.

Shakings her head in order to get rid of the negative thoughts, she walked back to the kitchen. Cooking will definitely take her mind off these musings. 
She was busy in her lonely thoughts when a thick pair of arms sneaked around her waist from behind causing her to jump a foot feeling startled. A head nuzzled her neck as she recognized the too familiar musky scent that made her throbbing heart calm down. 

She turned around in his arms so fast that it almost caused her a whiplash. Meeting his beautiful, bright blue eyes that never failed to give her a sense of peace and homeness, she smiled brightly before jumping on him and hugging him tightly. 
The feel of his arms immediately catching her and enveloping her in his warm hug made her feel safe and loved. The rhythmic beating of his heart and the feel of his small stubble felt so intimate that she absolutely loved the feel of it. One of his hand travelled above from her back to her neck fisting her hair not-to-softly. 


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