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'Please leave me, I am sorry. I won't do it again', a man screamed in agony and pain as his fingers were cut off one by one but it had no affect on the person who was doing it. His face was emotionless and so stoic as if it was a normal routine task for him.

Maybe it was.

'I know you won't do it again and do you know why?', he asked calmly as if asking for weather.

The man cried and begged in front of him as he shook his head. A shiver passed down his back as he saw the man no less than a devil smirking in front of him and his voice turned even lower, 'Because you won't be alive to do so'

The man on the floor thrashed with pain as extremely boiling acid was poured on his face,  making him choke on it. After long agonizing seconds, he put both his hands on his face as if trying to get rid of it. He kept twisting and turning trying to get rid of the torment. He opened his eyes to see the man sitting casually, twisting the knife in his hand and looking at him with cold, dead blue eyes. 

Matt Dawson

The most ruthless and heartless person he had the misfortune of meeting and moreover trying to double cross him. He thought that he would never realize about it but what he didn't know was that nothing escapes his eyes. 

And now he couldn't escape too.

'Please kill me already. I beg you', he cried holding onto Matt's legs looking like a pathetic insect.

'Already given up have you? It's just the beginning. You should have thought about that before messing up with me. Did you really think that you could steal from me and then keep on lying? Nothing escapes my eyes. I don't forgive and I don't forget', he said before slicing his ankles. He knew it would hurt like a bitch and he was right as he heard the soothing screams that the ankle-less man made. 

For hours he kept torturing the man until he was satisfied. Then he ordered his men to finally kill that person. 

Matt got out of the warehouse that he had specifically built in his company's building for these kind of things. He got to his car and changed into a clean shirt, burning the old blood stained one.  

He looked at the dark, eerily silent road around him wondering how everything had changed so much. With a last glance at the building, he started the car and went from there.
3 years before when he left his home, left her- he didn't know what to do because everything in his life started and ended with her. She was his life until she chose not to be. 

He still remembers every single second of that night as if it happened yesterday. 
It still burns him every single second thinking about her and the betrayal she gave. She was the reason of his smile, his happiness, his breath until she chose to leave him. Leave and choose somebody else. That was what angered him the most. How could she be with someone else? How could she bear someone else's touch on her? How could his love not compete with that asshole's? How could she choose that guy over him?
All these thoughts, questions and doubts leave him frustrated as they do everytime. What was that he wasn't able to give her?

When he saw her kissing other man he couldn't believe it. He still doesn't. But how the hell could he ignore something he saw with his own eyes? The wounds are still so raw that it hurts even today when he thinks about that day. He still feels the same sting that he felt that night. It's as if the hurt and pain stays with him constantly.

The second he closes his eyes he could see her. He could feel her. Her sweet strawberry scent still lingered around the air that he inhaled. And he still fucking missed her. So much that it felt like a task to breath.
He missed her shy, innocent smile, her blushing red face when he teased or complemented her, the way her eyes would widen and cheeks turned pink as he would catch her staring at him, the way she would scrunch her nose and burrow herself in his chest when he tried to wake her up in the morning, the way his shirt clung into her naked curves as she prepared breakfast for them, the way she laughed, the way she talked endlessly, the way she cared about him and his family. In short the way she existed, he missed it. He missed her. It's been three years but he still couldn't move on.

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