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3 Months Later

Hard, lonely, void, dark

That's what life has been for the past 3 months for Mara. She lost her heart and soul, the sole reason for her existence was her baby. Without him, she had no reason, no one to survive for.

Also him. Yes a boy. Her baby boy.

Last time she went for routine checkup, she found it was a boy. That info brought the first real smile on her face in months. Listening to his calm, rhythmic heartbeats gave her a reason to live again. His small body- those perfect small fingers, little toes, tiny head- everything that was visible in the ultrasound sticked in her small refrigerator was the shiny, light-filled end of her dark, lonely life.  

Washing her face with cold water, she looked up and found herself in an eye contact with empty, plain, lifeless eyes with dark eyebags under it, proof of plenty sleepless nights. The mirror showed her pale face that has thinned, losing its chubbiness and dry tear stains that were now almost everytime present. Moving bit back, she looked at her whole body in the mirror. It was weak, both as a result of grief and pregnancy. The only thing that seemed alive was her small yet noticeable baby bump. She put both her hands, softly caressing it as a tear unwantedly escaped her eyes as she thought of him.

Him standing behind her, his big hand covering her bump as her back was attached to his chest. His other hand shifting her hair to the other side as his lips came down on her neck. His lips bite down her shoulder blade as his hand kept caressing their baby. 

A sob left her mouth as these scenarios played in her mind. God how much she wished he was there with her. Loving her, supporting her and their baby, standing beside her during this time.
She missed him so badly. So so badly that it felt a task to breath without inhaling his scent in. Her chest hurt everytime she thought of him. That's why she has even stopped taking his name, even in her mind. No matter how hard she tries, she couldn't get his thoughts out of her mind. Every night she sleeps wearing his old shirt that has now lost his scent but somehow still provides her the same warmth that he did.

Her pregnancy was a rough one. Her morning sickness was nowhere near leaving her anytime soon even though she was in her second trimester now, sleepless nights, migraines, dizziness, frequent fevers and more. 
Handling all these things alone was so damn tough with no one to advice her or help her sort things out.

She missed mom so much. She wished she was here with her. She would know what to do, how to handle everything. But she couldn't.
It wasn't that they didn't try to contact her. They did. Constant, hard efforts were put by everyone but she declined them all. They called her infinite times, sent endless messages requesting her to come back. Her heart broke hearing mom crying on the voicemails begging her to come back, dad requesting her to just be home even if she doesn't wants to stay with him, Ronan threatening to find her and bring her back and Ava was threatening to break their friendship if she didn't pick up her calls.
But she didn't. She never picked their calls or answered any of their messages. She cut them off completely because it wouldn't be fair for them to choose her or him.  She didn't want them to choose. It would be unfair for him. He was the one who brought a family in her lonely world and it wasn't fair that she would take it from him

Wiping her tears she forced herself to move to wear clothes. It won't do any good to her already worse mental state. 
Soon she got ready in her work clothes and went to the hospital.

She shifted soon after he left as that place suffocated her. It was her home. Their home. Until it wasn't. Until it turned into a locked, dark mansion that hid secrets, pain, promises and untold stories of unfinished love.
She shifted to New Jersey without letting anyone know about her whereabouts as she didn't have the guts to answer their questions. She rented a small, cozy 2 room apartment that was big enough for her. Also it was furnished so that was one task less. She took up the position of Junior Cardiologist in a reputed hospital near her apartment. It was the same hospital where she went for her routine pregnancy checkup, so it was very convenient.

Her baby and her work were the only things that made her move forward in life. The smile of relief and happiness that her patients give after she gives them good news, is soothing enough to forget her worries for a while.

Just like everyday, she entered her cabin and immediately saw the long list of patients she had to attend.

Today was going to be a long day, she thought with a sigh.

Finally all her work was completed. She took a deep breath and crinked her neck trying to get rid of the heavy knots.
Packing up her stuff, she went out of her cabin towards the exit. After taking only a few steps she saw the sign board of the corridor being closed. She face palmed as she remembered about the maintenance work going on. Damn now she has to take the long turn.

Sighing, she went towards the other exit that was far off the main building of hospital. It was empty, eerily so. The long corridor was dark and the only sound she could hear was of her own footsteps. There was a burning sensation in her chest, a lump formed in her throat as she felt scared. Of what? She didn't know.
All she was aware of was that she felt really uncomfortable and unpleasant. The tiny hair in her neck rose as goosebumps covered her skin. She felt that someone or something was near her

Watching her

Observing her



She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, praying to God, her hand automatically going to her bump.

Don't panic. It's nothing. There's no one here. She was alone. She was safe. She kept repeating these words in her mind like a mantra.

But the feeling of someone watching her never left her. God how far was the exit? She thought as she saw the unfamiliar cabins and corridors in front of her.
Bile rose her throat. Not now baby, not now please. Let me get got please, she pleaded. But soon she felt the bile in her mouth. Rushing to the nearest cabin, she went in the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.

Minutes later, she straightened up, her throat burned as she washed her mouth.

God please just let her reach home safely without getting sick again. She just didn't feel right. Something felt wrong.

She turned towards the door but saw a dark figure standing there causing her to lose balance and fall on the ground as she shrieked loudly.

'Who are you?', she shouted but only a feeble sound came out of her mouth.

The figure didn't reply but just started coming near her. She crawled backwards, her hands frantically trying to find something sharp or strong to protect her.

She could see the figure's shadow becoming clear as he came near her. He was tall, his face was covered with the black hoodie's cap that he was wearing. There was something familiar about him but she couldn't place it.

Fear paralyzed her. This guy didn't stop until he stood near her toes. Her heart was beating unhealthily fast and her body felt dizzy.

'I asked you something. Who are you?', she asked but even she could hear the tremble in her voice.

He didn't speak. Just stood there staring at her. She could feel his dirty stare from beneath his hoodie. She was scared. Hell scared. Fear gripped her so hard that it blocked her mind and throat. She closed her eyes and prayed. Not for herself. Only for her baby. To save her baby. Her only reason to live.

He bent down on his knees causing her whimper.

Then he uncovered his face, backing his cap.

And she screamed.

Sitting in front of her was the reason of her nightmare. The reason because of which she lost the love of her life- her husband, her baby lost his father's love before he even got it.



Hey guys!!
Really sorry for the late update but I had my first semester exams this month and it was really exhausting.

Ending this chapter on a really intriguing cliffhanger. Warning: This story will take a dark turn and I mean really dark.

I really really hope that you guys will love it and shower it with votes and comments.
The lack of votes and comments in last chapter really disappointed me. So please

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