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Mara was so relieved when she finally got home. She was beat, but desired to relax and unwind. She quickly stripped off her wet clothes and jumped in the shower, letting the cold water wash over her tired muscles and mind.

Soon the memories bombarded in her mind, the events of the evening moved in a flash in front of her eyes. Seeing him takes a part of her soul everytime. His accusations, iciness and hatred cuts her inside like a sword.
Tears mixed with water as she slid down to the floor, her back supported by the wall and she cried. She cried remembering everything she has lost- her love, his warmth, their family, baby, future and all those years they could have spent together.

After what felt like hours, Mara finally realized that she was freezing. She was so cold, she couldn't feel her body. Staggering to her feet, she turned off the water, got out of the shower, and dried off. Her head was pounding as if someone was hammering it.
Damn a fever was the last thing she wanted right now.

Mara dug out his old shirt from the cupboard. The shirt was all worn out because she wore it every night to sleep. It has been three years but still she couldn't sleep without it. Somehow the shirt made her feel like he was there, and that made her feel safe. She knew it was a silly thing, but it was the only thing that helped her sleep.
Mara was physically and mentally exhausted. She curled up in a cocoon and slept, unaware that someone was watching her.


'What the hell are you doing here?', Matt asked as he saw Ronan entering the club he was in and taking the seat in front of him as if he owned that place. 

'Well it appears that my asshole of a best friend decided to a have a party and did not invite me in. I got jealous that maybe you found a new friend, so I left my wife and kids and came here searching for you to join this little drink fest of yours', he declared with a innocent face that was definitely not innocent before drinking a glass of his own.

Rolling his eyes on his childish behaviour, Matt refilled their glasses, ' That tracker's for emergency asshole not to use whenever you can't see me'.
Both of them had a tracker fit in their watches that can be accessed only by either of them. They did that in their SEAL days together so that if anything happens to one of them, the other one could know. Somehow this habit continued even after leaving military.

But Ronan just shrugged, 'I was just checking if it still works', he said with a mocking smirk since he knew the devices made by them could never be faulty.

Matt rolled his eyes at his antics and leaned back the chair saying, 'I know why you are here. You don't have to babysit me, go back home. I am fine'

Ronan snorted, 'Fine, my ass as if I would ever believe it. Besides Ava will kill me if she gets to know I abandoned her brother'
Matt took another sip of his drink and leaned back in his chair, resting his head on the armrest. As he ran his hand through his hair, he felt a headache coming on. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to relax. He was grateful to have such good friends even if they were pain-in-ass.

'I met her', he said heavily, feeling the memories of the evening. Her scared eyes, drenched body and vulnerability was playing like a record in his mind. All he wanted that time was to wrap her delicate body in his arms and hide her from every evil thing in the world including himself.

He saw Ronan masking his expressions before leaned forward, 'When?'

Then he summarized the whole evening to him and both of them took another drink together.
'Well you fucked up again'

'And how did you managed to infer that?', Matt asked feeling irritated that his friend still saw everything as his mistake

'Well for starters stop blaming her for things she has never done. It has ruined your relation in the past and you still want to do it. You went to her hospital , you chased her in the middle of the rain, you forced her to come in the car with you but still she is planning something to get back to you?
Apologise to her and get your life back together, mate'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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