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2 days have passed since the night that changed everything once again. Her peaceful, robotic, monotonous life has been turned upside down. And like always, only one man was responsible for it. Him. 

She still couldn't believe that she saw him again. Every memory that she tried so hard to bury in the deepest part of her heart, just came scratching out with one look at him.

Her heart longs to be with him. To feel the safety of his arms and the warmth of his embrace but she knew it wasn't possible. She wouldn't do it. She could not forgive him, the wounds he left behind were just too deep to be ignored and forgotten.

She came out of her thoughts as a loud thunder cracked outside her cabin, making her jump on spot. She clutched her fast beating heart trying to calm it down.
Thunder, loud voices, eerie quietness, physical touch and such similar things made her jumpy and scared. They were a major reason of her panic attacks. She was always on edge. Something that has started since that horrible night in that abandoned part of her old hospital. 

She looked at the time and saw it was quite late, sigh, again. The staff was almost gone by now.
Packing up her stuff, she went outside and stood near the hospital main gate waiting for the cab, she just booked on her phone.

'Oh my!!', she whispered in panic as she saw that it would take the driver 30 minutes to reach here because of the heavy thunderstorm.
The storm was increasing with time and she was filled with fear as the howling winds uprooted huge trees right in front of her eyes.

Amidst the heavy downpour, she saw a taxi on the other side of road. Maybe it would take her home? She was ready to pay him extra.
But she had to get to the other side of side since there's no chance he would see her from there.

Taking a deep breath, she ran in the middle of the road, feeling herself get drenched but before she could reach him, his car started and he took off.

'Oh heavens!! Damn', she said in an anxious whisper, momentarily forgetting about the fact that she was getting more wet as the minute passed.
She took a step forward to call the cab driver, hoping that he would not cancel the ride, as a huge, manly hand took the hold of her wrist and tugged her against him hard. She was so shocked that she turned numb as she faced the man responsible.

Before she could shout, she found herself looking into the same deep blue eyes that were the reason of her insanity.

'Are you fucking mad Mara!? What the hell are you doing in the middle of a road at this time?', Matt shouted before taking them under shed and giving her a once over as his eyes darkened.

She was so startled and panicked that it took her a while to comprehend his words

'I...umm...that.. I was waiting .. for.. for the cab', she forced herself to form words since she was already nervous because of him and the situation.

'Cab? Where's your car?'

'Yeah, my car is.... in servicing so... I booked a cab but because of the storm  it showed ....a...a waiting of half an hour'

She saw the tick in his jaw, a clear sign that he was mad and angry. His eyes were cold but somehow still made her feel safe. He was drenched like her. She could see the water droplets fall from his messy blond hair, increasing his hotness. His black shirt was sticking to his stomach, his 8 packs clearly visible from the material. The scene felt so familiar to her.
She was brought out of these thoughts as she heard him

'Cancel the cab. You are coming with me', he ordered

Her eyes widened at his order, she go with him? Alone? In his car? Hell no. Never. She would better sleep in her cabin tonight.

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