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She woke up with the feeling of dread inside her, nausea building in her stomach. Negative thoughts circulated round her mind as she came back into consciousness. It was a dream, no- a nightmare. But she couldn't remember it, no matter how hard she tried. Only that she saw Matt leaving her. But where? He wouldn't leave her. Never. She just knew it was the worst nightmare that was dreadful enough to unsettle her.

Something's bad gonna happen. Her inner voice alerted.

She shook her head trying to get off these thoughts her head. Just as she set her feet down the floor to go search Matt, a sudden drowsiness hit her causing her to lose balance. She closed her eyes thinking that she would land her head anytime on the bed stand but that hit never came.

Strong arms came around her waist, stilling her. Opening her eyes, she met Matt's deep blue eyes that were filled with worry.

'Woah, you ok? Get your ass back down on bed woman', he said, making her sit on the bed.

'I am fine. I think I got up too fast'

'And where were you off to?'

'To search you', he raised his eyebrow asking her to elaborate further but she just shook her head and hugged him, putting her head on his chest, feeling the soft rhythm of his heart calm her down. His hands immediately came on her back, holding her close to him.
This is what she has been missing for the past few days. With both their hectic schedules, they have spent almost no time with each other. When she comes back home, he isn't there and vice versa. So, she definitely missed this physical and emotional closeness.

'Are you sure you're ok?', he asked again. She nodded against his chest.


She was working in her office when her stomach rolled and nausea swelled in her stomach. Running to the connected bathroom, she had just made it to her knees when everything she ate last night came up. She stayed like that for a couple long minutes until there was nothing more left to give. She sat back feeling exhausted.

Her mind went back to past few days - fatigue, nausea, weakness- the seed of doubt was now growing minute by minute. She mentally calculated her last cycle and her eyes widened as she realized that she missed it.

God how careless she could be not realizing it? What if her doubt was true? What if she was pregnant? But that was not possible, she has been on birth control for a long time and never missed a pill. But even the pills were not 100% efficient.
What if it turned out to be positive? Matt has already mentioned that he wanted to wait for few years before they decide to have a baby. Would he be ready for it now? Gosh will she be ready? Her skin felt cold and clammy, her heartbeat increasing as every minute passed. Her mind and heart were filled with turmoil of emotions, one fighting with other.

She stood on shaky legs and sat on her chair, forcing down water through her tight throat and taking deep breaths. As her mind began to relax, she thought about it.
How would she feel if this news turns out to be true?
Happy, elated and complete. Isn't this all she ever wanted? A family of her own- loving parents, perfect husband and sweet, loud babies.

Making her way out of her office, she went to the medical store and bought 2 kits then she hurried back to her cabin, locked herself in the bathroom and sat down.


Tears blurred her eyes and she could feel it flowing down her cheeks.

Tears of joy

2 lines on both the test kits

She was pregnant.

Happiness was all she could feel inside her. There was a hub of emotions inside of her- she was elated, overjoyed, nervous and above all scared. Scared of this new feeling and responsibility. The only motherly experience she has ever had was from Matt's mother. She herself knew nothing about it. She just hoped she could become the mom, she always wanted to have.
Besides it was the feeling of nervousness. Nervous of telling this news to Matt. He would probably be happy. Shocked and unprepared but happy. She felt excited to tell him, excited to see the look of happiness and surprise on his face. She could literally feel the reactions of everyone- mom, dad, Ava, Ronan.

She was making her way outside when she heard someone call her name. Turning back she saw Dan making his towards her.

'Packing up for today?', he asked seeing her in her office

'Yeah. I need to go home early today'

'Everything ok?', he asked coming closer to her and putting his hand on her arm, his gaze lingering at her too long and immediately making her uncomfortable.
She has noticed this sometimes in the past few days and didn't like the feeling at all. Taking a step back such that he was forced to leave her hand, she went back to putting the files inside.

'Yeah fine. Just tired'

'I can drop you if you want'

'No it's fine. I will be fine on my own. Thanks for asking though', she said to him politely

'I insist Mara. We can spend some time together this way as well'

No. She didn't like the way he was talking to her.

'I am sorry but my husband is waiting for me', she said emphasizing the word husband. Without any other word, she tried to get past him but he held her hand and without any warning, his lips were down on hers. Kissing her.

Her eyes widened at an alarming rate as she stood still for a while, not able to comprehend what just happened.
His lips came down to her neck, biting it hard enough to leave a mark. Disgust filled her body as she became aware of the pain making her mind become active, so she struggled to free herself out of his hold but he was too strong for her. Pushing him as hard as she could, she slapped him tightly.

'What the hell do you think you are doing?', her voice shaking with anger and anxiousness.

'You know exactly what I am doing. You wanted this as well'

'Are you insane? Why would I want this?'

'You have been giving me all these signs for months now and now you're pretending to be innocent? Those smiles, hellos, good morning, small sweet talks'

The person standing in front of her wasn't her friend that she thought him to be. Smiles and hellos mean an invitation?

Not wanting to confront him anymore, she ran away from there not wanting him to stop her.

Feeling the cool air on her face, she stopped in a dark corner of the basement and sat down on the floor, her legs not able to stand up anymore. Her breath came in labored form, heart beat increased and sweat covered her skin.

The best day of her life changed into the worst one in the blink of a second.
The kind, sweet guy she thought as her friend suddenly changed into a mad man and kissed her.

God he kissed her. She felt the urge to puke. Taking the corner of her shirt, she wiped her lips off hardly, not even feeling the tears soaking her face and kept wiping it until she saw traces of blood there.

It felt wrong. She felt wrong, even though she hadn't done anything wrong. Matt had always told her that he didn't like Dan and suspected he was trying to hit on her but she never listened to him. But he was right. God how much she hoped she had listened to him.

But now she couldn't tell him about this incident. She knew Matt. He would kill Dan. Definitely. But she didn't want that. She didn't want blood on his hands because of her. She can't risk him falling in some trouble. Especially not with the pregnancy thing ahead.

She would forget about it. She had to. She'll join at some other hospital and would never look back at this again.
What she didn't knew that someone else had already seen everything. That someone else would never let her forget this thing.
That someone else would completely change their lives forever.

And not in a good way.


Hello hellooo guyss!!! Wassup?

Did you like this chapter? The twist? This story is going to take a turn now.

And Mara is pregnant. OMG ❤️!!!!

Please vote, comment and share. Inline comments would be really really appreciated. They are always fantastic.

And sorry for being so late😭

Until next time!!!

- PS

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