Chapter 2: Some people are still nice

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The light hit me right in the face and woke me up. I changed and got ready to head out into the quiet hallway.

However, when I actually left my room, I could hear faint grumbling and other noises, which I couldn't identify. I stood and listened, but just couldn't figure out where they were coming from.

I continued my way to the lobby, trying to find the restaurant, which I had seen advertised when I checked in.  It took a while, but I eventually found it and ate a small breakfast, before heading out into the city.

The Hotel's atmosphere inspired me and I tried to find something 1920s looking to try and blend in. I looked for antique stores and thrift stores, which was hard enough by itself in a big city like this. Eventually I kind of stublled into a shadey looking store, where I found the perfect piece of clothing. I took a closer look at it and felt almost entranced by the old piece.

"Found something you like?" The shop owner asked and I nearly fainted.

"You. Scared me half to death." I said as I exhaled the scream I swallowed.

"Oh sorry." He said with a shrug. "Anyway, you like that old thing?" He asked and pulled it from the hidden display.

"Yes, very much so. Could I try it on?" I asked and the owner handed it over.

"Sure, no ones even looked at that thing in a decade or so." He said and I frowned. It was such a carefully crafted thing.

I took it to the changing room and carefully tried it on. It was a bit dusty but other than that, it fit perfectly. I looked into the mirror and fell in love. I took it off and looked for a tag but couldn't find one. I exited the stall and walked over to the register, where the shop owner had sat back down.

"How's it fit?" He asked with a soft smile.

"Perfectly. But I can't find a price tag." I said and handed it over.

"Probably fell off. Told you it has been here a while." He said and looked for the tag himself. Then he looked at me. "How much?" He asked and bagged the article.

"I don't know... I think it's antique, I wouldn't wanna rip you off." I said honestly. The place was very hidden and looked like not many people came here.

"How much?" He said with a smile.

I began looking for my wallet. "Do you take-" I was cut off.

"Nope." He said with a chuckle and pushed the bag over to my side of the counter.

"Okay wait! I got cash!" I said quickly. I found my wallet and put a handful of crumpled cash on the counter.

"I think that's plenty." He said with a soft smile and grabbed the money. "Do me a favor and have fun with that. It spent too much time hanging in this dusty shop."

I smiled and nodded. "I hope you have a wonderful day." I said as I walked out of his store.

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