CHAPTER 27: shopping tour

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We went out like usual and picked out a small group. A bit of a risk, taking so many at once. However, it seemed like a fun idea, and Elizabeth always knew what she was doing.

The night went by quickly, and I retreated back to my room. With the laundress gone, I wondered who would care for the linens and blood-stained clothes.
But that was something to worry for another time, as it was far too early to be awake.

When I awoke, the bloodstaines had vanished, and Donovan's clothes were folded neatly on one of the chairs.

"Ms. Evers?" I called out but received no reply.

I decided not to worry about her and started my evening.
I got dressed and returned Donovan's clothes.

"We should get you your own stuff." He said. There was no trace of malice, annoyance, or anything other negative in the way he said that.

"Sure. I'm sure you have a good eye for fashion stuff." I said, and he rolled his eyes but smiled.

Together, we left the hotel and roamed the streets of the city with the busy nights. Spending time with Donovan wasn't too bad. His taste in clothing was certainly different, but not bad.

"Hold long have you and Elizabeth been together?" I asked, trying to make small talk.

"A while. I overdosed... but she saved me. I couldn't tell you why. But she did." He explained.
I only nodded, not knowing what was the right thing to say.
"Why are you here." Donovan asked, and I shrugged.

"I can't remember. Vacation, I think, but it's been so long." I told him truthfully.
This time, he nodded and picked up some clothes to show me.

We talked about lots of meaningless things, but I think the time we spent together was well spent.

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