Chapter 35: warmth

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We talked and talked. It was fun. And then Sally rounded the corner.
The mood stiffened imideatly, and it felt like all the warmth had been drained by her mere presence.
Her mascara was smudged, and so was her lipstick. She had been crying. But honestly, when had she not been. I heard her whining and crying, dragging herself to wherever that detective was.

"What are you starring at." She snapped and sat down in a corner.

"Not at you. That's for sure." Donovan said pissed off.

She mumbled something but kept quiet, drowning her sorrows in Liz' cocktails.

We continued our talk, and the mood shifted back to its original cheeriness.
Until James dropped by.
He looked dapper, his hair fixed, his ascot neat and his suit freshly pressed.

"Good evening, everyone." He announced happily.

"Hi, James." I said with a smile.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked politely.

I looked over at Elizabeth and Donovan, who shrugged.
So I patted the seat next to mine, and he gladly took it.

"Had a successful night?" He asked us.

"Yes. Very much so." Elizabeth said politely.

"Splendid." He said and took a sip from his drink.
This felt very awkward.
Not friendly but also not hostile.

"What did you do all night, James?" Donovan asked with a sly grin.

"Why terrorizing the Residents, of course!" He said happily.

I laughed a bit at this overly happy statement. The context seemed rather harsh, but the whole situation was more than hilarious, really.
"Sounds like fun." I said, and he smiled.

"Perhaps you'd like to join me sometime." He said expectingly.

"Perhaps." I grinned and turned to Elizabeth, who wore a small but contect smile on her lips.

"I'm glad you two have each other. It's rather amusing watching you two interact." She said, and I think she meant it.

"I think it's gross. But whatever makes you happy, I guess." Donovan said and smiled.

"Great. Now, where's my prince charming?" Liz asked jokingly. Though she seemed a bit saddened by her own statement.

"Do not worry, Liz. He'll come. There's still plenty of time." Elizabeth said and held her hand.

"For you, maybe. But I won't always be this dashing." She said dramatically.

"I'm sure time will come and no matter how long. You'll always be a beauty." I said and smiled happily.

She stretched out her other hand, and I held on tightly.

"Thank you, ladies. You're too kind." She said and smiled sadly.

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